
Announcement of entries submitted for the 34th China Journalism Awards: Special report on the China-Central Asia Summit
Announcement of entries submitted for the 34th China Journalism Awards: Special report on the China-Central Asia Summit
Announcement of entries submitted for the 34th China Journalism Awards: Special report on the China-Central Asia Summit


News Arrangement (TV): Special Report on the China-Central Asia Summit on May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023 China-Central Asia Summit Special Report

Character Draft

This is the special report of the "China-Central Asia Summit" that Shaanxi Radio and Television Financial Media Group is broadcasting live for you, welcome to watch.

From May 18 to 19, the China-Central Asia Summit was held in Xi'an, which was the first major home diplomatic event of the mainland this year, and also the first time that the heads of state of the six countries held a summit in a physical form since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the five Central Asian countries 31 years ago, which was a milestone in the history of the development of relations between China and Central Asian countries. New media platforms such as Shaanxi Satellite TV, Shaanxi News and Information Channel and Qidian News Client presented a panoramic view of the summit and told a new story of deepening cooperation and exchanges along the "Belt and Road".

Xi Jinping talks with the President of Kazakhstan

On May 17, President Xi Jinping held talks with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who came to China to attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit in Xi'an.

On the afternoon of May 17, President Xi Jinping held talks with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who came to China to attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit in Xi'an. Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Kazakhstan are good friends, good brothers and good partners who can be trusted by each other. China is promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese-style modernization, and Kazakhstan is building a fast-growing and thriving "New Kazakhstan". Both China and Kazakhstan are at a critical stage of development and revitalization, and China-Kazakhstan relations have embarked on a new "golden 30 years". The two sides should vigorously carry forward the traditional friendship, firmly support each other, closely align development strategies, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, seek common development and revitalization, and promote the building of a China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future featuring friendship from generation to generation, a high degree of mutual trust and solidarity.

Xi Jinping stressed that an independent, secure, stable, developed and prosperous Kazakhstan is in the common interests of the Chinese and Kazakh peoples. China firmly supports Kazakhstan in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions. Over the past 10 years since I proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Kazakhstan have successfully implemented dozens of important cooperation projects, benefiting the two peoples and promoting common development. The two sides should expand cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, investment, agriculture, automobile manufacturing and energy, deepen connectivity, promote land-sea combined transport, expand cooperation in new areas such as e-commerce, innovation and big data, step up the implementation of mutual cultural centers and the opening of Luban workshops, and take the signing of the mutual visa exemption agreement as an opportunity to strengthen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, and deepen the foundation of public opinion. We welcome Kazakhstan to host the Year of Tourism in China in 2024. It is believed that the opening of the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Xi'an will effectively promote local exchanges between the two countries. The two sides should also strengthen media exchanges and cooperation and jointly tell the story of China-Kazakhstan friendship.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the China-Central Asia mechanism aims to focus on the current needs and future development of all countries, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, and contribute to common prosperity. The upcoming China-Central Asia Summit is a milestone that will usher in a new era of cooperation between China and Central Asia. China is ready to work with Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries to discuss and build the China-Central Asia mechanism into an important platform for in-depth cooperation among the six countries.

Tokayev said that he was very pleased to be invited to Xi'an to attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit to China. I congratulate President Xi Jinping on the great achievements of China under his leadership, and believe that China will have a more brilliant future. I fully agree with President Xi Jinping's assessment of Kazakh-Chinese relations and his proposals for further strengthening cooperation between the two countries. China has a special and important position in Kazakhstan's foreign policy, and Kazakhstan-China relations are based on deep friendship and strong mutual trust, and share common goals and tasks. Kazakhstan is ready to work with China to further strengthen the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China, expand bilateral cooperation in trade, tourism, people-to-people and people-to-people relations, and other fields, so as to lay a more solid foundation for Kazakhstan and China to embark on a new "golden 30 years". I am glad that Kazakhstan and China have signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption, which will effectively promote bilateral exchanges. The Belt and Road Initiative is a great initiative, and Kazakhstan will continue to actively participate in it. In the current complex international situation, President Xi Jinping's Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative are of great significance, and Kazakhstan actively supports them and is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with China in this regard. Kazakhstan is ready to work with China to make full use of the China-Central Asia mechanism to jointly promote regional security, stability and development.

After the talks, the two heads of state signed the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan, witnessing the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of economy and trade, energy, transportation, agriculture, connectivity, people-to-people and people-to-people, and local governments.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, Qin Gang and others participated in the above activities.

All the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries attending the China-Central Asia Summit arrived in Xi'an

From the afternoon of the 17th to the morning of the 18th, the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Tajik President Rahmon, Kyrgyz President Zhaparov, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev, and Turkmenistan President Berdymukhamedov, who attended the China-Central Asia Summit, arrived in Xi'an.

At 2:10 p.m. on May 17, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev arrived at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by special plane, and at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev came to China to attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit to the mainland. Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, Governor of Shaanxi Province Zhao Gang and Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China Nuryshev greeted him at the airport. The Kazakh delegation accompanying President Tokayev on his visit to China included a number of deputy prime ministers and officials from the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Agriculture.

In a previous interview with the media, President Tokayev said that he had high expectations for the upcoming China-Central Asia summit to be held in Xi'an. China is playing an increasingly important role in Central Asia. We have benefited greatly from our relationship with China and will do everything we can to deepen our cooperation.

