
The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

author:Think more

Now the quality of life has improved, the diet is getting better and better, but there are more and more children with weak spleen and stomach, in fact, many times it is caused by improper diet, you must know that the spleen and stomach are deficient, and the mothers of children with bad spleen and stomach can often arrange these 6 kinds of food for the baby, and change the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

1. Pumpkin

Recommended recipe: Pumpkin steamed garlic pork ribs


Ingredients: Pork ribs, pumpkin


1. Cut the fresh pork ribs into pieces of suitable size, and then soak them in water for half an hour in advance, after the blood in the ribs is soaked out, clean them with flour, and then put them in a small basin for pickling, add green onions, ginger and garlic in turn, pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce, a small amount of corn starch, and finally pour in some supplementary food oil to grasp and mix evenly, so that the ribs can better absorb the taste of the juice. Marinate for about 20 minutes.

2. After cutting the pumpkin, dig out the pulp, and then put the marinated pork ribs into it.

3. Add cold water to the steamer and boil, put in the pumpkin, steam for about 1 hour, and sprinkle a little green onion to garnish when it comes out of the pot.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

2. Chickpeas

Recommended recipe: Chickpea stew with cowboy bones

Chickpeas are a good thing! The beans are rich in flavor and rich in protein! They are also high in iron! Eating more can promote mental development and improve anemia. So I changed the tomato sauce soybeans to chickpeas in tomato sauce, which is more suitable for kids


1. Peel and cut the tomatoes, soak the chickpeas in advance, blanch the green onion and ginger in water

2. Stir-fry the green onions, ginger and garlic, add half of the tomatoes and fry them into the sauce, add water, tomato sauce and soy sauce and put in the cowboy bones

3. Simmer for 90 minutes, add the other half of the tomato 20 minutes in advance, and sprinkle with green onion and coriander salt to taste before cooking

4. Chickpeas instead of soybeans are actually more fragrant, and cowboy bones are more nutritious instead of beef, because the essence of the bones is also stewed in the stewing process.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

3. Taro

Recommended recipe: taro pot

The main ingredients are taro and tofu. Although it is not as good as the restaurant, the taste is still quacky.

Ingredients: 1/2 taro, 1 small piece of tofu, 3 salted duck eggs, 2 spoons of light soy sauce.


1. Separate the yolk and egg whites of the salted duck eggs, and then crush them separately.

2. Cut the taro and tofu into small cubes.

3. In a hot oil pan, first add the egg yolk and stir-fry, then add the taro and stir-fry, and add some light soy sauce to taste.

4. Just put the egg white in as salt and put it according to your taste. If it is more beautiful, you can replace the egg yolk with salt.

5. Add the water that has not covered the taro and cover the pot and simmer. Cook until the taro can be inserted with chopsticks, then put the tofu in and simmer together. Finally, simmer until the taro is soft. Sprinkle some coriander to add flavor.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

Fourth, corn

Recommended recipe: corn cake

Oil-free, sugar-free, no need to knead the dough corn cake, soft and fluffy and delicate, simple to make, zero failure, just stir it, steam it

Ingredients: 90 grams of plain flour (I use low gluten, medium gluten can also be used), 40 grams of cornmeal, 40 ml of boiling water, 20 ml of water, 1 egg, 1.5 grams of yeast


1. Pour boiling water into the basin and stir the cornmeal while pouring until it becomes flocculent, and after the temperature of the flour drops down, add yeast and eggs, and stir well.

2. Then pour in ordinary flour and water and stir into a flocculent shape, then knead until it becomes a smooth dough

3. Evenly brush a layer of cooking oil in the mold, then put the kneaded dough into it and press it flat, and finally cover it with plastic wrap for fermentation, after the dough is fermented to 2 times the size, prick a few eyes with a toothpick, pour cold water into the steamer, start steaming after the water is boiled, about 20 minutes, and then simmer for 5 minutes.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

5. Yam

Recommended recipe: yam steamed buns

Iron stick yam is rich in nutrients such as amylase and polyphenol oxidase, which can promote the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness. In addition, iron stick yam also has the effect of nourishing the lungs and nourishing yin, enhancing immunity, improving sleep, lowering blood sugar, and moisturizing the skin. It is a good ingredient for both adults and children.

Yam can be made into soup, porridge, stir-fry, and can also be made into yam steamed buns, especially for babies who don't like to eat yams, making steamed buns are particularly fragrant

Ingredients: 1 iron stick yam, 500 grams of flour, 5 grams of yeast, 30 grams of sugar


1. Peel and cut the yam into pieces, and steam on high heat for 20 minutes.

2. Put the steamed yam in a food processor and add water to puree.

3. Add the mashed yam to 500 grams of flour, add 5 grams of yeast melted with warm water, 30 grams of sugar, stir with chopsticks to form a flocculent, knead into a smooth dough, and ferment until twice the size.

4. Rub and exhaust, knead into smooth strips, cut with a knife, let rise again for 20 minutes, steam in a pot with cold water for 12 minutes, and simmer for 3 minutes to get out of the pot.

The "repairer" of the spleen and stomach is not white porridge, these 6 kinds of food are changed for the baby to eat every day, saying goodbye to spleen and stomach deficiency

Sixth, Xiaomi

Recommended recipe: millet flour steamed buns

Only millet, water, all-purpose flour, yeast, ingredients clean.

Ingredients: 200 grams of millet beaten twice, 400 grams of all-purpose flour, 330 grams of milk or 310 grams of water, 6 grams of yeast


1. Put all the ingredients into a small basin, add milk little by little and stir until there is no dry powder in the stirring, put it for a quarter of an hour, and then start kneading the dough until the dough is slightly smooth. Then start rolling out the dough, after rolling out the dough, sprinkle a layer of flour, repeat this many times until it is rolled into a rectangle, then spray a little water with a watering can, then roll it up and cut it into pieces of appropriate size. Set aside for fermentation, about half an hour is enough.

2. Pour cold water into the steamer, put in the steamed buns, wait until the gas is on the gas and continue to steam over medium-low heat for a quarter of an hour, according to the size, generally between 10 minutes and 15 minutes, and then turn off the fire and simmer for 2 minutes to get out of the pot.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients, to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above shared 6 food practices, have you all learned, learned to try to make it at home, welcome to like, follow, forward and favorite, thank you for your support!

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