
The years silently send lovesickness, and time hides true love without words

author:Su Xin warms y
The years silently send lovesickness, and time hides true love without words

The year of not being confused, content with the plain, simple life, everything is clear in the heart, everything is not disturbed in the heart, time crosses everything, the past follows the wind, a chic life, memories are like a dream, and the aftertaste is endless.

Dreams live with memories, memories live with thoughts, memories of the past, and thoughts are longing.

The years are long, giving birth to memories, a period of experience and vicissitudes, time refreshes the present, the years cover the past, feel a different life, change is like a shadow, there are always some experiences that will be forgotten by us, there will always be some sadness will be diluted by time, ushered in, the sun is new every day.

In the face of the past, slowly let go, in the face of gains and losses, slowly look down, the obsession of the past is gone with the wind, every day is a new beginning, we will meet a different self, will deduce different cause and effect.

Cause and effect change with the heart, the heart is good and the fate is good, what heart deduces what kind of life, the situation changes with the heart, follow the feeling, and when it changes, it changes.

Who can get out of their own hearts, who can let go of obsessions, people live for a lifetime, the most difficult thing to do is to let go, and the most difficult to conquer is themselves.

The years silently send lovesickness, and time hides true love without words

Bitterness and happiness come from caring, growth comes from experience, because of caring, there are joys, sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows, because of experience, there are all kinds of things in the world, it is the experience of thick years, while walking and understanding, the road is under the feet, and the dream is ahead.

Think less and do more, think less and learn more, thousands of troubles, but mediocrity disturbs themselves, don't want to be safe, don't think about it, go out of other people's world, return to your own heart, follow your heart, in order to be down-to-earth, to be yourself, in order to be comfortable.

Don't deceive your own heart, don't live up to this life, get drunk for dreams, live for your heart, your heart is natural, not swayed, not defined, empty and self-explanatory, let go of yourself.

Thinking is confused, thinking is bitter, remembering is sad, the heart is the answer, the inner feeling answers everything, no need to think and think deeply.

Many people have lost the courage to be themselves, and the more they live, the more confused they become, the more they live, the more they live, the more depressed they become.

Give yourself back, don't please, don't flatter, don't twist, life doesn't need to perform, happiness doesn't need to be defined, you have to understand what you need and what you don't need, don't be misled by language, don't be deceived by the world, the truth needs to be seen with your heart, and the truth needs to be understood with your heart.

The years silently send lovesickness, and time hides true love without words

After half a life, give everything back to everything, let everything become everything, see the mountains are mountains, see the water is water, let go of the heart and self-purification, let go of the heart and self-peace, let go of the memory, let go of the ego, return to the present, embrace life, treat the life in front of you, and cherish the present time.

Time is at ease, the years are warm, the years are affectionate, the time is true love, the time is loveless, the love is in the heart, the years are affectionate, and the love is full of the four seasons.

Shallow love without traces, content with the present, not greedy or not lovely, fireworks warm the heart, the four seasons are picturesque, the breeze is cool, and the bright moon shines on the heart.

With the encounter is the best destination, with the nature is the best choice, love to the present, the heart to nature, and the years of deep embrace, will miss the deep ploughing, the years are like wine, drunk with the common people, time is like water, washing the world, the more alive the more emotional, sleep with the dream, the more peaceful, keep the heart warm.

Life is like a dream, born for a dream, the spring breeze in the dream is ten miles, the dream is full of flowers, drunk in the dream for a lifetime, drunk in their own world, lonely into a poem, love spreads in the heart.

The years silently send lovesickness, and time hides true love without words

Enjoy the time alone, tear off the disguise, face yourself, face life, taste time, read the years, and understand life.

Life is like a book, comprehend it with your heart, read it carefully, make a preface to time, and write it over the years.

Memories write the past, thoughts deduce the vicissitudes of life, faint memories, shallow steps, time is like water, light and flavorful, years are like tea, slow and fragrant.

Time moves forward slowly, the years slowly increase, time passes quietly unconsciously, through half a life, the more you live, the more numb, the more you live, the simpler you live, forget to empty your mind, time is silent, and life is as plain as water.

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