
Self-report: After being a lover for 3 years and giving birth to 3 children, he scratched his post

author:Pan Jinlian emotional

Inscription: The story is based on the real events experienced by his parents in the village of Numinhe, and the person concerned told it. Toutiao was first released, and the whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism must be investigated.

Self-report: After being a lover for 3 years and giving birth to 3 children, he scratched his post

Numin River

In the year when the young intellectuals went to the countryside, many young intellectuals came to our village in Numinhe. They are all babies from the city, knowledgeable, and dressed very beautifully.

At that time, there was a big difference between urban and rural areas, and whoever came to a relative in the city was very envious of others. If that girl or young man goes into the city, everyone in the tun will say that this child is out of luck.

At that time, when I was young, the intellectual youth came to our brigade and was assigned to various squads, and our home was the food point for the educated youth.

The educated youth eat a big pot of rice, and many of them eat together. The big ballast made by the master, as well as the fat cake (made of cornmeal), put saccharin, quack delicious, no vegetables, no pickles, dry can eat two pieces. In the countryside at that time, cornmeal could only be made into large cakes and pasted on the pot ring, with sauerkraut soup below. Cornmeal flatbread is good to eat in this sauerkraut soup. However, there is a world of difference between cornmeal flatbread and hair cakes made by other people's educated youth.

Male intellectuals are naturally better dressed than ordinary people, and some of them rub powder and hair oil, and they look very handsome. The girls in the tunzi see one and love the other, how can they know that the young people are from the city, and they are beyond their reach.

Female intellectuals are even more beautiful, with fine skin and tender meat, plus grease and powder, they are dressed very fashionably, and it is a beautiful scenery in Tunzi. Many young men drooled when they saw that the girls in the city were as beautiful as movie stars.

At that time, my family was in the fifth team. When the land was cut, many educated youths could not keep up with the speed of the villagers, after all, they had never done farm work, their physical strength was exhausted, and they were often dumped by the villagers in the far away Shanxi.

The captain of the fifth team is the eighth leader, the sixth working leader, in his thirties, five big and three thick, with a scruffy beard, and inexhaustible strength.

Every time he cut the field, soybeans, wheat, millet, sorghum, millet, corn stalks, he was the first to go to the ground. At that time, a ridge was more than two miles long.

The female educated young Hou Meili is the most beautiful girl among the educated youth, she is small, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks like Zhao Wei. Every time she was left behind by the members, sometimes, the members went to the ground to rest, and she was still cutting alone.

Da Bajie is the captain after all, and he helps her cut it every time, otherwise he won't even have time to rest.

Self-report: After being a lover for 3 years and giving birth to 3 children, he scratched his post


Once, cut corn stalks. Corn stalks are more than one person tall. The autumn wind blew the corn stalks and made a rustling sound, and no one could be seen more than ten meters away. All you can hear is the sound of the wind hitting the corn stalks, and the old eagles and magpies quacking over the cornfields.

Dabajie cut to the ground, and saw that many members of the club had gone to the ground to chat, drink water, and sharpen knives. When he didn't see Hou Meimei's shadow, he found Hou Meimei's ridge on the ground and cut it back, picking up Hou Meimei.

When he met Hou Meili, Da Bajie saw Hou Meimei's face sweating and her face was full of underworld, so he took out a handkerchief and asked her to wipe her sweat. Hou Meili wiped her sweat and stared at Da Bajie with grateful eyes.

Because it is very hidden in the cornfield, there is no human figure for dozens of meters. Hou Meili threw away the sickle and hugged Da Bajie.

"Captain, I like you, only you are the best for me!"

Da Bajie was a little caught off guard and broke free.

"Captain, tell you the truth, do you like me?"

"I, I, I don't like you!"

"Captain, don't like me, why are so many female intellectuals behind, and you have helped me cut the ground many times?"

"This, this..."

"A big man, don't do this or that, you just say you like me or not, right?"

"Beautiful, you are so beautiful, who doesn't like you, but I don't deserve to like you, I have a wife and children!"

"What's wrong with having a wife and children?

"Divorce? I..."

"Captain, I'll wait for you..."

Self-report: After being a lover for 3 years and giving birth to 3 children, he scratched his post


Since then, every time the corn stalks are cut, the two people have sparked feelings together. Hou Meili is in the prime of her youth, Da Bajie's body is very good, and the two of them are rolling together in the cornfield when they encounter the fire. The same is true when harvesting sorghum.

A year later, Hou Meili became pregnant, and in order not to let the members know, she took sick leave and secretly gave birth to the child at home in the city. Then, I went to work in the production team.

When she met Da Bajie again, she said: "Da Bajie, I have your children, when will you divorce your wife and give me a name?"

"Beautiful, don't worry, I'll figure it out!" Da Bajie said.

Of course, Da Bajie likes Hou Meimei, who is young and beautiful, but her wife Cuizhi is very virtuous, and he can't bear to abandon her. However, Hou Meili is young and beautiful after all, which makes him want to stop.

In a flash, three years have passed, and the educated youth have returned to the city. Hou Meili has already given birth to three children in Da Bajie, and none of the members of the club know.

After Hou Meili returned to the city, she thought about Dabajie for a long time. She really couldn't help it, she didn't do it anymore, she had to let Da Bajie give an explanation, otherwise her youth would be ruined.

She led her three children to Dabajie's house. After arriving at their house, she was dumbfounded, things were wrong, and people went to the empty house. I heard from a neighbor that Dabajie's family went to Tianjin to work a month ago, and he scratched his post. Hou Meili almost sat down on the ground when she heard this.

(The picture comes from an online resource and has nothing to do with the story, invaded and deleted)

Self-report: After being a lover for 3 years and giving birth to 3 children, he scratched his post

Hou Meili