
Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life

author:Classical Literature and Poetry

Today is April 4th, the twenty-sixth day of the second lunar month, Qingming Festival.

Qingming Festival is a day to worship ancestors.

As early as many years ago, ancestors worshiped their ancestors and remembered their relatives on this day.

Qingming Festival is a day to play and go green.

The wind and the sun are beautiful, and it is the best time to go green.

After the sorrow of worshipping the ancestors, they began to enjoy a good life.

In life, we must always remember the past, and we must be happy in the present, perhaps, this is the meaning of Qingming.

Today is the Qingming Festival, four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, written all the life.

Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life


Life in the world, ups and downs,

Heal while hurting.


Don Dumu

During the Qingming Festival, it rains a lot, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

By asking where the restaurant is? The shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village.

It seems that every Qingming Festival, it will rain.

More than 1,100 years ago, the Tang Dynasty was also a Qingming Festival and a rainy day.

Du Mu walked on the road, looking at the people coming and going, their faces were sad.

Yes, someone is here to sweep the grave, how can they not be sad when they think of their deceased relatives.

Some people are traveling, and during the festival, they can't return home to worship their ancestors, which is sad enough.

Which kind of Du Mu is it?

We don't know, poetically, more like a traveler.

When the festival is outside, I can't go home to worship my ancestors, and I am already sad, and when it rains, my sadness is even more layered.

Yu Qiuyu once said in "The Poetry of Night Rain":

Night rain is the enemy of travel.

Night rain can make travelers feel homesick and think deeply, deeply. The night rain will make the traveler hope for comfort, and suddenly realize that he is in a remote and lonely situation, and look at the shadow and feel sorry for himself, constituting the fetters of thousands of miles of pride.

At this moment, Du Mu is experiencing this state of mind.

His bandana was wet, his shoes were wet, and he desperately needed to find a place to shelter from the rain.

A shepherd boy came up to him, and he must have been familiar with this place.

Du Mu stopped the shepherd boy: Excuse me, where is the restaurant?

Yes, now, if there is a restaurant, you can not only warm up from the rain, but also drink to drown your sorrows.

The shepherd boy raised his hand and pointed in one direction - Xinghua Village.

Then, the poem ends.

The rest is left to the reader's imagination.

Did Du Mu avoid the rain? Did he drink wine, and did his sorrow have eased a lot.

All our lives, we are looking for a place to shelter from the rain.

In the journey, looking for a roof, in the sorrow, longing for a glass of wine.

Life is in the world, through ups and downs, who is not injured while healing.

The best way to heal yourself is to accept and grow while hurting.

Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life


The prosperity and hardships of this life,

The curtain will come to an end.


Song Huang Tingjian

The festival is clear and the peach and plum smile, and Noda Arazuka is only worried.

The thunder is shocking, the dragon and the snake are stinging, and the rain is soft in the suburbs.

People begged to sacrifice the concubines and concubines, and Shigan burned the unjust marquis.

The virtuous and foolish have known who they are for thousands of years, and their eyes are full of basil.

In the Qingming season, the peach and plum bloom and smile brightly.

And in the fields, the graves overgrown with weeds are desolate.

Huang Tingjian thought of the people of ancient times.

In ancient times, there was a stupid person in the country of Qi who went out into the wild every day.

He begged for wine and food left after the sacrifice from the tomb sweeper, and when he returned home, he boasted to his wife and concubine that some officials invited him to eat.

These are stupid people.

There is also a sage named Jie Zitui.

Jie Zitui once went into exile with Gongzi Chong'er.

After Chong'er became the Duke of Jin Wen, Jie Zitui took his mother to live in seclusion in the mountains.

In order to force Jie Zi to push out of the mountain, Chong Er set fire to the mountain, and in the end, Jie Zi pushed the tree and died.

Whether it is the stupid Qi people or the ancient sages, they have all passed with time and ceased to exist.

Huang Tingjian sighed: Whether it is a sage or a mediocre person, who knows after a thousand years? In the end, what remains in the world is nothing more than a mess of weeds.

Li Bai also had the same feelings as Huang Tingjian.

That year, Li Bai brought a prostitute to sweep Xie An's grave.

Xie An has always been Li Bai's idol.

He envied Xie An, lived in seclusion on the East Mountain, and countless people begged him to come out of the mountain.

Xie An once took a prostitute to the lake and left a good story.

After the age of forty, Xie An made a comeback, stabilized the imperial court, guided the battle of Weishui, and made great contributions.

Whether he was born or joined the WTO, Xie An is a model in the world.

Li Bai envied him, but standing in front of his tomb, he sighed with emotion: My prostitute is like a flower moon today, and his prostitute is barren and cold.


As Miaoyu said in "Dream of Red Mansions": Even if there is a thousand-year-old iron threshold, there must be a soil steamed bun.

No matter how heroic the hero is, no matter how brilliant the character, it will eventually come to an end.

The prosperity and hardships of this life eventually merge into the void.