At 5:50 p.m. on May 17, Tajikistan President Rahmon arrived at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by special plane. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Tajik President Rahmon will attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit to China. Wang Kaiwen, representative of the Chinese Government, and Zhao Gang, governor of Shaanxi Province, greeted him at the airport.

Close high-level exchanges between the two sides, learn from China's development experience, strengthen practical cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, agriculture and transportation, and enhance Tajikistan-China relations are the focus of President Rahmon's visit to China.

At 6:45 p.m. on May 17, Kyrgyz President Zhaparov arrived at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by special plane. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Kyrgyz President Zhaparov will attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit to China. Hu Heping, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, and Du Dewen, Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, greeted him at the airport.

Earlier, President Zhaparov said in an interview with the media that close communication and exchanges between Central Asian countries and China, expanding common interests and developing all-round cooperation are the guarantees for the strong vitality of the China-Central Asia mechanism. He believed that the China-Central Asia Mechanism will become an authoritative regional organization with originality, pursues the principle of peaceful development, and actively carries out cooperation in economic, trade, people-to-people and other fields.

Uzbek President Mirziyoyev, who was attending the China-Central Asia Summit, arrived at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by special plane in the early morning of 18 July. Even though the night is dark, the lively waist drums, cheerful Yangge and other unique welcome ceremonies with Shaanxi characteristics still make the Central Asian guests from afar feel the strong enthusiasm of the people of Shaanxi.

At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan came to China to attend the China-Central Asia Summit and pay a state visit. Hu Heping, Minister of Culture and Tourism, and Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, greeted him at the airport. China is Uzbekistan's main trading partner and largest export market, and in recent years, the two sides have achieved fruitful results in cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, and major projects have been progressing in an orderly manner.

At 7:55 a.m. on May 18, Turkmenistan President Berdymukhamedov arrived at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by special plane. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan came to China to attend the China-Central Asia Summit. Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, and Ma Zhaoxu, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, greeted him at the airport. In January this year, Serdar Berdymukhamedov paid a state visit to China, and the two heads of state jointly announced the elevation of China-Turkey relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

With the arrival of Turkmenistan President Berdymukhamedov, the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries have gathered in Xi'an. The heart yearns for it, and the action will come to it. Over the past 10 years, President Xi Jinping has visited Central Asia seven times, received leaders of Central Asian countries visiting China many times, had in-depth exchanges with all walks of life in Central Asian countries, made friends, and led China's relations with the five Central Asian countries to a new level, and the relations between China and Central Asian countries have developed into a model for building a new type of international relations. It is hoped that through the successful holding of this summit, China and Central Asian countries will continue to enhance mutual trust, consolidate friendship and strengthen cooperation, promote common development and prosperity, and seek well-being for the people of all countries.

[Title] waist drum Yangge welcomes the guests and dances out of the spirit of Shaanxi

At Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, the drums of the Hengshan waist are sonorous and powerful, the Suide Yangge is lively and festive, and the unique Shaanxi characteristic performance expresses the warm welcome to the VIPs attending the China-Central Asia Summit, and also dances the spirit of the Shaanxi people. This Hengshan waist drum corps has participated in major national events such as the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the theatrical performances to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

【Subtitle】Liu Jinhu, actor of the Folk Art and Opera Research Institute of Hengshan District, Yulin City

My heart is very excited, and I want to embody our things in northern Shaanxi and our things in Hengshan in front of all the leaders of all countries (attending the summit).

【Subtitle】Liu Zhenjun, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Hengshan District, Yulin City

After watching the Hengshan waist drum, many people feel that the Hengshan waist drum represents the characteristics and spiritual outlook of the Chinese in the new era.

[Title] [China-Central Asia Summit to be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province today] through the millennium, meet in Chang'an

Today, the China-Central Asia Summit will not only draw a new blueprint for China-Central Asia relations, but also inject new impetus into Xi'an's in-depth integration into the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative. More than 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian, the envoy of the Western Han Dynasty, set off from Chang'an, the city and Central Asian countries were closely linked, and the friendship between China and Central Asian countries was deeper than 2,000 years.

Although it was just past 8 o'clock in the morning, the morning market under the ancient city wall of Xi'an was already crowded, and eating breakfast by the ancient city wall and buying daily necessities has become the living habit of every Xi'an person.

[same period] come, Bailuyuan big cherry, hurry up, 10 yuan.

For Xi'an people, the city wall is the business card of their hometown, but also a memory, the frolicking chase of childhood, the love of youth, the sunset time of old age, the city wall encloses the life circle of Xi'an people, and witnesses the vicissitudes of the history of this thousand-year-old city, the glory of ancient and modern.

Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, 13 dynasties have built their capitals in Xi'an, and during the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Xi'an once became the most prosperous international metropolis in the world. At that time, the population reached more than 1 million at its peak, and at that time Xi'an was still called Chang'an, which was constantly recognized and longed for by the world under the name of Chang'an.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was a well-known foreign trade circle in Chang'an City, covering an area of 1,600 acres, equivalent to the size of 160 football fields, and in the Tang Dynasty, almost all the merchants from the Western Regions who came to Chang'an would do business here, because it was located on the west side of Chang'an City, so it was also called the West Market, and there was a saying that it would be located in the East Market in the east of Chang'an City, and it became the "thing" of what we now call "buying things" The origin of the word.

