
You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

author:Hubei Provincial Women's Federation

作者 | 十点小嗲来源 | 十点读书

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Have you noticed that in the past two years, there have always been many friends around you who "feel fat".

Every time we meet, there are a few people who complain:

Obviously, I worked hard to lose weight, but I got fatter and fatter.

A few days ago, the "Dietary Guidelines for Adults with Obesity (2024 Edition)" issued by the National Health Commission also confirmed this.

There is a survey on the weight of adults in mainland China in the report, and the results show that:

The overweight and obesity rates of residents aged 18 and above in mainland China reached 34.3% and 16.4%, respectively.

This means that almost one out of every two people around us is overweight or obese.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Moreover, this trend is still rising, and we have become the "world's first obese country".

As soon as this news came out, it immediately rushed to the hot search.

The whole atmosphere suddenly became anxious.

After all, before you know it, March is already in the second half of March.

That's right, it's the March of "if you don't lose weight in March, you'll be sad in April, five, six, seven, eight and September".

Some time ago, Jia Ling's experience of successfully losing 100 pounds in the movie "Hot and Hot" brought a sense of oppression to many people.

But the truth is always cruel.

A casual search on the Internet reveals that adults trapped by obesity abound.

"I used to think that I couldn't get fat no matter how I ate, but it wasn't until I was 35 years old that I had a thick waist and a big belly, and I had to admit that 'middle-aged fat' would not let go of anyone with a hard mouth.

What's even more uncomfortable is that when you can't lose weight if you want to, you will start to be anxious, unwilling, and even slightly slim clothes will not dare to wear anymore. ”

"I have been prone to obesity since I was a child, and I was called a fat woman when I was in the sixth grade, and it was the norm to be excluded and bullied when I was in junior high school, which caused me to become more and more sensitive and inferior.

I also tried dieting, eating only one apple a day, but it quickly rebounded, and now I have given up on myself, even as if I have binge eating disorder, and I have been eating mechanically, and after eating, I have fallen into deep regret. ”

"I have to say that after going to work, I will really gain weight slowly, work under pressure, reduce the amount of exercise, plus irregular meals, often eat supper, drink milk tea, and gain 30 pounds in three years of work.

When I go shopping, the young lady who sells clothes will say, 'I'm sorry I don't have your code here', my colleagues will tease, 'You're really the fattest person in our company', and my friends will joke, 'If you don't say it, you think you're pregnant......'"

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

There is a cruel ridicule on the Internet:

In the adult world, nothing is easy except to gain weight.


A high-sugar, high-salt, and high-oil diet will make you fat, stay up late, lack of sleep will make you fat, you will get fat when you are old, your metabolism is poor, and even if you have high work pressure, you will be overworked.

Not to mention genetic inheritance, 40% to 70% of obesity is genetically linked.

In addition, there are certain medications that can contribute to the development of obesity.

Some people may think:

Fat is blessed, refusing body anxiety.

But to be honest, the people who say this may be standing and talking without backache.

Obesity not only brings more meat to the body and affects the appearance of the body.

It's more like the first card of a domino, and once it is toppled, the many related diseases that come with it are the most terrifying.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

The World Health Organization has listed obesity as the "root of all diseases".

There are more than 200 kinds of diseases directly or indirectly caused by obesity, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, dyslipidemia, stroke, some tumors and other chronic diseases.

There are also 13 types of cancer, including kidney, liver, pancreas, esophageal and rectal cancer, which will increase significantly with weight gain.

In addition to this, excessive fat accumulation can also cause various burdens on the body.

For example, it can cause fatty liver, snoring when sleeping, sleep apnea, and so on.

still remembers that Yang Tianzhen, the "No. 1 agent in the entertainment industry", once underwent gastric incision surgery because of obesity.

At only 35 years old, she suffered from severe diabetes and had to rely on daily insulin injections to maintain her blood sugar balance.

Diabetes and other complications gradually began to affect her life under the pressure that had accumulated over time. It's getting worse.

In the end, I had no choice but to choose gastric incision to save myself.

But not everyone is so lucky, and some people fall in front of death before they even have time to rescue them.

In March 2021, 29-year-old food blogger Bubble Dragon passed away suddenly, causing an uproar.

Bubble Bobble became popular as the king of big stomachs, and often showed the audience how he was feasting in front of food.

But the long-term overeating also made his weight soar, once exceeding 320 pounds, and the pointer could not turn due to pressure after weighing.

At this time, his body was already overloaded.

Dark spots begin to appear on the face, also known as acanthosis nigricans, a skin disease caused by obesity.

Some fans reminded him to "lose weight quickly" and "if you eat it again, you will die".

But he didn't care at all until the bell rang at the end of his life and he left suddenly.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Having said all this, how can ordinary people judge whether they are obese?