The green mountains are still green mountains, the years are still years, the heart is ups and downs, the world is cold and warm, and in the end, it is a cloud and smoke.

The destination of life lies in tranquility and tranquility, and those regrets and sorrows are nothing more than another kind of self-torture in life.

Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life



Half sorrowful, half joyful.

The two sides of life,

In Qingming is delicately balanced.

Jiangchengzi Qingming weather drunk Lang

Song Qin Guan

Qingming weather drunk Lang. Warbler madness. Swallow madness.

The green cover is red, and the road is busy.

Remember to meet under the weeping willows, carved jade, wisps of gold.

Spring is still the old spring. Peach blossoms. Plum flowers.

Light white and deep red, one by one with new makeup.

I regret that the flower people are gone, and the song is a song, and the tears are thousands.

Qingming Festival is really half sea water and half flame.

Some people are remembering the deceased, and some people are enjoying the spring.

Qingming Festival, generally in February and March of the lunar calendar, is the time of spring.

Qin Guan is very experienced.

You see, the sunny weather intoxicated the boys who went out to play.

Orioles and swallows flutter freely, and chariots, horses, and pedestrians rush back and forth.

The peach blossoms and plum blossoms are still fragrant, and the light white and dark red flowers are fighting for their new makeup.

Qingming is beautiful, and the Qingming of West Lake is even more beautiful.

In the Qingming season, the wind blows off the pear blossoms, and the tourists go out of the city in order to find the spring.

On the road, on the field, by the river, by the lake, it is extremely lively.

People are admiring the flowers, blowing the spring breeze, picking willow branches, and embracing the spring light.

At dusk, the singing has stopped, the visitors have returned, and the warblers, who have been disturbed for a day, return to the willows to enjoy this quiet moment.

From tomb sweeping to spring tours, it's always so natural.

Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship are also mostly in the suburbs, and often, after people finish sweeping the tomb, they start a spring outing.

Walk out of the painful emotions and enter the happy spring.

Kite flying is one of the most indispensable items in the spring outing.

Fly the kite high in the sky, swaying in the spring breeze, someone will cut the kite string, and let the breeze carry the kite to the ends of the earth.

It is believed that doing so will ward off diseases and bring good luck to oneself.

Therefore, flying a kite is also known as "flying bad luck".

Let go of the bad luck, and it will be smooth in the future.

In the Qingming season, there is not only the nostalgia for the deceased in the drizzle, but also the joy of walking in the wind and sunshine.

There is both the despair of the loss of life and the hope of letting go of bad luck.

The two sides of life are skillfully balanced in Qingming.

Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life


Life is gone, but love never disappears.

Tomorrow day to wine

Song Gao Zhu

There are many cemeteries on the north and south hills, and the Qingming Festival sweeps each other.

Paper ashes fly into white butterflies, tears and blood stain red cuckoos.

The fox sleeps on the mound at sunset, and returns to the children at night in front of the laughing lamp.

If there is wine in life, you must be drunk, and a drop of it has ever been to Jiuquan.

There are many cemeteries on the north and south mountains, and the Qingming season is full of people who are busy going to the grave to worship and sweep.

The most important custom during the Qingming season is to sweep the tomb.

According to ancient documents, in the Zhou Dynasty more than 2,500 years ago, there was a custom of sweeping tombs.

Qingming tomb sweeping has infiltrated the bones of the Chinese.

When I was a child, my family moved to live in the city.

However, every year during the Qingming Festival, my mother would buy paper money and go back to her hometown to sweep the graves of her grandparents, grandparents and other deceased relatives.

When sweeping the grave, Mom and Dad would burn paper while talking in a rambling manner.

"Everything was fine at home. ”

"Bless us over there. ”

"Now the conditions are much better than before, you like to smoke, burn a pack for you. ”

My mother often said that when the conditions were poor in the past, my grandparents and grandparents suffered a lot.

If only they could live the life they are now.

So, when sweeping the tomb during the Qingming Festival, there is always a lot of preparation, hoping that they can also live a good life over there.

Many people say: Ten thousand piles of ashes in front of the grave are better than a bowl of water in front of the bed.

Treat your parents, be filial before you die, and visit your grave after death.

However, many times, tomb sweeping is more like sweeping for the living.

Talking to your deceased loved ones at the grave, as if they are still around, as if you feel the love you haven't seen for a long time.

Rich sacrifices are offered only to make up for the regrets of the past mistreatment.

Life is gone, but love never disappears.

Qingming Festival|Four Qingming poems, written all the Qingming Festival, wrote all the life

Today is Qingming Festival.

Perhaps, you also return home to visit the grave, perhaps, you are trapped in work and life, and cannot return home.

Then silently remember your loved ones in your heart.

As long as you remember them, they will always be there.

Life and love are the core of the Qingming Festival, and the deceased is mourned with flowers, and the deep love is continued with thoughts.

In April in the world, on the Qingming rain, may the flowers feast on the deceased, and the spring is warm!