With the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative, the ancient Silk Road has reappeared prosperous. In the Xi'an International Port Area, busyness is the norm every day. On average, about 13 China-Europe trains Chang'an are sent from here every day, and about 2,200 TEUs of containers are transferred and shuttled in the port area every day, and about 13,000 tons of goods are transported from here to countries and regions along the "Belt and Road".

Every year in May, the pomegranate flower of Xi'an, the city flower, will decorate the streets and alleys of Xi'an with a touch of red, and its hometown is Central Asia. Xi'an, which carries the history of exchanges between China and Central Asia, is continuing to write today and tomorrow of equality, mutual benefit, mutual trust, mutual assistance and mutual learning between China and Central Asia.

[Title] [China-Central Asia Summit to be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province today] Expert analysis How will this summit open a new chapter of cooperation?

The leaders of the China-Central Asia Summit will have an in-depth exchange of views on mechanism building, cooperation in various fields and major international and regional issues of common concern, and reach a series of important consensus on deepening China-Central Asia strategic mutual trust and cooperation in key areas. How will this summit open a new chapter of cooperation, let's listen to the analysis of special commentator Su Xiaohui.

Of course, we can see that in the process of the development of China-Central Asia relations, the "Belt and Road" initiative has played a very important role, has become a main line of cooperation, and has achieved many fruitful results. On the occasion of the China-Central Asia Summit, how to further promote the "Belt and Road" cooperation, and make the "Belt and Road" cooperation play a more effective role to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, is a topic of concern to everyone. When it comes to the Belt and Road Initiative, the role it will play in the future of China's relations with Central Asia can be seen in the cooperation that the Belt and Road Initiative will promote integration. First of all, when it comes to integration, the high-level exchanges between China and the five Central Asian countries, especially the high-level exchanges, have provided important support for the further implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative. Through intergovernmental communication, mutual trust is established and the implementation of important projects is promoted, so that the confidence between all parties is increasing. In the next phase, especially for some big projects such as infrastructure connectivity, it is still essential to play a leading role at the high level of government. At the same time, we will see that people-to-people exchanges will be further developed, especially after President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Civilization Initiative, how to achieve exchanges and mutual learning in people-to-people exchanges will be an important direction for the future vigorous development. At the same time, when it comes to integrated cooperation, especially in the field of interconnection, in addition to the China-Europe train, which everyone has been very concerned about before, there will be further expansion in the future, in the air, in the air route, as well as in the interconnection of infrastructure, extending to the network platform e-commerce cooperation, etc. For China and Central Asian countries, in this process, open up more opportunities for cooperation, let more goods enter the homes of ordinary people, so that the cooperation between the two sides will bring opportunities for the common development of developing countries, will be an important direction of efforts.

[Title]【Central Media Watching the Summit】

【Introduction】More central media focus on the content of the summit, and pay attention to today's central media to watch the summit.

Xinhua News Agency published a commentator's article "Promoting China-Central Asia Cooperation into a New Era". The article says: With the joint efforts of all parties, China's relations with Central Asian countries have developed by leaps and bounds and reached the level of strategic partnership, which has not only promoted their respective development and prosperity, but also effectively safeguarded regional peace and stability, and set an example of a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. Only by standing on a high ground can China-Central Asia cooperation move steadily and farther in the right direction. By doing so, China-Central Asia cooperation will continue to lay a solid foundation for mutual benefit and win-win results. Taking advantage of the China-Central Asia Summit, China and Central Asian countries will continue their friendship and promote cooperation, and move forward step by step, so as to jointly write a new chapter of mutual understanding and shared destiny, and jointly create a better future for mankind.

Today's People's Daily published an article entitled "Hand in Hand Entering a New Era of China-Central Asia Relations -- People from All Walks of Life in China and Central Asian Countries Are Eagerly Looking Forward to the China-Central Asia Summit." The article says: People from all walks of life in China and Central Asian countries interviewed by this reporter believe that the summit is of great significance, and they look forward to China and Central Asian countries further building consensus on cooperation, and joining hands in a new era of China-Central Asia relations with a more united attitude, more efficient cooperation, and more pragmatic cooperation, so as to add a strong boost to their respective development and revitalization, and inject strong positive energy into regional and even world peace and stability.

[Title] [Foreign Media Look at Shaanxi] Feel the new style of Shaanxi on the spot and pay close attention to the China-Central Asia Summit

Welcome to continue to pay attention to the special report of the China-Central Asia Summit that Shaanxi Radio and Television Financial Media Group is broadcasting live for you. In the past few days, reporters from foreign media groups from many countries and regions have visited our province, and while perceiving and recording the history, culture and development changes of Shaanxi, they have paid close attention to the China-Central Asia Summit held in Xi'an.

In the Mausoleum Museum of the First Emperor of Qin, the realistic terracotta figurines and majestic military formations deeply attracted the reporter Dinar.

