
The father-in-law invited a guest banquet, but the daughter-in-law was not allowed to serve on the table, so the daughter-in-law paid for it, and the daughter-in-law: whoever invited the guest paid the bill

author:Siberian tiger

1. Background and overview of the event

In a small town in the south of the mainland, a news about the father-in-law inviting a guest banquet has attracted widespread attention. In this family banquet, the daughter-in-law was forbidden to eat with the family, and after the banquet, the father-in-law actually asked the daughter-in-law to pay. This incident not only revealed the gap in gender status in the traditional family, but also sparked a social discussion about the collision of modern values and traditional customs.

The father-in-law invited a guest banquet, but the daughter-in-law was not allowed to serve on the table, so the daughter-in-law paid for it, and the daughter-in-law: whoever invited the guest paid the bill

2. The traditional custom of the father-in-law to invite Hakka

In the Hakka region of the mainland, entertaining guests is an important social etiquette. According to traditional customs, the host would arrange for male and female guests to eat separately, and women were usually not allowed to share a table with men. To a certain extent, this custom reflects the idea of male superiority and inferiority, but with the development of the times, more and more young people have begun to reflect on this tradition.

3. The status and treatment of the daughter-in-law in the banquet

In this story, the daughter-in-law Xiao Wang is invited to a family banquet by her father-in-law, but she cannot serve it because of traditional customs. Xiao Wang was busy in the kitchen with his mother-in-law, preparing dishes, while his family laughed and laughed at the banquet. This treatment made Xiao Wang feel the cruel reality of sexism, and also made her question the traditional concept of family.

The father-in-law invited a guest banquet, but the daughter-in-law was not allowed to serve on the table, so the daughter-in-law paid for it, and the daughter-in-law: whoever invited the guest paid the bill

4. Reasons and disputes between father-in-law and daughter-in-law

After the banquet, the father-in-law actually asked Xiao Wang to pay. The reason is that "whoever treats the guest pays", which made Xiao Wang feel very aggrieved. On the one hand, she thinks that she is a guest and should not pay, and on the other hand, she feels that her father-in-law's actions are an insult to her. After this incident was exposed, it sparked widespread controversy in society. Some people think that Xiao Wang should pay because she is a daughter-in-law and has the obligation to be filial to her father-in-law, while others believe that this is a kind of gender discrimination and Xiao Wang should resolutely resist it.

5. The opinion of public opinion on the daughter-in-law paying

With the fermentation of the incident, the views of public opinion on the daughter-in-law paying for the bill have become polarized. Some people believe that according to traditional customs, it is reasonable for daughters-in-law to pay, because it reflects respect for their elders. Others believe that this practice is discriminatory against women and does not conform to the values of modern society. They called for respect for the human dignity of every human being, regardless of gender, age or status.

The father-in-law invited a guest banquet, but the daughter-in-law was not allowed to serve on the table, so the daughter-in-law paid for it, and the daughter-in-law: whoever invited the guest paid the bill

6. Conclusion: Whoever treats the guest pays, the collision of traditional concepts and modern values

This incident essentially reflects the collision of traditional ideas and modern values. On the one hand, we need to respect and inherit the traditional etiquette culture, and on the other hand, we also need to pay attention to the protection of individual rights and interests in modern society. There is no one easy answer to this question. We need to actively seek a balance between gender equality and respect for human dignity on the basis of respect for tradition. Only in this way can we build a harmonious and progressive society.