
Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

author:Susu said history


In ancient times, people who wanted to be officials generally wanted to be big officials, and the thing they were most worried about was the fear of being demoted.

Therefore, once an official is demoted, the official is often very frustrated.

Because once they are demoted, it may mean that their career will stop there, and it will be difficult to be promoted.

However, in ancient times, there was an official who was demoted three levels in a row, but why was he not sad at all, but still very happy?

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 1: Wind and rain, against the current

The cold wind is like a knife, blowing through the high walls and deep courtyards of the Forbidden City.

Zhang Tingyu was alone, standing in front of the window of the criminal department, staring at the flying snow outside. In his eyes, there is not only a dedication to justice, but also a deep reflection on the future.

Above the court, the power and conspiracy are like an undercurrent, and every time you go to the court, it is a silent battle.

Zhang Tingyu knew that he had to walk on thin ice and be extremely cautious at every step.

It was late at night, and where the lights were dim, Zhang Tingyu was still reading the documents in front of the case.

The tip of his pen dances on the rice paper, and every word embodies his wisdom and sweat. He was not moved by power, nor was he tempted by gold and silver, but only for the promise he made to the people in his heart.

In that era of fierce power struggle, Zhang Tingyu was like a clear stream, sticking to his beliefs and principles.

However, on such a stormy and snowy night, a holy decree suddenly came, breaking Zhang Tingyu's peaceful life.

Emperor Kangxi's will demoted him from a high position again and again, and this sudden change shocked the entire court.

Zhang Tingyu's face did not have a trace of panic, and his eyes revealed a deep calm. He knew that this storm was just the beginning of another test.

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 2: Unexpected Joy, New King's Grace

The news spread, and there was a lot of discussion among the government and the opposition.

Some said that Zhang Tingyu offended the emperor, and some speculated that he angered the powerful. But Zhang Tingyu himself was quietly sipping tea at home, and he didn't seem to care about all this.

His family sat around him worriedly, hoping for some explanation.

At this moment, Zhang Tingyu gently put down the teacup, smiled faintly, and said eight words to his family: "For the father, you must wait for the new monarch to give grace."

This sentence was like a lightning bolt, cutting through the dullness of the house, and the eyes of the family showed surprise and incomprehension.

Zhang Tingyu didn't say much, his eyes flashed with wisdom, as if he had seen the dawn of the future.

The situation here may confuse many people, because it is not easy to get promoted in officialdom, just like the current job position, there are people in every position, and if you want to move up, someone has to give way.

If someone is demoted three times, it basically means that his career is over, what is Zhang Tingyu happy about?

However, you may not have noticed a very key thing, that is, the current emperor Kangxi is already in his old age and may die at any time.

That's the core of what really matters.

If we think about it from Zhang Tingyu's point of view, when the emperor who supported him died, what would his situation and future be like?

While everyone is still speculating about the meaning behind these eight words, the wheel of history has quietly turned. The death of Emperor Kangxi announced the end of an era.

The ascension to the throne of the new Emperor Yongzheng was like a spring breeze and rain, which ushered in a new turn in Zhang Tingyu's life.

And it all started with Zhang Tingyu's mysterious prophecy on that snowy night.

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 3: Frontier Situation, Wisdom Determines the Future

The enthronement of Emperor Yongzheng shook the court like spring thunder.

Zhang Tingyu saw trust and expectation in Xinjun's eyes, and he knew that his opportunity had come.

He was appointed as a frontier official and shouldered the heavy responsibility of safeguarding national unity and stability in the frontier.

Zhang Tingyu embarked on the journey to the west, the wind and sand were all over the way, and the sound of horses' hooves sounded, but his heart was as clear as a mirror.

In the frontier, Zhang Tingyu was faced with complicated ethnic relations and a grim border defense situation. He went deep among the tribes and won their respect with his sincerity and wisdom.

In the negotiations and confrontations again and again, Zhang Tingyu was always able to skillfully resolve the contradictions, so that the leaders of all ethnic groups could submit to the central government with pleasure and convincing.

His wisdom and courage have gradually calmed down the changes in the frontier and made the country's frontier more stable.

However, just as Zhang Tingyu's exploits were becoming more and more significant, a sudden change broke the tranquility of the frontier.

A foreign enemy is quietly approaching, intent on encroaching on the frontier. Zhang Tingyu was in danger, he mobilized troops and horses, and laid a net.

In a decisive battle, he strategized and commanded, and finally defeated the enemy army and preserved the territorial integrity of the country.

This battle made Zhang Tingyu's reputation skyrocketing, and also made Emperor Yongzheng rely on him more.

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 4: The glory of the Taimiao, the peak of glory

With the stabilization of the frontier, Zhang Tingyu was recalled to the capital, and his exploits caused great repercussions in the court.

Emperor Yongzheng's evaluation of him reached its peak, and he decided to give him an unprecedented honor - worthy of the Taimiao.

This decision, like a thunderbolt from the sky, shocked the entire imperial court.

Taimiao is a holy place for royal sacrifices, and non-royal families are not allowed to enter.

Zhang Tingyu, as a minister of the Han nationality, can enjoy the Taimiao, what an honor.

In that hierarchical era, this honor was undoubtedly the highest recognition of his lifelong loyalty and wisdom.

Zhang Tingyu's name will be remembered by future generations along with the royal ancestors.

However, behind this glory, there was a trace of unspeakable worry in Zhang Tingyu's heart.

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 5: The evening scene is bleak, and the wind and clouds change abruptly

With the accession of Emperor Qianlong, the situation in the court was unpredictable again.

Zhang Tingyu, a veteran minister who had gone through three dynasties, felt unprecedented pressure.

Emperor Qianlong was young and vigorous and was displeased with Zhang Tingyu's outspokenness.

The atmosphere in the court gradually became tense, and Zhang Tingyu walked on thin ice every time he went to court.

At a court meeting, Zhang Tingyu had a fierce dispute with Emperor Qianlong because of his insistence.

Emperor Qianlong's face was gloomy, and the atmosphere in the court froze.

After Zhang Tingyu retreated, his heart was full of worries.

He knew that his position was in jeopardy, but he still stood by his principles and refused to bow his head.

Soon after, Emperor Qianlong began to take action against Zhang Tingyu. His honor was stripped away, and the rewards he received during his lifetime were taken back one by one.

Zhang Tingyu's later life became more and more bleak, his family property was confiscated, and the former glory was gone.

In the loneliness and neglect, Zhang Tingyu recalled the struggle and glory of his life, and his heart was full of complex emotions.

Kangxi demoted him by three levels, he was not sad but happy, and went home and said 8 words to his son, which was fulfilled

Chapter 6: Wisdom Inheritance, Historical Mirror

Although Zhang Tingyu's later years were full of ups and downs, his wisdom and character became a model for future generations to learn from.

His story is like a mirror, reflecting the cruel reality of the supremacy of monarchy in feudal society.

Zhang Tingyu's life is the inheritance of wisdom and courage, and it is also a mirror of history.

In that turbulent era, Zhang Tingyu always maintained a clear mind and firm beliefs.

His story tells us that no matter what kind of adversity we face, we must remain calm and wise, and know how to advance and retreat, in order to be invincible in the storms of life.

His experience not only makes us understand the cruelty of feudal society, but also inspires us to keep learning and making progress in modern society.