【Subtitle】Kazakhstan Media Group Reporter Dinar

Especially the terracotta warriors and horses in front of me, I have always longed to come here to visit, its grand scale is beyond my imagination, very shocking.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, the historical dance drama "Song of Long Hatred" integrates sound and light technology with real-life landscapes, showing the charm of the Tang Dynasty. In the center of the ancient city, the city wall stands majestically through the long years, opening the city gate to welcome guests from all directions. In the Xi'an International Port Station, the "Steel Camel Caravan" China-Europe Express has become an economic and trade bridge between the Eurasian continent, closely connecting countries along the route. From history and humanities to foreign trade and economic cooperation, the reporters of the media group carefully interviewed and recorded the development and changes of Shaanxi, and they also actively prepared for the China-Central Asia Summit.

【Subtitle】Kazakh Media Corps Reporter Irina Panfilova

The facilities of Xi'an International Port Station are very advanced and amazing. And I saw goods such as daily necessities from Kazakhstan, which made me very excited. Of course, in our country, there are also many goods from China.

【Subtitle】Kazakhstan Media Group Reporter Althea Bachova

In Xi'an, the classical and the modern are blended together, and I like it very much. As a country along the "Belt and Road", Kazakhstan and China have a long history of exchanges, and hope to enhance mutual understanding through the spread of the media, so that friendly relations can continue and have closer exchanges and cooperation in more fields.

[Title] [Ten Years of Chang'an, Silk Road New Camel Team] Chang'an "Metamorphosis"

【Introduction】The Silk Road is long, and the whistle sounds. Over the past 10 years, the China-Europe Express Chang'an has continuously expanded its line, increased its speed and increased efficiency, and opened up an international trade channel with high efficiency, low cost and excellent service. Today, let's take a look at the "Metamorphosis" of the Chang'an.

What is the China-Europe Express Chang'an? Is it a freight train with carriages? Is it a steel camel fleet on the "Belt and Road"? Is it a new business card of Shaanxi on the Silk Road? At Xi'an International Port Station, you can get more answers. It can be a bus that can be taken at any time, an express mail that arrives on time, or a "private customization" of a business.

At Xi'an International Port Station, the China-Europe train "Chang'an" public train loaded with goods slowly left the station and sailed to Duisburg, Germany. Since the first public train was launched at the end of 2019, the Chang'an public train has been running on a regular basis, with four flights a day, running in both directions between Xi'an and Europe.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

After the launch of the public train, we will concentrate the goods of each customer, and the public train will break the restriction that the previous China-Europe train needs to be shipped by the whole train.

Like the bus, the "Chang'an" public train has achieved a fixed departure frequency, stable running time and convenient ride.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

It is now as convenient as the bus, at any time to Xi'an, can be shipped on our nearest train at any time, and truly meets the needs of all large, medium and small customers.

【Subtitle】Zhang Le, Deputy General Manager of Bozheng Company of Xi'an International Land Port Group

We have also launched railway express LCL this year, sent to Hamburg and Duisburg, we also launched Milan LCL, Warsaw LCL, Budapest LCL, etc., from factory pick-up to warehouse packing, customs declaration and overseas unpacking, delivery, customs clearance, providing one-stop service.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

Now we see that the trains that are being loaded are the domestic and foreign global timetable trains that are about to depart, and their value is very high, and they can be delivered to the European market through our timetable trains as soon as possible.

Previously, when the China-Europe train passed through various countries, the local railway department had to formulate the running time according to the actual situation of the country, and it was impossible to achieve a fixed arrival and departure time of the train, resulting in invalid stops. The whole timetable train breaks through this barrier, realizes the full continuity of the timetable of each transportation section at home and abroad, and focuses on the priority guarantee of the operation links such as loading and handover at the port station to improve the timeliness of the whole process. It's like shipping express mail through Chang'an, which is fast and punctual.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

This train can be transported from Xi'an to Duisburg, Germany in only 11 days, which truly realizes the running time of our railway, comparable to air transportation, and is currently only in Xi'an, Shaanxi, the only one in the country.

With the same transportation time, the cost of Chang'an's "express mail" is less than one-fifth of that of air transportation, which greatly reduces the logistics cost of the enterprise.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

This product is also a very popular star product now, and it can be said that it is difficult to find a cabin.

【Text】Xianyang TPV is the world's largest display manufacturer. Since 2019, the company has cooperated with Xi'an Dry Port to send LCD modules to the Pozland base in Poland for assembly in the form of special trains, and then sell them to European countries. Starting from this year, TPV's Chang'an special train will depart once a week.

【Subtitle】Zhong Wei, Manager of Logistics Management Department of TPV Technology (Xianyang) Co., Ltd

The dry port has made a customized train for our Xianyang TPV, which we usually call the Pozlan special train.

The Chang'an special train is completely tailored according to the needs of enterprises and the categories of goods, which can be called the exclusive "private customization" of enterprises. At present, the Chang'an customized special train has become the main form of transportation for bulk commodities sent to Europe by land.

【Subtitle】Shao Boer, General Manager of Xi'an International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd

And now not only use containers, but also use professional automobile transportation means such as cages to serve car companies such as BYD and Geely, and truly achieve the effect of what customers need and what we create.

In the past ten years, the China-Europe Express Chang'an has changed from a freight train that assumes the function of a transportation carrier to a Chang'an bus, express mail and "private customized" trains, realizing the butterfly and qualitative changes in function, efficiency and service, and truly building an international trade channel with high efficiency, low cost and excellent service.

