
During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

author:Shangguan News

The Qingming solar term is held on April 4 or 5 every year, and it is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. In this solar term, the weather gradually warms, everything begins to recover and grow, in the Jiangnan region, the Qingming Festival has the custom of sweeping tombs, going to the green, and eating Qingtuan. Pei Chao, the attending physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Laoximen Street Community Health Service Center, introduced that Qingming is a particularly important solar term, and there are many places that need to be paid attention to in diet and health.

During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

Prevention of respiratory diseases

Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, and the climate changes before and after the Qingming Festival, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. It is a good choice to go out before and after the Qingming Festival, and proper exercise can promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity, and improve the body's resistance. Exercises such as walking, jogging, tai chi, and qigong are good options. However, due to the humid climate, it is easy to cause dampness and joint pain, so it is necessary to clean and change clothes in time after exercise. Pay attention to cold protection and warmth, so as to help the human body generate yang energy and resist the invasion of external evils, which will help the body to be healthy.

During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

Pleasant and nourishing, smooth body and mind

The Qingming solar term is a time to remember the ancestors and worship the ancestors and sweep the tombs. During this special period, emotions are prone to fluctuations and emotions can also be affected. You might as well take advantage of the Qingming season to go on an outing to enjoy your body and mind and maintain a good attitude. At the same time, you can often go for a walk outdoors, enjoy the flowers, breathe fresh air, consciously adjust your work and rest, and maintain enough sleep time. Increasing sleep time appropriately can relieve fatigue and improve immunity. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to indoor ventilation and maintain air circulation.

During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

Pay attention to diet, health and liver

In terms of food, in the Jiangnan region, there is a custom of eating Qingtuan during the Qingming Festival. The traditional Qingtuan is made of mugwort juice mixed into glutinous rice flour, and then wrapped in bean paste filling, sweet but not greasy, with a light and long fragrance, is a very seasonal snack. With the development of social economy, the current Youth League has appeared many Internet celebrity flavors that are more popular with young people. Although the Youth League is delicious, don't be greedy. For people with weak spleen and stomach and weak digestive function, it is still recommended to consume Qingtuan as little as possible. "Qingtuan is a high-oil and high-fat food, for some diabetic patients, and some cholecystitis patients, we recommend eating less, and some patients with weak spleen and stomach and poor digestive function, because Qingtuan is mainly made of glutinous rice, for this kind of people, we also recommend eating less. ”

During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

The traditional health theory of Qingming Festival believes that Qingming belongs to spring, in the five elements, and spring and liver belong to the same wood, germinate and grow in the beginning of spring, and reach the most prosperous at the time of Qingming, so the health preservation of Qingming Festival should be based on nourishing the liver. If the liver qi is too strong, there will be headaches, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, blood pressure and other emotional disorders, poor flow of qi and blood, and will also have adverse effects on the spleen and stomach, hindering the normal digestion and absorption of food, thus causing various diseases. In order to prevent over-exuberance, in terms of dietary therapy, you can choose red dates, barley, lotus seeds, yams and other foods that have the effect of strengthening the spleen and dampness to make porridge, and you can use chrysanthemums and cassia seeds to make tea to clear the liver and eyes, and at the same time eat light during the Qingming period, and eat more foods that are soft and nourishing the liver and lungs, such as camellia, spinach, yam, white fungus soup, chrysanthemum wolfberry tea, lily mung bean soup, etc.

During the Qingming Festival, the Youth League is delicious and not greedy

The Qingming solar term is an important health season, and it is necessary to maintain physical health and psychological balance through scientific diet, appropriate exercise, psychological regulation and healthy sleep. Only when you are physically and mentally healthy can you fully feel the beauty of spring and the vigor of life.

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