At present, the most common indicator to measure fat and thin in the world is not only to look at weight.

It's the body's mass index, which is what we often call BMI.

To put it simply, it is the square of weight (kg) divided by height (m).

For example, if a woman weighs 60 kilograms and is 1.60 meters tall, her body mass index is about 23.44.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

In China, a BMI of 18.5~24 is considered normal, a BMI greater than or equal to 24 and less than 28 is considered overweight, and a BMI greater than or equal to 28 is obese.

According to the latest research, most people in the mainland belong to "central obesity", also known as "abdominal obesity".

To put it bluntly, people are not fat, but they have a big belly.

Everyone knows the reason for the formation, which is nothing more than "can't control your mouth, can't open your legs".

But every time the topic of weight loss is mentioned, most people always say in unison:

"I also want to exercise, but I am exhausted from work and have no time. ”

"I also want to eat healthy, but cooking on a fire is too luxurious for migrant workers, and eating hot takeout just to survive. ”

But in fact, losing weight is never about eating one less meal or running a few more kilometers.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

A previous interview with Dr. Chen Wei from the Department of Clinical Nutrition at Union Medical College Hospital.

In his outpatient clinic, he often met patients who came to treat obesity, when he began to make recommendations:

First, go to bed early, go to bed at 11 o'clock every night and fall asleep at 12 o'clock.

Everyone laughed every time they heard this, but he continued seriously.

Second, weigh yourself every morning on an empty stomach and consciously manage your weight.

Third, try not to travel, not to travel, not to be festive, and to live a regular life. Weight loss requires a long-term and regular routine, and once the plan is interrupted, it can be difficult to sustain.

Fourth, when eating, take off too much salt, sift off too much oil, and reduce too much sweetness.

This interview left a deep impression on me.

Many people see weight loss as an urgent task, focusing only on how many calories they eat and how many numbers on the scale drop every day.

So much so that every once in a while, a new trend of weight loss will become popular, such as "16+8 weight loss", "Internet celebrity sweat suit", "liquid weight loss", ......

But in the final analysis, the underlying logic of weight loss is never to change the weight in an extreme way for a short period of time.

It's about saying goodbye to the bad habits of the past and building a new, healthy lifestyle.

Whether it's starting with reducing sugar intake or quitting staying up late.

When your lifestyle starts to change, so do your habits;

When habits change, weight naturally changes;

weight loss, and various physical indicators change;

Finally, the risk of developing various chronic diseases is greatly reduced.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Over the years, the discussion around the body has always been contradictory.

It is undeniable that in this era, the public is influenced by a tendency to a single aesthetic standard.

Many people regard whether they are fat or thin as a standard for judging others.

Fat seems to mean lazy, tasty, greasy, and clumsy.

The ensuing discrimination and malice can also be seen everywhere:

Being bullied at school, ridiculed in the workplace, and coldly violent in intimate relationships.

Especially for women, although not everyone agrees with the current mainstream aesthetic.

But the fate of being scrutinized and criticized is still inevitable.

As a result, many people regard weight loss as a lifelong career, either on the way to lose weight or to start losing weight.

Many people, in order to embed social aesthetic molds such as "right-angled shoulders", "ant waists" and "butterfly bones", have gone to extremes step by step.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Even if it is the same weight loss, it will have different purposes, whether it is to be beautiful, to please or to be healthy.

Different purposes will eventually lead to different paths.

As sociologist Xiong Huan said in "The Creation of Mortal Bodies: The Narrative of Chinese Women's Fitness":

The empowerment of the body stems from how the subject experiences his or her body, exercises effective control over the body, and thus dominates his body.

I really hope that:

For every fat friend who is troubled, weight loss is to achieve mental and physical health and strength through the control of the body.

Instead of the other way around, I kidnap myself with weight, size, and posture, and fall into endless body anxiety and social anxiety.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

I also know that there are still many people who can't lose weight this spring.

How painful this process is, I believe everyone who has experienced it understands.

If you're one of them, don't be too anxious.

Not being able to reduce it is not necessarily a lack of self-discipline.

Whether a person is fat or thin is sometimes indeed genetically determined, or it is just that life has encountered difficulties and needs to take a break for a while.

Instead of being too yourself, you should first take care of your heart.

As long as you insist on exercising, eating a healthy diet, and having a regular schedule and rest, you will eventually be able to reach a new consensus with your body over the years, and you will even have unexpected gains.

Click "Watching", and wish everyone a healthy body and ideal body shape~

Have you ever suffered a "painful realization" because of your weight? Let's talk about it in the comment area.

You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

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You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

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You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

Source of this article: Ten o'clock reading

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You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?
You are always on the road to losing weight, why are you getting fatter and fatter?

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