[Title] [Qin Wind Blows Through Pamir] Little Amin's Quest for Treatment: The Love Relay between Xi'an and Astana

【Introduction】2-year-old and 9-month-old Kazakh boy Amin unfortunately suffers from brain disease, in order to do his best to treat it, Ma Wenxuan, a young man from Kazakhstan who has been praised by President Xi Jinping, and other traditional medicine workers from China and Kazakhstan, will carry out love relay diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation training between Xi'an and Astana. Today's series of micro-documentaries "Qin Wind Blows Through the Pamirs" allows us to send a deep blessing to little Amin.

【Subtitle】May 8, 2023 Xi'an Xianyang International Airport

When the cabin door slowly opened, I saw this little boy wearing a baseball cap and a tiger's head - Amin. The moment I saw him, my heart tightened, Ah Ming, who is 2 years old and 9 months old this year, can only be held in his arms by his grandfather. This time, Xiao Amin will go to Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy Hospital for treatment.

【Subtitle】Amin's grandfather Sulaman

I came to take the baby to see a doctor, I came to stay for three months, and I heard that this doctor is good.

【Subtitle】On the morning of May 9th, Xi'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy

【Subtitle】Amin's grandfather Sulaman

When the baby turned over at 4 months, the baby got sick.

【Text】From the premature birth of Xiao Amin at birth, to whether he was healthy after birth, to the accident that occurred at 4 months. The doctors at the Encephalopathy Hospital asked about the child's condition in detail, not wanting to miss the slightest detail. But due to the language barrier, the diagnostic process requires more patience.

Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

When doing moxibustion treatment, you need to tie the moxibustion box to Xiao Ming's back and head. Maybe it's scared, or maybe it's uncomfortable, little Armin keeps crying, and we are very distressed when we stand aside and watch, let alone grandparents. And all they can do is to stay by their children's side, constantly coaxing and comforting. But I saw that a warm smile was always on their faces, because they knew that the treatment had just begun, and they had to be strong and optimistic in order to accompany Armin through every step of the treatment.

【Subtitle】Bai Xinchao, attending physician of the International Medical Department of Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy Hospital

The diagnosis is a mixed cerebral palsy, which mainly trains his upper limb fine motor skills.

【Subtitle】May 13 Little Amin's rental house

Ah Ming, Auntie gave you a car to play with and a small toy to play with.

Ming's grandparents rented a two-room house in the neighborhood next door to the hospital, so that it was convenient to take the children to have treatment every day, and they would also live here for 3 months. Amin's grandfather, Sulaman, was a native of the Dungan ethnic group of Kazakhstan and could speak some simple Shaanxi dialect.

【Subtitle】Amin's grandfather Sulaman

I'll sell the house, as long as I can make Ah Ming good. I don't want anything, Amin is my heart (heart), and I feel very uncomfortable when I see my baby. I hugged and smiled and was happy all day, and I didn't say anything to my face, and I felt very sad in my heart.

【Subtitle】Amin's grandmother Aminna

[Simultaneous voice] (Chinese translation): I love Ah Ming very much, he is my grandson, I love him very much. I also hope that my grandfather and I can come to Xi'an this time to treat him well, so that he can play like children of the same age.

【Subtitle】May 14 Xi'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy

[Amin's grandfather Sulaman communicates with the doctor]

I don't even know what this is for, so I just look at it.

You see, the thing he is holding in his hand is called a thorn ball, this is a feeling of excitement, the baby feels nervous when he moves a little, he feels very sensitive, and he is not too nervous after a long time, which plays such a role.

[Simultaneous sound at the scene] Uh-huh

【Subtitle】Bai Xinchao, attending physician of the International Medical Department of Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy Hospital

The plasticity of children's brains is still relatively strong. With continued rehabilitation, it is still possible to walk independently in the future.

[Amin's grandfather Sulaman communicates with the doctor]

[Live simultaneous sound] half a film at a time, twice a day, just take a knife and do everything, very small pieces.

You also know that the baby is a little sicker, and this time must be long.

He said that he knew, and he said that after the construction over there, maybe he would be treated here for one course of treatment, and the next course of treatment would be over there.

It's good here, it's good over there (Kazakhstan Medical Center).

Rehabilitation training in traditional Chinese medicine is a long-term process, how can little Amin continue his rehabilitation training after returning to Kazakhstan? In Astana, there is an "old acquaintance" of our Shaanxi people who is already ready there.

【Subtitle】May 14 Asnata China-Kazakhstan Center of Traditional Medicine

【Subtitle】Ma Wenxuan, a Chinese medicine therapist at the China-Kazakhstan Center for Traditional Medicine

"I'm a foreigner, but not an outsider!", I'm Ma Wenxuan, a young man from Kazakhstan who fought side by side with everyone during the epidemic. Now my studies at Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine have ended and I have returned to Kazakhstan. I believe that it was really fate, and I am now working at the China-Kazakhstan Center for Traditional Medicine.

【Subtitle】Song Hujie, President of Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy Hospital

On May 5 this year, we sent the first batch of 5 medical team members to the new site of the China-Kazakhstan Traditional Medicine Center in Kazakhstan to carry out TCM diagnosis and treatment activities.

【Subtitle】Head of the Kazakh side of the China-Kazakhstan Center for Traditional Medicine, Yerlan

Many parents can't go to China, so we want to open a clinic in the local area, and the most important thing is that the TCM clinic works very well.

