
What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

author:Kobayashi explained
What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

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What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

Those who see it have a share, and share half of my Anhui Huazhuqiu [surprise]

Your kid's real name goes online? [covering his face]

I'm not as greedy as you, I only need 100 million for Wang Meiqi in Wuhan City, Hubei Province

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

You said that you don't have Jay's brain, you don't know the bank card password, and you can't write songs, so I put up with it.

Your last suspicion is that you suspect that I can't do it or Jay's body can't do it [think]

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

The copyright of the song, it's really not good, start a live broadcast, cry poor, and everything is back

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

Did Satoru Gojo wear it on Jay Chou?

If you turn into the wind, I will change Hua Chenyu [witty]

Okay, okay, I'm not afraid of being scolded so late, right?

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

This is the biggest pattern for you

Is there a possibility that she will be happy if you sing her a few songs? [laughs]

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

Big brother has crossed Jay Chou, can you make an appointment with a few younger ones

I felt that Liang Xinyi would come, and I thought there was some kind of cooperation to come

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

I also want to say that YY other people's wives are really disgusting. It's not that you can everywhere by surfing the web...

It's just one day, Kunling is not so immortal, he wasted such precious time, he deserved not to eat four dishes in his life.

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

Later, Jay Chou saw that his net worth had swelled by five times, and he pondered for a night without understanding what was going on.

What would you do if you had Jay Chou's body for a day?

The more you talk about enjoyment, the lower the grade, and the more you talk about learning, the bigger the pattern.

That's what you're calling a waste of time [covering your face]. You're studying, it's not about this day

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