
The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes

author:Dr. Chunyu

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The "whooping cough", which is almost extinct in China, has recently become menacing, triggering a new round of large-scale infection.

According to the latest data released by the National Agency for Disease Control and Prevention, in February this year, a total of 17,105 cases of pertussis were reported, 7,979 more cases than in December 2023 and nearly 32 times that of the same period last year. In the first two months of 2024, the number of pertussis cases reported nationwide surged to 32,380, with 13 of them tragically dying.

The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes

Source: CDC

The chart above reflects the number of reported cases of pertussis received by the CDC in the United States from 1922 to 2021

Not only has the number of pertussis cases increased in China, but the incidence of pertussis has increased worldwide in the past 10 years. Today, Chunyuhui will answer a few questions that everyone is concerned about: What is whooping cough, does whooping cough only infect children, and how to prevent whooping cough?

To everyone in need

—Chunyuhui asked, your dear friend

What is whooping cough? Is it really a cough for 100 days?

The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes

Does whooping cough only infect children?

The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes

How can I prevent whooping cough?

The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes


Timely vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus Usually the level of protective antibodies decreases after 3-5 years of vaccination, and the antibodies almost disappear after 12 years. But that doesn't mean vaccination isn't effective.

Shen Hongbing, director of the Central Disease Control and Prevention Department, said in an interview, "No matter whether vaccinated or naturally infected, whooping cough cannot produce lifelong immunity." But vaccination reduces the risk of severe disease and death and remains the most cost-effective means of preventing and controlling whooping cough. ”

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The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes
The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes
The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes
The number of cases of whooping cough has skyrocketed, reaching 13 deaths, and the epidemic coughs not only coughing, but also bleeding from the eyes

Editor: Chunyujun

Source: Screenshots of Chunyu Huiwen, etc


美国CDC. Pertussis (Whooping Cough).

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