
The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

author:DB for further education planning data

Recently, Huazhong University of Science and Technology International Education Science and Technology Innovation Park (Junshan Campus) project promotion meeting was held, the main structure of the first phase of 31 buildings of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Junshan Campus has been capped, and the follow-up construction work is steadily advancing, which will be completed and put into use as scheduled in September this year, ushering in the first batch of teachers and students. Zhang Guangjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Liu Ziqing, Member of the Standing Committee of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone, attended the event and delivered speeches. Vice Presidents Xie Xiaolin, Yu Junqing and Gao Liang attended the event, and Tang Chao, deputy secretary of the Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Wuhan Economic Development Zone, presided over the event.

The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!
The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

At the construction site of the project, Zhang Guangjun, Liu Ziqing, Xie Xiaolin, Yu Junqing, Gao Liang, Tang Chao and others jointly "added color to the upper beam" of the last steel beam of the Junshan Campus project of Huake University.

Zhang Guangjun said that the Junshan Campus of China University of Science and Technology is an important force for Hubei Province to build a national pioneer area for building a new development pattern, Wuhan to build a science and technology innovation center with national influence, and Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone to build a trillion-level "Chegu Industrial Innovation Corridor".

The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

Renderings of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Junshan Campus

In July 2022, the Huazhong University of Science and Technology International Education Science and Technology Innovation Park (Junshan Campus) project was officially launched, located in the core area of "Chegu Sub-city", located on the south side of Junshan New Town, east of the Yangtze River, backed by Dajun Mountain, close to the intersection of Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, and adjacent to the new landmark "Spring Bamboo Shoots" in Chegu. The Junshan Campus has innovatively established four interdisciplinary departments: Advanced Manufacturing and New Materials, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Application, Carbon Neutrality and Environmental Protection, and Life Science and Medical Health.

The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

The total land area of Junshan Campus is about 2,050 acres, and the planned total construction area is 1.2 million square meters, which can meet the teaching and scientific research needs of 20,000 students as a whole. Among them, the first phase of the project has a total construction area of 600,000 square meters and a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan, mainly building the basic conditions for running schools in the four major science clusters and the infrastructure for 10,000 students to live in, including scientific research buildings, laboratory buildings, student dormitories, libraries, gymnasiums, health centers, canteens, etc.

In order to create a good learning and living environment for the teachers and students who are about to move in, the construction of the Left Bank Avenue (Zhuankou-Junshan Section) supporting the Junshan Campus of Huake University is speeding up and will be completed and opened to traffic in August, when the commuting time of teachers and students of Huake University to and from Junshan Campus and Yujiashan Campus will be greatly shortened. In addition, in Junshan New Town, high-quality educational, medical and cultural facilities such as Wuhan ISA International School, Tongji Hospital Junshan Campus, and Wuhan Lu Xun Bookstore are becoming more and more perfect, and the construction of public service facilities such as Chegu Citizens' Home and Wuhan Automobile Museum is accelerating, which will provide more convenient and intelligent services for teachers and students of Junshan Campus of Huake University.

The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

From a number of major national scientific research bases represented by the "four pearls" such as Wuhan National Research Center for Optoelectronics, National Pulsed Strong Magnetic Field Science Center, National Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructure for Precision Gravity Measurement, and National Digital Design and Manufacturing Innovation Center, to the Engineering Practice Innovation Center with more than 15,000 square meters of three-dimensional space, and then to the construction of "pilot areas" for education and teaching reform such as the National Pilot College of Optoelectronic Information, the National Demonstration School of Microelectronics, the School of Engineering Science, the School of Cyberspace Security, and the College of Future Technology...... For a long time, the University of Science and Technology has poured the best resources, the most warmth, and the deepest emotions into the students, providing them with a broad platform for practice and development, stimulating the inner potential of students to the greatest extent, and making every student of the University of Science and Technology ambitious, knowledgeable, thoughtful, pragmatic and dedicated, and become a better version of themselves.

The first phase has a total investment of 7.8 billion yuan! The new campus of China University of Science and Technology is coming, and the first batch of teachers and students will settle in September this year!

Today, Hua Ke University is still beating the drum of the journey of forging ahead, and continues to move forward smoothly on the road of high-level talent training with a sense of mission to seize the day.