
Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

author:Chinese kitchen

Daliang fresh milk fried jade belt

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

raw material:

Australian ribbon 100 g buffalo milk 300 ml protein 200 g eagle millet powder 30 g asparagus 50 g roe 15 g green onion white 5 g salt 5 g chicken powder 1 g salad oil to taste


1. Fry the straps in a pan, buffalo milk in a basin, add egg white and hawk millet flour and mix well, add salt and chicken powder to taste, cut the asparagus into short knots, chop the shallots white, and set aside.

2. Heat the wok, inject an appropriate amount of salad oil, pour in the stirred buffalo milk when it is 30% or 40% hot, stir in one direction with a wooden spoon, and operate on medium heat at this time.

3. Add the fried Australian tape, add the asparagus knot and the white onion, after the milk is set, pour a little cooking oil along the edge of the pot, continue to stir until the raw materials are cooked through to get out of the pot, put the roe on the plate and serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > flavored eggplant</h1>

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

This dish is delicious with garlic and soft eggplant, slightly sour, numb and spicy, and many diners like it.

Long eggplant 400 g.


50 grams of minced garlic, 45 grams of aged vinegar, 20 grams of kitchen soy sauce and chives, 15 grams of fresh chili sauce and pepper oil.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > production:</h1>

1. Cut the long eggplant into finger-sized strips, steam in the steaming box for 20 minutes, remove and let cool.

2. Heat the pepper oil to 70%, pour on the minced garlic and mix well. 3. Mix the eggplant strips, minced garlic, aged vinegar, fresh spicy sauce and kitchen soy sauce and sprinkle with green onion.

Spicy money claws

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

100 grams of boneless cooked chicken feet, 20 grams of garlic puree, 5 grams of shallots, spicy fresh sauce, beautiful fresh soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and simmered chili oil

1: After the boneless cooked chicken feet are put into a pot, add the garlic paste and shallots, add spicy fresh sauce, beautiful fresh soy sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and spicy oil, mix well and plate well.

Yellow braised duck

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

1 sansui hemp duck (about 1500 grams), 300 grams of white radish, 50 grams of green pepper knots, 50 grams of red pepper knots, 80 grams of green pepper knots, 30 grams of large ginger slices, 50 grams of garlic cloves, 20 grams of dried chili pepper segments, 10 grams of peppercorns, 80 grams of rice dumplings, 30 grams of watercress sauce, 4 grams of salt, 3 grams of pepper powder, 5 grams of sugar, 8 grams of allspice powder, 15 ml of soy sauce, 1000 ml of fresh soup, and an appropriate amount of cooking oil

1. Slaughter the hemp duck and cut it into pieces. Wash the turnips and cut them into strips.

2. Put the wok on the high heat, pour cooking oil into the heat, add the duck nuggets and sauté until the water is slightly dry, pour out and drain the oil.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the watercress sauce, rice dumplings and chili peppers to fry the incense, add large ginger slices, garlic cloves, dried pepper segments, peppercorns to fry the flavor, put in the sautéed duck pieces, mix in the fresh soup and boil, add salt, sugar, five-spice powder, soy sauce, cover and simmer over low heat. Then add the green pepper festival, red pepper festival, green line pepper festival, pepper, turn the heat to stir-fry well, put the pot into the hot pot pot with white radish strips, and serve on the fire.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > hand-torn salt-baked chicken to catch splendid snails</h1>

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

150 grams of salt-baked chicken, 130 grams of conch, 3 grams of cherry radish, 5 grams of shallots, 5 grams of green oranges, 2 grams of white sesame seeds, 10 grams of pickled peppers, 10 grams of ginger garlic, 10 grams of nine sprouts

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > seasoning:</h1>

10 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 3 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 10 grams of tomato sauce, 5 grams of salt-baked chicken powder, 20 grams of salt-baked chicken stock

1: Blanch the snail at 85 degrees Celsius and shell it, and then 67 degrees Celsius at a low temperature for 10 minutes. During this period, the salt-baked chicken is torn into strips, and the snails are turned into thin slices;

2: Cut the accessories well, add ginger garlic, green orange, soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce, chicken powder, tomato sauce into juice and mix with the snail pad into the bottom of the plate. Mix the shredded chicken with the original soup, put the salted baked chicken powder on top, and sprinkle the cherry radish slices with cooked sesame seeds and serve on the plate.

Underwater world

Not selling, we do not recommend flavor eggplant making: hand-torn salt baked chicken fishing splendid snail seasoning: making:

This is a spicy and sour dish made by seafood Sichuan, where the flower shell, clam, clam emperor and small flower snail are cooked and then cooled, drizzled with sour and spicy sauce, refreshing and appetizing. The whole dish is seasoned with green onions, millet peppers and garlic paste, and supplemented with Yunnan coriander, which has a special vegetable flavor.

Flower nails 200 g clams 200 g clams 50 g small flower snails 50 g millet pepper 30 g garlic 30 g Yunnan coriander 20 g green onion flowers 10 g coriander minced 5 g jinba fish juice 150 ml rattan pepper oil 10 ml spicy fresh dew 10 ml balsamic vinegar 10 ml oyster sauce 5 g salt 2 g monosodium glutagmat 1 g

1. Clean the flower shells, clams, clams and small flower snails, put them in a pot of boiling water and cook them, fish them out and cool them. In addition, chop the millet pepper, beat the garlic into a puree, and cut the Yunnan coriander into sections and set aside.

2. Put the garlic paste and millet pepper in a bowl, add The Rimula Juice, Rattan Pepper Oil, Spicy Fresh Sauce, Balsamic Vinegar, Oyster Sauce, Salt and MSG, and mix well into a sour and spicy sauce.

3. Put the Yunnan coriander section on the bottom of the plate, put on the cool small flower shell, small clam, clam emperor and small flower snail, drizzle with sour and spicy sauce, sprinkle with green onion and coriander.