
6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui

author:Flowers take you to see the beautiful scenery of Xinjiang

In the deep river of time, how many secrets of ancient civilizations have been concealed by the dust of history? Recently, a clay pot with a human face and fish pattern has been unveiled in the world, unveiling the mystery of the earth 6,000 years ago. This is not just an ancient piece of pottery, it seems to carry the infinite imagination of ancient humans about the universe and the sea, as well as their beliefs and rituals.

The human face fish pattern basin has been in the National Museum, you can go to see it if you have time

6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui
6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui
6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui
6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui
6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui

When we gaze at the fish pattern on this clay pot, a strong visual impact comes to us. What kind of picture is this? It seems to depict a mysterious era when human beings already possessed the ability to "go up to the moon for nine days and see the sea under the five oceans." Does this mean that our ancestors already had a deep understanding and exploration of the sky and the deep sea?

Looking closely at the fish pattern on the human face, some people have put forward a different opinion. They believe that this is not the image of a flying beetle, but some kind of totem with a more profound symbolism. On the other side of the pot, the pattern of two fence squares seems to bear a striking resemblance to the turtle back bronzes unearthed in Sanxingdui. Are these patterns just decorations, or are there some kind of cultural messages behind them?

Combining these patterns, it is not difficult to find that they constitute a complete set of sacrificial patterns. From the sacrificial items burning on the back of a turtle, to the transmission to the gods through a beetle, it all seems to show us an ancient and mysterious religious ritual. So, is this clay pot itself also an important part of the sacrificial activities?

6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui

In ancient times, people's reverence for the natural world was often expressed through rituals. They believed that through such rituals, they could communicate with the gods and pray for good weather and abundant crops. The pattern on this clay pot may be the artifact used by the ancients in their sacrifices, which not only carries material offerings, but also transmits beliefs and prayers.

6,000 years ago, the human-faced fish-patterned basin unveiled the mystery of Sanxingdui

With the deepening of archaeology, our understanding of ancient civilizations has gradually deepened. Each unearthed artifact is a valuable historical testimony, and they tell us how ancient humans lived, how they thought, and how they worshipped. The discovery of the human-faced fish pattern basin is not only a study of ancient arts and crafts, but also a profound discussion of human religious culture and the concept of the universe.

This clay pot is like a window to the ancient world, allowing us to get a glimpse of the life scenes and cultural background of the people of that era. Each of its ornaments seems to tell an ancient and mysterious story. And these stories are the common heritage of our human civilization and our common historical memory.

In future research, we look forward to more discoveries that can answer these puzzles. Perhaps one day, we will be able to fully decipher these ancient symbols and truly understand the meaning behind them. At that time, we will have a new understanding of the past of mankind. And isn't this the charm of archaeology?

(This article is purely idle and entertaining, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence)