
Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: In the mainland, the total number of patients with respiratory diseases has exceeded 100 million, and behind this astonishing number lies the pain and distress of countless patients.

Of particular concern is that the number of COPD patients over the age of 20 has reached nearly 100 million, which is a shocking number and shows the high incidence of COPD in the mainland.

At the same time, there are about 45.7 million people with asthma aged 20 and above, and about 8.7 million people with asthma in children and adolescents, who struggle with the disease every day, suffering from symptoms such as poor breathing and coughing.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

What is even more worrying is that there are about 781,000 new cases of lung cancer in the mainland every year, which not only reflects the high incidence of lung cancer, but also highlights the grim situation of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in the mainland.

However, in stark contrast to these high morbidity and mortality rates, the awareness rate, medical treatment rate, examination rate and standard treatment rate of respiratory diseases are generally low.

Due to the lack of relevant knowledge, many patients do not seek medical examination in time, which delays the best treatment time and brings great challenges to the prevention and treatment work.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


The function of the lungs

gas exchange

This is one of the most basic and important functions of the lungs. Through breathing, we inhale oxygen into the lungs, and this oxygen is then transmitted through the bloodstream to cells throughout the body, meeting the needs of cells for metabolism.

At the same time, the carbon dioxide produced by the cells is transported through the bloodstream to the lungs, where they are excreted. This process is accomplished through the alveoli, which are tiny gas exchange sites, which involve complex physiological processes and delicate regulatory mechanisms.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

Respiratory regulation

The lungs adjust the depth and frequency of breathing to the body's need for oxygen. When we do strenuous exercise or when our body needs more oxygen, the lungs automatically increase the depth and frequency of breathing to meet the body's needs.

This regulatory mechanism allows us to maintain a stable state of breathing under different environmental conditions.

Immune defense

The lungs are the main immune organs of the respiratory system, and they are able to defend and remove inhaled pathogens and harmful substances through a variety of mechanisms, such as mucuciliary clearance, cough reflex, and immune cell activity, to protect the body from infection.

pH balanced

The lungs play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. By regulating the emission of carbon dioxide, the lungs are able to affect the pH level of the blood, thus maintaining a stable internal environment. This regulatory mechanism is essential for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the body.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


The body has these 4 signs that alert you to the damage to your lungs

Persistent cough

If you have a long-term cough, especially if it is accompanied by symptoms such as sputum production and difficulty breathing, then it is likely that your lungs have been damaged. This may be due to an infection, inflammation or other disease in the lungs, causing irritation of the airways and causing coughing.


When you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc., it may also be that your lungs are damaged. This may be due to a decrease in lung function and insufficient oxygen supply, resulting in the body not getting enough oxygen, resulting in symptoms of breathlessness.

Chest pain or back pain

If you experience frequent chest or back pain, especially when you breathe or cough, your lungs are likely damaged. This can be caused by diseases such as inflammation of the lungs, infections or tumors, and it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly.

Cyanosis of the fingertips

When you notice that your fingertips are turning purple or black, it may also be that your lungs are damaged. This may be due to the inability of the lungs to efficiently deliver oxygen to various parts of the body, resulting in poor peripheral blood circulation, resulting in cyanosis of the fingertips.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


Is regular walking good for the lungs?

Regular walks are indeed a good medicine for our lungs. Walking, a seemingly mundane aerobic exercise, can bring endless health benefits at every moment of our steps. In the process of walking, our body is exercised, our heart and lung function are gradually improved, and the health of our lungs is also improved.

Long-term walking can not only improve our resistance and immunity, help us resist various diseases and bacteria, reduce the frequency of colds and fevers, but also bring many benefits to the lungs.

Imagine what a wonderful experience it would be to take 40 minutes a day to soak up the natural scenery and let your lungs breathe freely in the fresh air.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

During this 40-minute walk, our lungs function is enhanced, and toxins and waste are removed from the lungs.

Such a habit can not only help us enhance lung capacity, improve cardiopulmonary function, but also develop the respiratory muscles of the lungs, so that each air exchange volume becomes larger, and lung function is further enhanced.

So let's take some time out of our day to go for a walk, to feel the gifts of nature, to take care of our lungs. Walking is not only a kind of exercise, but also a kind of life attitude, the pursuit of health, and the love of life.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


Reminder: There are 4 things that lungs like to do in normal times

The lungs like a good mindset

The lungs like a good attitude, which is both a scientific and philosophical view. Our lungs, as the main organ of respiration, are not only related to our physical health, but also closely related to our psychological state. When we are positive and optimistic, our breathing will become smoother and our lungs will function better.

