
Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

author:Rural journalists

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

Text/Zeng Fanhua Photo/Xie Yuecheng

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

On April 2, the spring rain was dripping. Peng Bo, secretary general of the Jianli City Association for Caring for Veterans, and a group of eight people, accompanied by Dai Kai, the person in charge of the Zhemu Township Veterans Service Station, came to Tianyuhu District of the township and successively visited Zhang Chuanfang, a veteran of Tianyu Village to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and Wang Shaotang, a "stroke veteran" of Steep Star Village.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

The caring people of the association group came to the home of the veteran Zhang Chuanfang. I saw the 91-year-old Zhang Chuanfang wearing a yellow military uniform, wearing a medal to resist US aggression and aid Korea on his chest, taking a steady step, his face full of red light, and greeting the guests with a smile.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

"Veteran, are you okay in Lake Township? We've come to visit you!" A cordial greeting narrowed the distance, and a pair of enthusiastic hands shook together.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

It's like an old comrade-in-arms meeting, and it's very affectionate. The atmosphere was warm. Caring people held the veteran's hand and asked him about his military career, his work after retirement, and his current living situation.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

The old man Zhang Chuanfang sat with his chest upright, his eyes were firm, and he spoke loudly. It's like the momentum of that kind of soldier has not diminished back then. He told the people about his glorious experience in the war and his work and life after retirement. He became a volunteer soldier when he was a teenager, stayed in Korea for seven years, participated in five large and small battles, fought in Shangganling, made third-class meritorious service, and received many awards. After retiring, he went home to give birth, served as a village cadre and party representative, and was rated as an outstanding party member by the township party committee and government many times. Later, when he was too old, he couldn't go to the field to give birth. But the body is tough, and the mind is not old. Cadre Li in the village said that Dad Zhang actively participated in the study meeting of party members, took the lead in speaking, was enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, and fully supported the work of the village.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

When it comes to old age, the elderly are full of happiness and pride. He said that the comrades in charge of the Zhemu Township Veterans Service Station think about the retired veterans, and the subsidies are in place, the assistance is in place, and the services are in place. He lived a very happy life! The caring people present couldn't stop nodding.

The old man also expressed his ardent hope to the soldiers who were serving, asking them to clearly understand the current complicated situation, carry forward the glorious tradition of the older generation of heroic killing of the enemy, and be ready to go to the battlefield at any time to destroy all the enemies who come to attack!

Seeing the veterans' high spirits and high spirits, caring people sometimes praised and sometimes sent warm blessings! "The old man's body is so good, he may be more than 100 years old!" They had a long discussion with the veterans and took a group photo.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

At the home of Wang Shaotang, a 76-year-old retired veteran in Steep Star Village, caring people greeted each other and listened attentively. "If you have any difficulties that you need our help with, just raise them and we will do our best. This old man, who has been a village cadre for 12 years, is now suffering from a stroke and has difficulty moving. The two elderly people can only recuperate at home. A greeting and a love. Caring people sent rice, cooking oil and condolences to the veterans.

Jianli City Care for Veterans Association walked into Zhemu: "Veteran, are you okay in Huxiang?"

Apricot blossoms spring rain, warm the world. "Veteran, are you okay in Lake Township?" With affectionate greetings, the caring people said goodbye to the veterans, and the love was still flowing in their hearts......