
Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

author:Breast Cancer Support Circle

"It rains a lot during the Qingming season. ”

Qingming holiday, I don't know if the weather is okay over there for the sisters? In the past few days, I have been surfing the Internet, and I have swiped several posts about diarrhea from eating sugarcane.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

I didn't know if I didn't check it, and I was shocked when I checked it, because there were so many sisters who didn't know that the red heart sugar cane couldn't be eaten! There was also a sister's husband who boiled water with red heart sugar cane, and finally the whole family vomited and diarrhea, and fainted for several days.

As the saying goes, Qingming cane is poisonous to snakes. Today, let's learn why it can't be eaten, what other fruits are there before and after Qingming, breast cancer sisters should be careful.

01 Red heart sugarcane can be poisoned if eaten

The reason for the appearance of red hearts in sugar cane is very simple: mold.

Sugarcane is usually harvested between October and November each year, and its consumption as food can continue until April of the following year, resulting in a relatively long eating season.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

However, sugarcane stored during this time is susceptible to mold contamination, especially when stored in a warm and humid environment, and as temperatures rise in the spring, sugarcane can become infected with Arthrosporium, a toxic metabolite called 3-nitropropionic acid.

3-Nitropropionic acid is a potent neurotoxin with stable toxicity, even after heating or treatment with disinfectants, its toxicity will not be weakened, generally speaking, as long as 0.5g can poison us.

Q: What are the symptoms of eating moldy sugarcane?

The incubation period ranges from 10 minutes to 48 hours, generally 2-5 hours, and the shorter the incubation period, the more severe the disease.

Patients with mild symptoms

It usually presents with a range of gastrointestinal-related symptoms, including but not limited to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea.

Critically ill patients

In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, you may also experience a range of more severe central nervous system symptoms. These symptoms include dizziness, blurred vision, and tremors in the limbs and paroxysmal tonic convulsions, which can be life-threatening.

Then at this time, there are sisters who want to ask:

If you cut off all the moldy areas, can you eat them?

No. Although there is no problem with the naked eye in other parts, it is likely that they have been contaminated by the mycelium of the mold, but they can't be seen yet.

There was a news before, when 53-year-old Aunt Wang in Hangzhou ate sugarcane after dinner, she felt that the taste was wrong, there was a sour taste of wine, and the sugarcane heart was light brown. My husband said that the moldy place had been cut off, and Aunt Wang didn't take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, not long after eating, Aunt Wang was poisoned and fell into a coma. After going to the hospital, he was diagnosed with moldy sugarcane poisoning, sepsis caused by intestinal infection, septic shock and systemic multi-organ failure.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

For moldy fruits like red heart sugarcane, it is best for sisters not to touch them, because there are many lessons from the past that tell us that "rotten" fruits may cause cancer!

02 Moldy fruits may cause cancer

Let's take a look at the news first:

A husband and wife run a fruit shop together, and both of them are reluctant to throw away rotten fruits, so they dig up the rotten part of the flesh and continue to eat it. It didn't take long for the two to be diagnosed with liver cancer because they were unwell.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

Dr. Jin Hui, Director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, said:

Many vitamins in the fruit are destroyed, and in the process of deterioration and decay, many bacteria and fungi enter the fruit, so that it produces harmful substances, which will have adverse effects on the liver, kidneys, and even the body. Although the bad part is removed, in fact, the good part may have entered a lot of moldy material, and it is not visible from the outside.

Among these bacteria and fungi, it is very likely that aflatoxins are hidden. It was classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as early as 1993. In addition to chronic infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus, aflatoxin contamination is widely recognized as another important cause of liver cancer.

In addition to moldy fruits, there are two kinds of seasonal fruits before and after the Qingming Festival, and breast cancer sisters also need to know about them.

03 These two fruits breast cancer are eaten like this

1. Black mulberry

Mulberries are rich in anthocyanins, antioxidants, which can help patients fight against diseases that are prone to occur in spring. At the same time, mulberries also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals.

However, it should be noted that the mulberry plant also contains natural furanocoumarins, which can interfere with the metabolism of targeted drugs.

Mutual Aid reminds you

Mulberries contain less furanocoumarins, and there is no more evidence that these fruits should not be eaten while taking the medicine. Therefore, it is recommended that breast cancer sisters who are taking medicine can eat less appropriately.

2. Pineapple

Are there any sisters like Mutual Aid Jun, who feel a tingling in their mouths after eating a few more bites of pineapple? Why is that?

Calcium oxalate needle crystal

The flesh of pineapple contains calcium oxalate needle crystals, which are needle-like or long spindle-shaped with sharp ends at both ends. So when we eat pineapple, we often feel a little prickly.


Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme present in pineapple plants, this protease is not a single component, but a variety of enzymes composed of a variety of enzymes with different molecular weights and molecular structures, belonging to the class of thiol proteases. This protease destroys structures such as gums and oral mucosa, causing us discomfort.

Bromelain can also cause some people to be allergic to pineapple, with diarrhea, vomiting, itching all over the body, numbness in the limbs, mouth and tongue, and even reactions such as dyspnea and shock.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

So sisters, when eating pineapple, you can try to soak it in hot water, or simply make pineapple into a dish, because bromelain will be inactivated when heated, which is why some sisters can still eat pineapple meat despite allergies.

Mutual Aid Jun will send a few more tips to the sisters to pick fruits, hoping that everyone can eat the good fruits that are satisfactory!

04 Pick good fruits and stay away from fruit cuts

1. Choose fruits that are in season and fresh from the market

Seasonal means that the yield is also high, and the price will be cheaper. By the way, vegetables and fruits can also be eaten out of season, and the nutrients are no different from those in season, but because of the high cost of off-season cultivation, the price will be more expensive.

2. Look at maturity

When buying, think about how much you need to buy and how long you want to eat. If you buy it every day, you can buy just half a catty of maturity, and if you need to leave it for a few days, you need to match some not fully ripe.

3. Variety diversification

Eating different fruits every day or mixing and matching multiple fruits every day, the nutritional value of different fruits is also different.

Cancer cells like these fruits the most! No matter how cheap they are before or after the Qingming Festival, they should never eat them

And finally, away from the market already cut and taken out of the fruit cut. At 315 o'clock this year, Hubei Economic Television exposed a fruit shop, which made rotten fruits into high-end fruit cuts and sold them, and the clerk said that "turning decay into magic". Such reports were not uncommon before.

For the sake of our wallets and lives, let's buy fruit cuts and eat them ourselves.

Warm reminder: This article is based on the sharing of disease science and cannot replace hospital treatment. The opinions are for reference only, please follow the doctor's advice for specific treatment.

Image source: Draft design, photo network

Editor in charge: Mijian Mutual Aid Jun

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