【Subtitle】Ma Wenxuan, TCM therapist of China-Kazakhstan Traditional Medicine Center

Ah Ming is currently being treated at the Xi'an TCM Encephalopathy Hospital in China, and he will return to the medical center in three months, where we will relay to provide TCM diagnosis and treatment services for Ah Ming. The use of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, cupping and other traditional Chinese medicine techniques to benefit my hometown and reduce the pain of patients. Shaanxi is my second hometown, and I often go back to study and visit my Chinese teachers and classmates.

In recent years, Xi'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy has treated many patients with encephalopathy from more than 20 countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", bringing hope for more children at home and abroad to recover.

【Subtitle】Rehabilitated children

Hello everyone, I wish the uncles and aunts of the Encephalopathy Hospital, a happy and healthy New Year, goodbye.

Seeing that these special children can clearly express their thoughts after being treated by traditional Chinese medicine, I believe that you in front of the screen are just as surprised as I am, but more moved and happy. We also hope that more children like Xiao Amin will be able to sit up, stand up and walk as soon as possible through TCM diagnosis and treatment. The smiles on the faces of their parents, grandparents will also be brighter and warmer.

【Subtitle】May 15 Xi'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy

[Amin's grandfather Sulaman communicates with nurses and doctors]

You grab your hand to the wrist, light it up, and do this.

This action is done 20 times a day after returning home, and both sides are changed.

I am very grateful to the hospital, the doctors, and the nurses. We have to do our part for Amin, and we very much hope that he will recover and that he will be able to go to school.

【Silk Road Hot News】

Welcome to continue to pay attention to the special report of the China-Central Asia Summit that Shaanxi Radio and Television Financial Media Group is broadcasting live for you. What other relevant content have been focused on by various media? Let's take a quick look at today's Silk Road hot news in the form of a quick news snapshot.

China Customs: In the first four months, the import and export of the mainland and the five Central Asian countries increased by nearly 40%.

At present, China and the five Central Asian countries continue to deepen pragmatic economic and trade cooperation, and the quantity and quality of trade development have increased. According to the statistics of China Customs, in the first four months, the import and export between the mainland and the five Central Asian countries was 173.05 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 37.3%. It is worth noting that in April, the monthly import and export scale between the mainland and the five Central Asian countries exceeded 50 billion yuan for the first time, reaching 50.27 billion yuan, reaching a new level.

Title: The Civil Aviation Administration of China signed a contract with five Central Asian countries to gradually improve the level of air traffic rights opening

Recently, the reporter learned from the press conference of the Civil Aviation Administration that the mainland and the five Central Asian countries have signed intergovernmental air transport agreements, which will gradually improve the level of air traffic openness. Since January 6 this year, the civil aviation market from Xi'an to Central Asia has been restored from the "zero" route all the way to achieve full coverage of the five Central Asian countries, which has greatly facilitated the personnel and economic and trade exchanges between the mainland and Central Asia.

【Title】"The Belt and Road Connecting East and West - Ancient Silk Road Coin Exhibition" was held at Lanzhou Museum

Recently, the "Belt and Road Connecting the East and West - Ancient Silk Road Coin Exhibition" was launched in Lanzhou Museum. The exhibition displays more than 5,000 gold, silver and copper coins from ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient Persia, ancient India, ancient Arabia, Kushan, Central Asia and other countries along the Silk Road. It reflects the cultural exchange and integration between the East and the West, which are connected by the Silk Road.

Xi'an Museum: The exhibition "Silk Road Youth Tang Tour" is open to the public

The original semi-real-life exhibition "Chang'an Has a Hometown - Silk Road Youth Tang Tour" is open to the public at the Xi'an Museum. The exhibition is based on the treasure of the Xi'an Museum, the Tang Dynasty Sancai Vacant Horse, and the blue-clothed boy on horseback. Through what the teenager saw, heard, and felt during his travels in Chang'an, it shows the typical scenes of markets, monasteries, outings, and residences in Chang'an City, such as "Tang Gold Market", "Orchid Wine Shop", "Hundred Opera Acrobatics", and "Hunting Trip", outlining the colorful secular life of the Tang Dynasty, and showing the grand occasion of exchanges and mutual learning between Chang'an as the starting point of the Silk Road and foreign civilizations.

[Title]【We are very good in Shaanxi】Turkmenistan student Durd Muhamedov Meret: Discover the beauty of Xi'an and pass it on to the world

【Introduction】They came to China because of their yearning, and they chose to stay because of their dreams. Today, let's meet a Turkmenistan student who has lived in China for four years, Durdmukhamedov Meret, who also has a nice Chinese name - Yunfei, in his eyes, Xi'an is a beautiful and charming city with a rich history, Han and Tang charms and fashion trends coexist. Next, we follow Yunfei and take a look at Xi'an in his eyes.

My name is Yunfei, I am from Turkmenistan, and I am an international student at Northwest University. Since I was a child, I have always longed to come to China to learn and experience the world's oldest language and culture, and when I came to China, I felt that the people here were very welcoming, and gave us a lot of help and encouragement in our study, work and life. I have been in Xi'an for more than four years, I have been to many attractions in Xi'an, I feel that Xi'an is a city where history and modernity blend, and now there are more and more treasure spots waiting for me to check in.

