
The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

Text | Mi Li's mother

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

In the past two days, Mi Li's mother was shocked by this news: a woman in Chongqing threw a young child from a tall building.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

Especially the short video of tens of seconds, it is really heartbreaking.

In the video, a 3-year-old child is hanging outside the guardrail, and the woman drags the child and shouts frantically inside: "I'm sick, I'm sick!"

The child instinctively hooked his feet up, trying to find a focus point, and the desire to survive that overflowed the screen really made people feel distressed.

And next to the woman, there was another big child, who was pulling the guardrail and watching all this.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

Another video is only a few seconds long, and the woman changes to another room and throws the child down. The boy fell quickly, followed by screams from bystanders.

A living life has fallen.

Watching the news, the woman who threw the child was the child's mother, and because she quarreled with her mother-in-law, she made such an impulsive behavior.

Some witnesses also revealed that the child's mother was going to drop the child from the large window, but she saw that the firefighters downstairs had already set up airbags before throwing the child from the other windows.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

What's even worse is that after throwing away the 3-year-old child, she even wanted to throw the other child down with her, but fortunately was controlled by the police in time.

I believe that everyone who saw the video was as heartbroken as Mi Li's mother. Especially those who have become parents, they can't see this.

The woman had a conflict with her mother-in-law, and after slashing her mother-in-law with a knife, she threw the child downstairs...... These words are typed out to make Mi Li's mother frightened, there are contradictions between adults, why are you angry with children?

In the final analysis, just like Lu Xun said: "The cowardly are angry, but they draw their blades to the weaker", the childish is innocent and can only be forced to bear the unwarranted anger of his mother.

When she saw the news, Mi Li's mother immediately thought of the incident that happened not long ago, "A 5-year-old boy in Weihai was suspected of being beaten to death by his mother and her boyfriend".

On March 26, Mr. Zheng's 5-year-old son in Weihai, Shandong Province, passed away in the hospital.

Since Mr. Zheng divorced his ex-wife as early as February this year, and his son has been living with his ex-wife, when Mr. Zheng received the news of the child's accident and rushed to the hospital, the child had already passed away, and the father and son did not even see each other for the last time.

What made him even more distressed was that his son found multiple scars on his body, the upper half of his body was all black and green, and there were obvious wounds on his left chest and face. It is suspected that he had been beaten before his death.

The child's biological mother said that the child was knocked out in bed, but this argument is obviously not true. If it is just a knock, how can we explain the various wounds and bruises on the child's body?

Mr. Cheng said he suspected that his son's death was related to the child's biological mother, Chen, and Chen's boyfriend. Because he knew that his ex-wife and her boyfriend had beaten the child before, he suspected that these two people were the culprits responsible for the child's death.

When talking about the child's past, the grieving father burst into tears, he said that he usually works irregular hours, but he will video call his son at night, and on the phone, the son will say that he misses his father and will care about whether he has eaten. Usually, even if you accidentally step on him, the child will say sorry.

He couldn't understand how such an obedient and sensible child, who was still alive and kicking a few days ago, suddenly left him forever......

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

He also regretted that if he knew that this would happen, he would never give the child to his biological mother no matter how much he suffered.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many lessons from the past, Mi Li's mother would not believe that this could be the truth.

But the reality is that not all parents deserve to be called parents, and scum does not become great in an instant just because they become parents.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

The thought of being a parent and being able to work without having to go through an exam is terrifying.

Not all parents are worthy of having the grace of raising their children when they give birth to children, and not all parents are worthy of being called "Mom and Dad"!

In the eyes of most parents, children are priceless treasures, but in the eyes of some parents, children are tools for anger and punching bags for their negative emotions.

In a family, the child is undoubtedly the most helpless and weak, and if he accidentally makes a mistake, he often becomes the full bearer of the negative emotions of his parents.

Just like the mother who threw her child in Chongqing, the object of her hatred may be her mother-in-law, her husband, or the marriage and bumpy life that makes her desperate, but it will never be a 3-year-old child.

But she used her child as a punching bag, transferred her anger and hatred to her son, and did such an angry thing.

In real life, every parent may have done the act of angering their children.

Have you ever tried to throw a tantrum indiscriminately when you come home and see that your child is not doing his homework because he is not going well at work?

Have you ever tried to be dissatisfied with your husband's behavior, so you vent your anger on your child: "You and your father are both virtuous!"

Have you ever tried to quarrel with your husband and scare your child into crying, not only not comforting the child, but also accusing the child: "Cry and cry, you know to cry!"

Perhaps in the eyes of parents, this anger is just an impulse, but the fact is that many people do not know how much time it will take to heal the pain of childhood in this life.

Star Chen Qiaoen's family was poor when he was a child, and his mother often lost her temper, as long as she was slightly unsatisfactory, she would use Chen Qiaoen as a punching bag.

