
10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

The following article comes from the big bowl property market, written by Jiang Yue

10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

The consumption power of the retired elderly is really strong.

Through my rigorous calculations, one retired old man can be worth four retired old people.

The methodology used also goes straight to the root: my grandfather, as a glorious retired teacher, has a pension of up to 8,000 yuan per month, while my mother, as an ordinary enterprise retiree, earns about 2,000 yuan a month.

I thought they were no different, they were all relatives who loved me deeply, but in the end, I found out that my grandfather could love me harder.

In the retirement years, my mother's countless unspeakable and envious are hidden in the price difference of 6,000 yuan/month. Therefore, she is eagerly looking forward to the arrival of October this year.

After the end of the 10-year transition period, in October this year, the pension was officially merged.

In the cognition of the big guys, the erasure of the retirement income gap is as short as this, as long as the two tracks "clatter" into one, everything will be fine.

But I want to say, Mom, this is a bit of a misunderstanding......

The integration of pensions has little impact on the narrowing of the retirement income gap.

Reducing the retirement income gap is nothing more than lowering high incomes and raising low incomes, and both go both ways.

To put it bluntly, in the future, the system will be the same as our workers, and they will have to pay social security, and they can only receive pensions when they retire.

This is a reform of the pension system within the system, which has nothing to do with our workers, and naturally cannot increase the retirement income of ordinary people.

As for the impact of pension merger on the system, it can be divided into three categories:

1. The elderly who retired before 2014 will be paid pensions according to the old way, and your uncle is still your uncle.

Second, before 2014, before the entry of 2014, after the retirement of 2014 "middle people", the principle of "minimum guarantee", that is, the retirement salary will not be lower than the old method. Result-oriented, there is only room for wage increases, and there is no possibility of wage reductions.

3. For newcomers who joined the company after 2014, the amount of retirement salary shall be calculated in the same way as that of enterprise employees.

The pension merger has the greatest impact on the retirement salary of the newcomer, but the retirement salary of the newcomer is still very high, and it cannot erase the gap with the retired employees.

Although the calculation method is the same, the higher the contribution rate in the system, the retirement salary is naturally higher.

What's more, almost everyone in the system has an occupational annuity as a supplement to the pension, and the coverage rate of the enterprise annuity is less than 10%, and it is good to find one out of ten workers to pay the annuity. As a result, the gap in retirement pay has widened again.

At this point, you probably get the idea.

Pensions are indeed merged, but people buy more expensive tickets and sit in more spacious and comfortable business seats.

Pension merger but it doesn't seem to be merged, it's just that some people who originally relied on financial subsidies to enjoy high treatment for the elderly, now they also need to pay their own pension money, for us ordinary people, there is no direct benefit, at most it is to get a dose of psychological massage to comfort you.

Therefore, the biggest driving force for pension merger could not be more simple -

The financial pension pressure is too great, and you have more or less to make your own points.

As a result, a blind student discovered Huadian -

There are more people who pay social security, and the reservoir of pensions has found a new source!

This group of special forces who pay social security is still a strong combat force.

In the future, the protracted battle of pensions will have to be fought again!

You know, according to the prediction of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, by 2035, our pension will be exhausted.

Even with optimistic forecasts, pensions will be depleted in the 2050-2060 period.

10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

At this time, a group of fierce generals stood up!

In the past 22 years, the number of employees insured by enterprises has been about 444 million, and the income from pension insurance premiums has been about 3.9 trillion yuan, while the number of insured people in government agencies and institutions has been about 59.53 million, and the income from pension insurance premiums has been 880 million yuan.

Employees of one government institution can almost top two enterprise employees!

Good guys, isn't this the headwind meeting the big daddy, the dawn of victory has penetrated the thick dark clouds, and the future can be expected!

I know you're excited, but don't worry.

The social security paid by civil servants and employees of public institutions cannot enter the pool of enterprise employee pensions, and there is a wall between the two!

The original text of the "Decision on the Reform of the Pension Insurance System for Employees of Government Institutions and Institutions" reads:

The basic endowment insurance fund of government institutions and institutions shall be separately managed and used separately from the basic endowment insurance fund for enterprise employees.

That is to say, the pension pool of government institutions and enterprise employees is not the same at all, everyone is playing their own game, and the pension paid by employees in the system will not run into the pension fund of enterprise employees, and vice versa.

Therefore, the pension merger cannot simply and rudely directly inject water into the original pension pool.

But this is a good thing for the curve to save the country,

There is a group of people who need to rely on financial transfer payments to support the elderly, and the financial pressure is naturally not as great as before.

But who would have thought that the financial subsidies of government agencies and institutions are still huge.