(Anrenfang Ruins Exhibition Hall)

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

This is the Anrenfang Ruins Exhibition Hall, it is said that this is the Anrenfang of the Tang Dynasty, let's go and see.

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

Here is Tang poetry calligraphy, this I will, away from the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered, the wildfire is inexhaustible, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

Let's find a professional person here to introduce us, hello, hello. What is this for?

【Subtitle】Wang Yan, a staff member of the Anrenfang Ruins Exhibition Hall

There are several interactive installations designed here, and a few of the instruments you saw in front of you, yes, I just saw them over there, and the instruments are very beautiful, but what kind of sound is it, you can feel it in the interactive installation, and listen to the sound of our Tang Dynasty musical instruments. I can really hear it, this is the sound of a pipa, and the sound is very good.

【Subtitle】Wang Yan, a staff member of the Anrenfang Ruins Exhibition Hall

This is a floor plan of Tang Chang'an City, and Anrenfang is in this location. What we usually talk about buying things is actually from the Tang Dynasty, to buy things in the East Market and the West Market, and the West Market is mainly a foreign trade distribution center.

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

The Silk Road, yes, the Silk Road is all countries, and so is our country, and the people of Chang'an (through the Silk Road), the products shipped from our country can be bought.

I like to walk in this city with rich historical and cultural resources, these four years have given me a deeper understanding of Xi'an, China actively exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations in the world, and the concept and culture centered on harmony have made Chinese form a peace-loving national characteristic, and the ancient capital of Xi'an is full of fashion vitality and makes me feel younger and younger.

(Old Caichang Market Cultural and Creative District)

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

We just talked about shopping, I came to China and found that mobile phone payment is very convenient, and you can get a mobile phone when you go out. Boss, come on with this. Tomatoes, um.

You can see that this is a vegetable market, but it is not just a vegetable market.

【Subtitle】Turkmenistan student Yunfei

You can see the city wall here. The Xi'an City Wall is one of the oldest and best-preserved ancient walled buildings in the world.

After shopping, I will see an art exhibition and experience handmade coffee. This is also the modern Xi'an market cultural life full of fireworks and very fashionable.

(Xi'an Film Studio)

【Subtitle】Xiying Cultural Tourism staff Zhao Junjun

In 2014, the Silk Road International Film Festival was officially opened, and it was also held in Shaanxi and Fujian provinces every other year.

The film and television industry in Xi'an is developing very well.

Yes, in fact, the Silk Road International Film Festival has also better promoted the cultural exchanges and cooperation of countries along the Silk Road.

Xi'an, a beautiful and charming city with a rich history, let me linger in it, I will continue to discover the beauty of this city and pass it on to the world.

【Silk Road Lounge】

[Title] [Dialogue on the Silk Road Archaeology Shaanxi People Series Interview] Depicting the Legendary "New Town" of the Silk Road

Today is International Museum Day, so let's go into today's "Dialogue on the Silk Road Archaeology Shaanxi People Series Interviews" and hand over the time to Li Fei.

Chang'an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, as the road network of the Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor on the list of world cultural heritage, spans China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, with 33 historical monuments.

The ruins of the ancient city of Honghe are the largest ancient city site in the Chu River Basin in Central Asia, and the historical wind and sand have buried this once important cultural town on the Silk Road. More than 1,000 years later, an archaeological team from Shaanxi, China, set out from Chang'an again to visit this ancient city along the Silk Road. Today, we will talk to Tian Youqian, a research librarian at the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology. He firmly believes that this ancient city of the Red River is the legendary city "New Town" on the Silk Road, which has been mentioned in Arab, ancient Persian and Chinese literature.

【Subtitle】Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology Research Librarian Tian Youqian, Site Leader of the Archaeological Project of the Red River Ancient City Site in Kyrgyzstan

The reason why we speculate about this ancient city of Honghe now is that it may be the new city mentioned in Chinese literature, because in this "New Tang Dynasty Book", it records that there was a geographer named Jia Tan in the Tang Dynasty, and he had a book called "Huanghua Sida Ji", in which it records the relevant pathways, and I remember it in detail. For example, after he went from this Broken Leaf City, 10 miles to Miguo City, and then 30 miles to this new city, we look at the current location, about 20 kilometers southeast of this ancient city of Honghe, to this Broken Leaf City, which is basically consistent with the ancient documents. Because in the (Western) literature, it records a city of Naihuachit, and the route of the city site is very consistent with this location, and the city of Naihuachet is connected with the new city by comparing it.

The ancient city of Honghe was discovered as early as the end of the 19th century, but in the archaeological history of more than 100 years, no one has ever seen its full picture. In 2018, Tian Youqian brought a batch of the most advanced surveying and mapping equipment in China, ready to accurately map and record the entire Honghe ancient city site.

This ancient city of Honghe, it has been excavated since the end of the 19th century, (in the past) archaeologists they all chose a point, and then began to excavate, we now want to figure out the whole scope of it, after a comprehensive survey, get the most accurate distribution map, and then mark all the excavation points over the years on it, through this map, we are very clear, we can see a brief history of its excavation.

【Subtitle】Host Li Fei

I understand that our surveying and mapping work is equivalent to a summary, in fact, we have passed a map, but all the past archaeological survey work can be clearly displayed.

