
Help and condolences and give love, group workers gather strength to warm children's hearts - the organization cadres of the organization department of the county party committee went to the county children's welfare institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

Original Dongxiang Party Building

On the afternoon of April 3, Xiao Jianlong, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, led the cadres of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee to the County Children's Welfare Institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities, sending care and care to the children in the welfare home, and lighting up the childlike heart with love.

Help and condolences and give love, group workers gather strength to warm children's hearts - the organization cadres of the organization department of the county party committee went to the county children's welfare institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities

Under the leadership of the staff of the welfare home and the little commentator, everyone visited the children's learning, activities, dining and living areas in an orderly manner, learned more about the children's daily life, learning and education, physical and mental health, and interacted with the children, played games, chess, table tennis, and distributed carefully prepared condolences to the children. There was talk and laughter at the event, and the atmosphere was warm and joyful.

Help and condolences and give love, group workers gather strength to warm children's hearts - the organization cadres of the organization department of the county party committee went to the county children's welfare institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities
Help and condolences and give love, group workers gather strength to warm children's hearts - the organization cadres of the organization department of the county party committee went to the county children's welfare institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities

Through the development of this activity, the children in the welfare home deeply felt the care and warmth of the party and the government, and made the requirements of sincere pairing and helping the people with affection have been implemented. In the next step, the Organization Department of the county party committee will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of the county on "help and care and experiential condolences", normalize the promotion of experiential condolence activities, deepen the work of pairing assistance, and in-depth communication with the elderly in nursing homes, children in welfare homes and paired care objects, face-to-face exchange of ideas, hand in hand to communicate feelings, and solve problems intimately, so that every person in need of help can feel the care and warmth of the party and the government.

Help and condolences and give love, group workers gather strength to warm children's hearts - the organization cadres of the organization department of the county party committee went to the county children's welfare institute to carry out help, care and experiential condolence activities

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