
[87 sorties of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea in March] In March 2024, the U.S. military dispatched a total of 87 large reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance, compared with 60 in February

author:Strategic situational awareness in the South China Sea

[87 sorties of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea in March] In March 2024, the U.S. military dispatched a total of 87 large reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance, a significant increase from 60 reconnaissance aircraft in February, which may be related to the deployment of the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier strike group in the South China Sea. Note: According to the statistics of ADS-B signals, the actual number of reconnaissance sorties is higher because some US military planes use false identification codes or do not turn on signals when carrying out reconnaissance missions. Example: On March 15 and 18, the US Air Force RC-135V electronic reconnaissance aircraft conducted reconnaissance at the southern entrance of the Taiwan Strait.

[87 sorties of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea in March] In March 2024, the U.S. military dispatched a total of 87 large reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance, compared with 60 in February
[87 sorties of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea in March] In March 2024, the U.S. military dispatched a total of 87 large reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance, compared with 60 in February
[87 sorties of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea in March] In March 2024, the U.S. military dispatched a total of 87 large reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance, compared with 60 in February

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