
There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

author:Vientiane hardcore

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There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

Text: Vientiane hardcore

Edited by Vientiane hardcore

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

The scientific name of the giraffe is the moose, the height and width of the body, is the largest and tallest cervid in the world, and the existence of the giraffe is not ignored here, because the giraffe does not belong to the cervid family at all, it is a family of its own, so the first moose is well deserved.

How much does a moose weigh? The highest record in history is about 1 ton, what is this concept? A pig is about 200 catties, and a moose is about the size of 10 pigs.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

The moose is so big, and the amount of food is not small, 40 pounds a day is just a small goal, it is either eating or looking for something to eat on the way.

Now there are probably less than 300 moose found in the Great Khing'an Mountains, if there are so many more, wouldn't it be to eat the bald ones in the Great Khing'an Mountains?

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

«【·Eat forty pounds a day···

The deer life of the moose seems to be left to eat this little thing, living in the beautiful mountains and rivers, dense vegetation in the Daxing'an Mountains, every day is to eat and drink, all kinds of delicious plants in the mountains and forests can not be eaten, forty catties a day is not a problem at all.

In addition, there is also the protection of humans, wild wolves and brown bears do not dare to easily provoke it that looks like a hill, not to mention how comfortable life here is, at least it is full, but in other places it is not necessarily, it is almost driven out because of its greedy mouth.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

Moose have always been a headache for them in Canada, the climate here is simply tailor-made for moose, cool winters, not hot summers, and the world's largest primeval forest, how can it not be considered a moose paradise?

So the moose breed here, and after more than 100 years, the number of moose here has grown from single digits to more than 100,000, and there are about thirty or forty generations of grandparents.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

A moose has to eat 40 catties of food a day, and 100,000 of them have to eat 400,000 catties of food.

As the number of moose increases, the forests here also suffer, being eaten in a mess, and some of the small saplings and grass buds that have just emerged are spoiled by it before they have time to grow.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

Slowly, the rate of vegetation renewal is far less than the rate at which moose eat, and the ecological balance in the forest is gradually broken.

In order to find more food, moose began to appear frequently in human settlements, and would also crash into passing cars on the side of the road, and people in Canada died every year.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

People here have started to hunt moose in order to curb the flood of moose, and there are even bounty orders, specially allocated indicators, etc., but that's it, there is still a lot of room for it to grow.

But in China, it is different, the moose is an animal that needs to be protected, it was first found in China in 2016, and now the number is also very limited, and it is a first-class protected animal in the mainland.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

They live in very cold regions, but the cold environment on the continent is very limited, which results in a narrow habitat for moose and no conditions for mass breeding.

And in these cold areas, there are many natural enemies of moose, although moose are tall and strong, few opponents, but outnumbered, so they are often infested by natural predators, the survival rate of cubs will be very low, and the number of moose will grow very slowly.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

«【·-5 degrees Celsius hot sweating·】»

Moose mainly live in subarctic regions, and are also distributed in some low-temperature forests such as northeast China, minus 40 degrees Celsius is a rare extreme cold for most people, but for moose this temperature is not worth mentioning.

Because they have an excellent coat to protect them from the cold, their hair is very thick and fine, stacked on top of each other, and the warmth effect is surprisingly good.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

Even if they accidentally get wet by rain and snow, they don't have to worry about hypothermia, although their hair is still very densely layered, but it is hollow, as long as they stand up and shake it gently, the rain and snow can be shaken off, and the inside of the hair is still dry.

Such thick hair is naturally a magic weapon in winter, but it is even more difficult in summer, after all, people may still be wearing down jackets at minus 5 degrees, but the moose are already sweating from the heat.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

In order to feel better in summer, moose that are so afraid of heat often stay in the water, and while bathing, they can also eat aquatic plants at the bottom of the water to fill their stomachs, killing two birds with one stone.

In order not to delay eating, it has also evolved a pair of "water-avoiding golden eyes", which can dive five or six meters underwater to forage for food, and its fist-sized nose can also automatically hold its breath underwater without choking on water. Because they live in the water for a long time, they have strong swimming skills and can swim forty or fifty miles without stopping.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

And their limbs are slender, they can grow to about 1 meter, and their long legs are easy to walk in the snow, lakes and rivers, and sometimes they can even jump up to eat the young leaves of trees.

«【Regenerative organs, price is better than gold·】»

Moose also have a signature organ as a cervid, antlers are different from ram's horns and horns, this is a part of their body, only male moose will have a pair of huge antlers, and this is also the largest horn in the deer family, the length is basically more than one meter, the longest record is one meter eight, and the height of an adult male is about the same.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

The moose's horns are different from the forked antlers of other deer, and its antlers resemble a flat shovel with some branches growing laterally around it.

Its antlers need to be renewed once a year, and during the growth process, the antlers are the organs on the moose's body, more strictly speaking, it should be called deer antlers, and there are many criss-crossing capillaries on it, which are the same as the organs in the body, which have temperature.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

At this time, deer antler velvet had certain medicinal value, and it often attracted some criminals to brutally cut off their antlers for illegal trade.

When the antlers are ripe, they will keratinize into antlers, and the moose will shake its body frantically to shake off the antlers, which is a natural shedding, and after two to three months, a new pair of antlers will slowly grow again.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

The antlers grow quickly, growing two to three centimeters a day, and the large antlers are also a weapon for attacking enemies and fighting for mate rights.

During the estrus season, the male moose will constantly polish their antlers on the trunk of the tree, and as the blood vessels on the antlers expand, the antlers will become larger and more colorful due to congestion, so that they have a greater chance of gaining the favor of the female.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

In order to fight for the right to mate, males will also fight with each other, they will use their horns to fight each other, so in the wild sometimes see the antlers of two deer entangled, inseparable, not how deep their brotherhood is, but the horns are mixed together and inseparable.

Their antlers are an indispensable part of the jungle survival and reproduction, and they do not need human intervention to help them remove the so-called "burden" on their heads, and they are likely to be hunted down by predators and expelled from the population because of the loss of their antlers.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

In addition to the fact that moose can regenerate antlers, it also has a strong ability to heal itself. A moose is at least eight or nine hundred pounds, and there is a pair of sixty or seventy pounds of antlers on the top of its head, but such a heavy body is only supported by four slender legs, and it is inevitable that there will be accidents.

After they are injured, the wound can stop bleeding on its own, and they are not afraid of breaking a bone, and after a few days, they can be alive again, as if they have no pain.

There is a Qiandahan in the Great Khing'an Mountains, with a body length of 3 meters and a ton of weight, and the amount of food is amazing, and it is necessary to eat 40 catties of food a day

But it's not, this is because their blood is special and contains a special enzyme that allows their bodies to heal themselves quickly.


The Paper, "Elk, Reindeer, Moose, Red Deer: Can You Distinguish These Sets of "Deer" Clearly?", 2019-7-25

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