Since she was a child, Chen Qiaoen has lived in fear, and even Chen Qiaoen thinks that her mother is more terrible than a ghost, and when she comes home when she is a child, she would rather go to a haunted house alone than be in the same room with her mother.

Gradually, Chen Qiaoen suffered from social difficulties. Not only can she not make friends, it is difficult to establish intimate relationships with others, and even when she gets along with her mother as an adult, she will be nervous and in a state of stress all over her body.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

Fan Deng once said: "Ninety percent of parents scolding their children are angry, that is, their own frustration, their own sense of incompetence, and their own powerlessness, and their anger is directed at the child opposite." ”

How many parents vent their negative emotions to their children in the name of discipline. Essentially, it's an adult-to-child bullying!

And the damage that this kind of bullying can do to children is endless.

As an ignorant child, he doesn't understand his parents' emotional state at all, nor does he understand the frustration and pressure his parents encounter outside, he only feels panicked, helpless, and full of insecurity inside, because he can't predict whether it will be his parents' gentle rain or a violent storm waiting for him in the next second.

This fear will always accompany the child's growth, making the child gradually become inferior, and the child will be full of distrust when interacting with others.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

In addition to using their children as a punching bag for emotional catharsis, some parents treat their children as a burden.

Anyone who has ever been a parent knows that after the birth of a child, the dedication of parents to the child is almost lifelong. In this process, most parents are painful and happy, and a few parents are willing, but they can't help but admit that there are indeed some parents who will regard their children as a burden.

Especially when the marriage of husband and wife breaks down and children will directly affect their parents to remarry, the most selfish and sinister side of human nature is revealed.

Whether it is a 5-year-old child in Weihai, Shandong Province, who is suspected of being abused to death by his own mother, or another child homicide case in Chongqing, the reason is that parents treat their children as a burden after divorce.

Mi Li's mother can't help but think of the "small composition" of the Civil Affairs Bureau that was hotly searched two years ago, and it is really sad to think about it.

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

"My parents divorced, and I followed my father.

Dad said he wouldn't look for anyone anymore for fear that I would be wronged.

My mother left, and she said that she would come and pick me up when she was able.

Later, my father fell in love, and he took me to meet my aunt, who said that she would definitely treat me well.

My father and aunt soon got married and had a younger brother, and my father asked me to give the toys to my brother, and he bought them for me, but he didn't buy them.

When I went to the amusement park, my father held my younger brother in one hand and my aunt in the other, and I walked behind.

I know Daddy is someone else's Daddy.

It's been seven years, and my mom finally came back to see me, and I wanted to go with her, but my mom didn't agree.

My mother also married someone else, and gave birth to a younger sister, and my mother became someone else's mother. ”

The 3-year-old child was thrown from the 22nd floor by his mother, and not all parents deserve to be called parents 

Perhaps, this is the current situation of the lives of many children in divorced families: "My father has a family, my mother has a family, and I am left with myself, which seems to be superfluous." ”

But how innocent the child is! He didn't choose to come into this world in the first place. It is the parents who choose to have children, they need children, and it is the parents themselves who have caused today's situation, so why should they ask their children to pay for their parents' behavior!

It is said that the divorce of parents will hurt children, but Mi Li's mother feels that what really hurts children is never divorce, but that parents abandon their children after they are separated, and they kick their children around endlessly as "leather balls".

Other parents love their children desperately, while some parents pass the buck to each other just to abandon their own flesh and blood.

This feeling of abandonment is so hurtful to children!

"Not having children casually is the consciousness that adults should have, and it is also the basic respect for life. ”

Before and after having children, we live completely two different lives. It is difficult to explain in three words how much we worry about our children and how much they are tired.

Since giving birth to a child is not an easy task, before giving birth, you should think carefully about whether you can take on the responsibility of being a parent, whether you have the patience, and whether you have the ability.

The most terrible parents in the world are those who irresponsibly give their children life and cruelly ruin his life.

If you don't have a stable emotion, you can't give your child a stable living environment, if you don't have the ability to accompany your child, you can't give your child love and security, and if you can't raise and educate your child, then don't have a child at all, because it will harm your child for life.

But if you choose to give birth, then you should take responsibility, no matter how emotionally broken, you should not use your child as a punching bag, no matter how difficult life is, you should not treat your child as a burden.

I still remember that there is a passage in the movie "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" that is particularly moving:

"Every heart needs love, it needs gentleness, it needs tolerance, it needs understanding. Every child comes from a pure and innocent place, and should always be a treasure that is cherished in the world. ”

Yes, the child chose us to be his parents after a thousand choices in heaven. This kind of desperate encounter is not to bear the bad temper of parents, nor to become a burden to parents, but to start their own wonderful life.

Personal Profile: @米粒妈爱分享 Mi Li's mother, American returnee, Haidian parent. Focus on learning, educational experience and further education.

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