In the fast-paced modern life, we often face various stresses and challenges, which can have an impact on our mental state, which in turn affects our physical health. Therefore, maintaining a good attitude is not only a nourishment for our soul, but also a care for our body.

It is recommended that when facing difficulties and challenges, do not be too pessimistic and negative, but learn to find the positive side from them and face them with an optimistic attitude, which can not only nourish the lungs, but also promote physical and mental health.

The lungs love to breathe deeply

The lungs love to breathe deeply, because every deep breath is like injecting a new breath of life into it. When we inhale deeply, the cells in our lungs are filled with oxygen, as if to inject energy into our body. And during exhalation, the cells in the lungs excrete carbon dioxide from the body, taking waste and exhaustion from the body with them.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

Deep breathing not only allows the lungs to get enough oxygen, but it also helps us relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

When we are in a state of tension and stress, our breathing tends to become rapid and shallow, which causes the lungs to not get enough oxygen, and the body feels tired and uncomfortable as a result. And deep breathing can help us restore our normal breathing rhythm, allowing our body and mind to be relaxed and soothed.

The lungs like to drink plenty of water

It is a well-known fact that the lungs like to drink plenty of water. Water is the source of life and the guardian of lung health. So why do lungs like to drink more water?

The lungs are the organs of breathing and are responsible for transporting oxygen to all parts of the body while expelling carbon dioxide from the body. This process requires plenty of water to keep the lungs moist so that breathing can be done without obstruction. When there is not enough water, the lungs can become dry, leading to poor breathing and even respiratory diseases.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

Second, drinking plenty of water can help remove junk from your lungs. During our breathing, we inhale a large amount of dust, bacteria and other harmful substances. This waste deposits in the lungs, and long-term accumulation can cause damage to the lungs. Drinking plenty of water can dilute phlegm, help flush out these harmful substances, and keep your lungs clean.

The lungs like to stay away from cigarettes

Every time you inhale cigarette smoke, you invisibly bring great damage to your lungs. And when we decide to quit smoking and create a fresh and healthy environment for our lungs, we are investing in our own quality of life.

As the most important organ in our respiratory system, the health of the lungs is directly related to our quality of life. Nicotine and other harmful substances in cigarettes can accumulate in our lungs, disrupt the normal function of the lungs, and increase the risk of various respiratory diseases. What's more, long-term smoking also increases the risk of lung cancer, which poses a serious threat to life.

Quitting smoking is not easy, however, for the sake of the health of our lungs, for our own sake, we need to persevere. We can reduce our dependence on cigarettes by diverting our attention and taking up new hobbies, such as sports, reading, etc.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


People with bad lungs may wish to eat more of these 5 foods to maintain health and nourish their lungs


Pear is a very good fruit for nourishing the lungs, it has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and reducing phlegm. For people who smoke regularly, cough, and have a dry throat, eating more pears can effectively alleviate these symptoms.


Honey is a natural health supplement, it has a good moisturizing effect. Drinking a glass of honey water on an empty stomach every morning can remove garbage from the lungs and keep the lungs moist, which has a good effect on improving symptoms such as dry cough and asthma.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

lotus root

Lotus root is a nutritious vegetable, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, nourishing yin and nourishing blood. Regular consumption of lotus root can effectively improve lung health.

mung bean

Mung bean is a kind of heat-clearing and detoxifying food, which is rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients. For symptoms such as cough and phlegm caused by lung fever, eating more mung beans can play a good role in relieving it.

Black fungus

Black fungus is a nutritious ingredient, it is rich in protein, dietary fiber and other nutrients, with the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, nourishing blood and qi. Regular consumption of black fungus can effectively improve lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them


Extension: Why do people who never smoke get lung cancer?

Although smoking is one of the main risk factors for lung cancer, not all smokers will develop lung cancer, and many people who have never smoked can also develop lung cancer. This is because there are many causes of lung cancer, and smoking is just one of them.

environmental factors

Long-term exposure to highly polluted environments, such as industrial exhaust fumes, vehicle exhaust fumes, household fuels, etc., can increase the risk of lung cancer.

These pollutants contain a large amount of harmful substances, such as benzene, arsenic, asbestos, etc., which can invade human cells and cause genetic mutations, which can cause lung cancer.

Is regular walking good for the lungs?Reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more of them

Personal genetic factors

Some people are born with certain genetic variants that may cause them to be more susceptible to carcinogens, making them more susceptible to lung cancer. In addition, people with a family history of lung cancer have an increased risk of lung cancer.

Poor lifestyle and eating habits

Poor lifestyle and eating habits may also increase the risk of lung cancer. For example, long-term unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, overwork, etc., may lead to a decrease in the body's immunity, making it easier for carcinogens to invade human cells and cause lung cancer.

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