In 21 years, after excluding financial subsidies, the gap between revenue and expenditure was as high as 292.5 billion yuan and 595.5 billion yuan, which shows that government agencies and institutions need more subsidies to fill the gap.

In 22 years, the financial subsidies for employees of enterprises and government agencies and institutions were as high as 710.5 billion yuan and 591.4 billion yuan respectively.

The number of employees in government agencies and institutions is only about 15 percent of that of enterprise employees, and it is obvious that the per capita subsidy for pensions in government agencies and institutions is much higher, and the total financial subsidy is naturally higher.

10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

It can be seen that the financial subsidies of government agencies and institutions are not much less than those of enterprise workers, and the reason for this can be understood by thinking a little.

First, because the proportion of contributions is high, the subsidy will naturally be high. Second, the pensions of the elderly and middle-aged people still need a large amount of financial subsidies.

The most important thing is that the number of retirees in government agencies and institutions is soaring every year, and the subsidies needed are naturally increasing.

In contrast, about 1 million people are enrolled in government institutions every year, so it is basically unrealistic to be self-sufficient in the future just by relying on the money in the pension pool, and it is still necessary to subsidize it every year.

10 years of pension reform can't narrow the gap between the rich and the poor...

In fact, whether it is an enterprise or a public institution, the pension pool is now a "kidney deficiency" and cannot be filled at all. Refined to various regions, it is that some economically developed provinces will have a surplus of pensions, so as to help the provinces and cities with pension deficits.

In the final analysis, it is a demographic problem.

This is a contradiction between the increase in the elderly and the decrease in the number of young and middle-aged people, and the contradiction between the increase in life expectancy under advanced medical resources and the decrease in fertility rate under economic development.

At present, about 14% of our population is over 65 years old, and we have entered a deep aging society, and the aging is still accelerating, and it is expected to enter a super-aging society in 2033, and the aging rate will reach the current level in Japan in 2052.

Obviously, the pension will soon be in deficit on its own, and the reform of the parallel track will not help this general trend, and the financial subsidies need to be increased every year.

The most important question we should be thinking about now is not "why is your pension so high, why is mine only a quarter of yours?".

The question that everyone is most concerned about now is,

In another ten or twenty years, will the pension still be paid?

Today's young people are paying social security in fear, afraid that even if they pay social security, they will not have the money to support their old age in the future.

After all, the essence of our current pension system is that young people pay money to support the elderly, and when we get old, can the few young people left still be able to bear this burden?

There are still many pessimists who believe that sooner or later the pension will run out, and they will simply not pay social security.

My suggestion is, kid, let's pay social security honestly.


Since 07 years into the deep aging society, 14 years have passed, although Japan is delaying retirement, calling for the elderly to re-employment,

But the pension is still being paid, and even the pension payment will be raised this year.

Look at South Korea again,

With a total fertility rate of about 0.7, it may be the first country in the world to disappear, and it is also persistently paying pensions.

For the sustainable development of pensions, there are always more ways than difficulties.

For example, delaying retirement, which is what the whole world is doing.

In addition to Japan and South Korea, the United States and Germany will delay until the age of 67, and the United Kingdom will delay it until the age of 68......

In addition, the state is doing things to increase the proportion of pension contributions and increase the way to pay pensions.

For example, in Japan, in addition to the basic pension, there are also pensions for various industries. First you pay a portion of your salary each month, and then each industry association pays you a portion of your pension when you retire.

Our insurance law even stipulates that-

When the pension insurance fund is underpaid, it is subsidized by the government finance.

The subtext is, don't worry about the pension not being paid, transfer payment through the treasury, and make sure that it is arranged clearly for everyone.

Make up the money from other places.

As mentioned above, let the areas with surplus pensions help the areas with deficits;

Or use state-owned assets to supplement the pension fund, and inject the profits of state-owned capital into the pension pool.

Make up for other time's money.

For example, the issuance of treasury bonds, and then the money raised is added to the pension account. The elderly can spend the money while they get it, and they can continue to invest in government bonds, so that a positive cycle is formed.

Brothers, it seems that there are still quite a lot of ways to recharge the pool, and we still have to pay this social security.

The future is indeed full of uncertainties, and everyone doesn't know if it will develop in a better direction or worse, but the only thing that is certain is that we will all get old!

So, let's not gamble on not paying social security, I really can't afford to gamble. What if, lost?

You don't want to be twenty or Chinese New Year's Eve years later, other old men are dancing square dances with their old aunts in their arms, and you are squatting by the trash can to pick up bottles, right?

In the face of the complex market situation on the field, there must be a guide in front of you to clear the fog for you, and the big bowl has just walked on this road for a long time.

Follow the big bowl and always take you through the confusion.

This is what a good community should look like: walk with good people, and always smell the wind in advance.

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