The Silk Road is a bridge of cultural communication, and the popular Chinese stele of Jingjiao in Daqin, which is now stored in the Forest of Steles Museum in Xi'an, is the first batch of precious cultural relics that are forbidden to be exhibited abroad, reflecting the spread of Jingjiao in Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty at that time. More than 4,000 kilometers away, in the ancient city of Honghe, the joint archaeological team discovered a variety of historical and cultural relics such as Nestorian religion and Buddhism.

【Subtitle】Host Li Fei

What did we do further after that?

Then we carried out an exploration of this key area, which is the Buddhist temple on the west side. Exploration has shown that there are three mounds outside the west side of the Buddhist temple wall, one of which is a relatively large mound, and the other two small mounds, which is a temple related to Buddhist sites. It is speculated that the place where these three mounds are distributed may be the ruins of a temple, but there is no evidence, and we want to find out this place now.

【Subtitle】Host Li Fei

We know that the ancient city of Honghe is a very representative site on the ancient Silk Road, so can it illustrate the diversity of cultural exchanges on the Silk Road?

For example, in the first year of Zhenguan, when Xuanzang went to Tianzhu to seek the Dharma, he passed by this area and saw that there were many city sites standing in a forest, which belonged to each other, indicating that there were many small countries, and there must be exchanges between countries, and this piece was a transit station. Through the excavation of the ancient city of Honghe, it was found that among these ruins, the ruins of our Buddhist temple just mentioned, it must reflect a route for the spread of Buddhism to the north and east.

The intersection of cultures, as well as the inextricable connections with China, are full of great attraction for Chinese archaeological teams. Although the archaeological work has only just begun, Tian Youqian believes that through further excavation of the ancient city of Honghe, it will reveal more evidence of the exchanges between the East and the West along the Silk Road.

【Subtitle】Host Li Fei

This is a different perspective from the East and the West, and through your archaeological work, we have obtained a mutual confirmation, so what kind of plans will we have for this area in the future?

The short-term plan is to finish the excavation of the ruins of the Buddhist temple on the west side, and then see if there are any tombs around the city site, because according to our experience in China, these tombs are still very important to judge a culture. So our next step is to look around it to see if there was a burial area at that time. Because you want such a large city site, its inhabitants must have a burial area, so we have to find a burial area for excavation.

More than 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian traveled all the way to the west, looking forward to a wide range of visions and opening up a road of communication. More than 1,300 years ago, camel merchants were in an endless stream, and Tang Chang'an City carried the dream of every Silk Road traveler. In the 21st century, when Chinese archaeologists go abroad, they explore not only the grand scenery of the Silk Road in the past, but also the flower of oriental culture and friendship.

【Netizen Hot Comments】

From today, the China-Central Asia Summit will be held in Xi'an, so what are the expectations and best wishes of netizens for the China-Central Asia Summit, let's take a look at the hot comments of netizens.

【Text】 Netizen "Yunzhong Jinshu" said: Mountains and rivers are connected, and they move forward side by side. Starting from Xi'an, the road of good-neighborliness, friendship and win-win cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries will surely become broader and broader, and jointly write a better tomorrow for bilateral relations!

Netizen "Pearl" said: With the opening of the Xi'an-Astana international route, from the ancient capital of Xi'an to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, the two-day trip has become more than 5 hours. I hope that more Xi'an friends will come to Astana as guests, so that the millennium friendship will write a new chapter.

Netizen "Ainura518" said: I am an international student from Kyrgyzstan, and I am honored to serve this summit and contribute to the success of the summit. I believe that the relations between the two countries will take this opportunity to move towards a better tomorrow, and I hope that more Kyrgyz students will come to Xi'an to study and work in the future and be ambassadors of friendly exchanges between the two countries.

[Title] [I came from the Silk Road] The story of a pomegranate

【Introduction】It is early summer, and the pomegranate flowers, the city flower of Xi'an, are in full bloom. Pomegranates are native to Central Asia and symbolize harmony and unity. Through this summit, China and the five Central Asian countries will inherit the thousand-year-old friendship, actively build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future, and write a new chapter of harmony and unity.

Hello everyone, I am a pomegranate from Lintong, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin's poem "The durian branches are graceful and the pomegranate is solid, and the pomegranate film is light and bright." That's me. My ancestors first lived in Central Asia, where the climate was pleasant, the soil and water were fertile, and the sunshine was abundant, which was very suitable for the cultivation and growth of pomegranates. About 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian of the Han Dynasty sent an envoy to the Western Regions to open up the Silk Road, and when he returned, he brought back pomegranate seeds, which were planted in the Shanglin Garden of Chang'an and the Lishan Hot Spring Palace of Lintong at that time. Later, it was introduced to other parts of the mainland through Chang'an, so Xi'an is also known as the birthplace of Chinese pomegranates. In 1986, I was selected as the city flower of Xi'an, we not only embody the Silk Road spirit of Chang'an's inclusiveness and inclusiveness, but also symbolize unity, this time at the China Central Asia Summit, I will also meet old friends from Central Asia, I am waiting for you in Xi'an.


【Introduction】The towering Qinling Mountains, and the north and south. The ancestral lineage of China, Ze is the world. At the end of the program, let's walk into today's "New Picture Scroll of Beautiful Shaanxi".

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