
Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world

author:Wine brother Yang Chengping
Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world
Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world

Wuliangye participated in the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024, showing the strong fragrance of a great country.

Text | Selling Wine Wolf Team

Ed southerly

In Dongyu Island in March, the coconut tide is rising and the spring is mighty. From March 26th to 29th, the "Boao Time" that attracted global attention was opened again. With the theme of "Asia and the World: Common Challenges, Common Responsibilities", the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 will bring together people from the global political, business and academic circles to draw up the "Boao Plan" and issue the "Boao Voice", so as to unite the joint force of overcoming difficulties and creating a better future.

As a member of the Council of the Forum, the highest honorary strategic partner of the Annual Conference, and the designated wine for the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024, Wuliangye will go to this "Spring Appointment" again to meet challenges, share responsibilities, and seek common development, so as to help the world play a harmonious movement of cooperation, sharing and win-win.


Spread the voice of "harmony and beauty" and share the responsibility for development

At present, the complexity, severity and uncertainty facing global development are rising, and it has become the call of the times to build a more harmonious and beautiful world with the future of mankind and the well-being of the people in mind.

Since its establishment 23 years ago, the Boao Forum for Asia has always adhered to the concept of openness and cooperation, inclusiveness, harmony and mutual benefit, and has made fruitful contributions to building consensus, promoting cooperation and promoting economic globalization.

Wuliangye is the world's first distilled liquor brewed with five kinds of grains, adhering to the ancient brewing technology, forming a comprehensive liquor taste, harmonious flavors, just right style, is the materialization of the Chinese "five-character culture" and "harmony" philosophy, with a deep "harmony" gene, and the Boao concept is naturally compatible.

Based on the international platform of the Boao Forum for Asia, Wuliangye has always carried forward the spirit of harmony and the United States, and promoted "harmony and beauty" to become the greatest common divisor of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

At the annual meeting, the "harmony" element containing Chinese aesthetics attracted the attention of guests from all over the world. The Sichuan opera face-changing performance "Eternal Shu Style, Elegant Rhyme and Beauty", which integrates the characteristic content of Wuliangye, made a stunning appearance in the dinner, and the carefully customized "He", "Beauty" and "National Treasure" panda masks showed the charm of harmony, Sichuan and Shu customs, and the quintessence of national culture.

Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world

▲The calligraphy creation area arranged by Wuliangye

In the calligraphy creation area carefully arranged by Wuliangye, young calligraphers splashed ink and invited guests from all over the world to write "harmony in the heart", "victory in everything", "health and joy", "happiness and peace" and "leisure" on the folding fan, conveying the blessings of harmony and beauty to the world and their families.

A guest said: "Harmony is a word full of beautiful meanings, and this event combines calligraphy, folding fans and 'harmony' to promote Chinese culture to the world, which is very meaningful." ”

Zeng Congqin, chairman of Wuliangye Group (Co., Ltd.), said in an article published at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 that harmony and beauty, that is, "harmony and symbiosis, beauty and beauty", is an important value concept for solving social development problems, reflecting the profound thinking and wisdom of Chinese in solving problems such as self-survival, social development, and national governance.


Four went to the "Boao Covenant" to share the "strong fragrance of a great country"

As China's high-quality development injects more certainty into the recovery and stability of the world economy, the Forum looks forward to more Eastern wisdom to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world.

Baijiu is a typical representative of China's excellent traditional culture, and Wuliangye, as a leading enterprise in the industry, has been going to the "Boao Appointment" for four consecutive years to participate in a series of activities such as the opening meeting of the annual meeting and the board of directors, using liquor as a medium to show the unique charm of "the strong fragrance of a great country" to the world and help form a new "Boao Plan".

The unique charm of "Great Country Fragrance" comes from the beauty of harmony -

In the Wuliangye Exhibition Hall, the well-arranged picture wall shows the beauty of Wuliangye's ecology, quality, ingenuity, culture and development. At the dinner scene, Wuliangye made a wonderful appearance as the official designated liquor, with the fragrance of the wine and the strong fragrance overflowing, sharing the mellow flavor and profound heritage of Chinese liquor with the world, and winning the unanimous recognition of international friends.

