
The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

author:Stars of benevolence

The recent earthquake in Taiwan has dealt a heavy blow to the local people and touched the hearts of many well-wishers. Mayday, a well-known Taiwanese orchestra, acted quickly and generously donated NT$1.12 million for disaster relief, demonstrating a high sense of social responsibility. In contrast, the mainland entertainment industry has chosen to maintain unanimous silence, which has sparked widespread discussion from all walks of life.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

In the face of disasters, we need more positive energy of solidarity and mutual assistance. Entertainment stars should also shoulder their social responsibilities and use practical actions to support the people in the disaster areas to tide over the difficulties. We need to establish a cross-sector cooperation mechanism so that all parties can effectively converge and illuminate the way ahead with the power of warmth and hope.

Mayday acted quickly and generously to help the relief effort

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck Taiwan. This sudden disaster has caused great loss and pain to the local people.

At such a difficult moment, the well-known Taiwanese orchestra Mayday quickly stood up and issued a donation announcement through the official platform as soon as possible, announcing that it would donate NT$1.12 million to receive donations from people in the disaster area, and the brokerage company would directly contact the local government to use all the funds for post-disaster reconstruction.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Mayday's actions show their high sense of social responsibility. Although NT$1.12 million is not an astronomical amount for a top orchestra, at the critical moment, they stood up for the first time to contribute to the disaster relief regardless of the cost, and this spirit is worth learning from everyone. It can be said that Mayday interprets what is true humanistic care with practical actions.

The collective silence of the mainland entertainment industry sparked discussion

In contrast, while Mayday acted quickly, the entertainment industry in the mainland remained silent. As of press time, I have not seen any first-line celebrities in the mainland donate through official channels, and their attitude has sparked discussions from all walks of life.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

There is no shortage of criticism in public opinion, believing that domestic entertainment stars are too indifferent and lack social responsibility; There are also voices that celebrities may have their own concerns, and it is not appropriate to target all of them. This discussion reflects the public's expectation of the social responsibility of public figures.

Indeed, stars in the entertainment industry live in the public eye, and their words and deeds will be noticed and criticized. However, excessive verbal criticism is not the desired outcome. What we need is a rational and inclusive attitude, and through positive guidance, we will promote celebrities to fulfill their social responsibilities.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Call for cross-sector cooperation to gather positive energy

As everyone knows, cross-strait relations have always been a sensitive topic. Therefore, the silence of mainland celebrities may also stem from consideration of the political situation and public reaction. However, we must recognize that in the face of disaster, the positive energy of cross-sector cooperation and mutual assistance is particularly valuable.

We need to call on all sectors of society to work together and establish a good mechanism for mutual assistance. Both the government rescue system and the private sector need to transcend the boundaries of identity and contribute to disaster relief at such a time. At the same time, it is also necessary to explore more open cooperation models, so that volunteers, charities, enterprises and other social forces can participate and gather the positive energy of the whole society.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Celebrities should take social responsibility

On this issue, entertainment stars also need to take their social responsibility. They need to realize that as public figures, they should not only meet the entertainment needs of the public through their works, but also give back to the society with practical actions.

Specifically, you can use your influence to help more people in need by donating money, launching public welfare activities, and mobilizing fans to participate. This can not only set a positive example, but also promote the whole society to form a positive and optimistic atmosphere of mutual help.

Of course, each star can have their own ways and choices about how to fulfill their social responsibilities. But at least there should be action, not complete disregard and avoidance.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Call for the formation of a whole-of-society consensus

We also need to call on the whole society to form a positive value consensus, that is, in the face of major disasters, we are all one family, and we need to unite and support each other.

If there are too many misunderstandings or hostilities in the social environment for charitable donations and other behaviors, celebrities will naturally have concerns. Therefore, it is necessary to start from the public base, eliminate prejudices, and establish a common value concept of cross-sector cooperation. Only when this becomes a social consensus will all walks of life take the initiative to participate and form a strong synergy.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Light up the front with love

With the joint efforts of all walks of life, we will surely be able to gather the positive energy of the whole society and illuminate the road ahead for the people in the disaster areas with warmth and hope.

We need to be united in these moments, and if we all work together, whether it is donations or other forms of support, we will be the strongest support for the people in the affected areas. I believe that as long as we are connected by our hearts and hands, we will be able to overcome difficulties and usher in a bright new life.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was exposed! Mayday donated 1.12 million! Internal entertainment was unanimously silent and aroused heated discussions

Finally, let's inspire with Mayday's actions. When each of us thinks about others, love will be like a drop of water that gathers into a sea and becomes a great force to make this world a better place.

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