
Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?


Will Smith gives the host a slap in the face

At the 94th Academy Awards, our dear Mr. Will Smith gave a memorable performance, but not on the screen.

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

When the host unknowingly joked about Will Smith's Mrs. Jada's alopecia, Mr. Will was indignant and slapped him in the face, as if letting us see the action scenes in "The King of Breakdance".

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

This move not only caught the audience off guard, but also put Will Smith's acting career at a low ebb.


Money and the Myth of Happiness

Will Smith, a billionaire with an estimated net worth of $350 million, said in an interview that he didn't care about his wealth.

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

He placed the key to happiness in the inner world, believing that material things do not bring true happiness. When he said that he didn't know how much money he had, netizens ridiculed: "He may have hidden the money in the sofa and forgotten it!", "If he doesn't know how much money he has, I can help him count it." ”


Will Smith's life turned

Will Smith describes himself as being at a turning point in his life, moving from "collecting, collecting, collecting" to "giving, giving, giving."

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

This kind of transformation was jokingly called by netizens "seeking wealth and danger", "He is going to start making a fortune, no, he is starting to make a fortune!", "When I was 50 years old, I could only hope that I would no longer stay up late, but he could change his life." ”


Dissolution of the Foundation and the issue of donations

The philanthropic foundation founded by the Smiths is on the verge of dissolution, and the scarcity of donors has led to a sharp decline in the foundation's revenue.

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

Netizens joked: "He gave a slap, but he didn't expect the Foundation to be really injured." "Maybe he should consider opening a fundraising live broadcast, donating 100 million yuan can solve the problem. ”


Will Smith, a character full of contradictions and confusion. He showed his manly side in the slap incident, but he also fell into a low point in his career, he claimed that money does not bring happiness but did not know how much wealth he had, and he changed his outlook on life, but faced the dilemma of dissolving the foundation. Perhaps, true happiness and satisfaction do not lie in how much money you have, but in peace and kindness in your heart. For Will Smith, he may be in the midst of a deep reflection and transformation in his life, and it makes us wonder what true happiness and fulfillment are.

Will Smith: The big change in the concept of $350 million wealth, what is the real wealth inside?

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