The unique charm of "Great Country Fragrance" comes from the beauty of inclusiveness -

At the cocktail booth, five cocktails "Wugu Ronnie", "Harmony and Breeze", "Beautiful Scenery", "Chinese Impression" and "National Fragrance" made a colorful appearance with Wuliangye as the base liquor, and the innovative attempt and unique taste of "Chinese liquor + cocktail" attracted the guests to stop and taste, full of praise, and vividly interpreted the collision and integration of Chinese liquor and Western spirits, tradition and modernity, classic and innovation.

The unique charm of "the strong fragrance of the great country" comes from the beauty of responsibility——

In recent years, Wuliangye has continued to broaden and deepen the scope of cooperation with the Boao Forum for Asia, played the role of the highest-level partner and director of the forum body at the annual meeting, and deeply participated in various thematic meetings and series of activities under the framework of the forum. Jiang Wenge, vice chairman and general manager of Wuliangye Co., Ltd., said that Wuliangye has always been committed to promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture to the world, helping the global people-to-people bonds, cultural exchanges and mutual learning, civilization and coexistence, and meeting global challenges, sharing the responsibility of peace and prosperity, and building an open and stable future with the Boao family.

Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world

▲Jiang Wenge, vice chairman and general manager of Wuliangye Co., Ltd


Firm and open attitude to create a prosperous future

In today's world, the trend of economic globalization is irreversible. As a traditional advantageous industry in China, liquor has strong cultural attributes, great industrial contribution and high added value of products, and has a natural advantage of "going to sea" and broad overseas development prospects.

As one of the first national brands to go abroad, Wuliangye leads Chinese liquor to "go global" while guiding the high-quality development practice of enterprises with the wisdom achievements of the Boao Forum for Asia, and promotes Chinese liquor culture, Chinese catering culture and Chinese lifestyle to the world with an open and inclusive attitude, firm cultural self-confidence and practical action practice.

Wuliangye's "fragrant appointment" Boao time": share and share the power of harmony and beauty for the prosperity of the world

▲The site of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024

To be an explorer of model innovation and lay out the global market. Wuliangye upgraded its restaurants in Tokyo, Japan, Hong Kong, China and other places, expanded the consumption scene of "Chinese cuisine + Chinese wine", innovated the operation model of "culture + experience", and interpreted the value expression of liquor in Chinese food culture. At present, Wuliangye products have achieved a full range of high, medium and low exports, radiating to most countries and regions in the world.

Be a promoter of traditional culture and tell the story of liquor. Wuliangye deeply participated in the world's top business and cultural activities such as the APEC Business Leaders Summit, the Boao Forum for Asia, and the International Import Expo, launched the "Harmony Global Tour", and appeared at the New Year's Countdown Ceremony in New York Times Square, showing the brilliance and diversity of Chinese liquor and traditional Chinese culture through culture, art, fashion and other diversified forms, promoting the harmonious coexistence of different civilizations, and promoting mutual understanding and blind date among people around the world.

To be a builder of scientific expression and show Chinese quality. Based on the advantages of the industry's leading expert team, scientific research platform and research methods, Wuliangye systematically deconstructs Chinese liquor, tells the process characteristics and excellent quality in a scientific way, and promotes the formulation of complete and accurate international standards for Chinese liquor in line with international standards, so as to enhance the international discourse power of Chinese liquor.

The tide rises in the South China Sea, looking at the world. Zeng Congqin said that Wuliangye will continue to meet challenges with cooperation, fulfill responsibilities, and build confidence with inclusiveness, help the Boao Forum for Asia gather more ideas and solutions to promote peace, prosperity and progress in Asia and the world, and contribute wisdom and strength to Asia and the world to meet challenges and share responsibilities.


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