
Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

Today, Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is on the hot search again, many people think it is high, but they ignore the important data of the number of stores and the competitive circle.

What is the concept of 1000 batches of daily entry per store? Calculate the effective working time of 10 hours per day, which is 100 groups per hour (more than in the peak period, insufficient in the low peak period), assuming that each store has 10 sales, and each sales needs to receive 10 customers per hour.

Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

Insiders generally know in their hearts, a batch of traditional 4s into the store, to see the car, to the test drive, to negotiate, to sign the contract on the spot, the whole process is more than one hour, although the direct sales model does not need to bargain, but the introduction of rights and interests and the operation of the APP optional ordering process takes up approximate time.

That is to say, each sales person can only serve 2 customers in the whole process in 30 minutes per person, or 6 customers in part of the process in 10 minutes per person, and 10 customers in a perfunctory process of 6 minutes per person.

Even if you exclude the people mentioned last time in order to show off in the circle of friends, check in to see a car and post an order, and then do not lock the order and unsubscribe, 40% of the wait-and-see and unsubscribe will naturally be caused by the lack of explanation, reception, answer, and guidance in the exhibition hall.

In the case of an explosion of passenger traffic, a 40% unsubscribe rate seems high but is actually normal.

In terms of competition, it can be seen from the younger composition of the six competitors that the new energy market is becoming more and more mature.

Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

When the domestic model3 and the domestic modelY monopolized the head ecological niche of the new energy competition circle, domestic competitors such as P7 and Han EV and ES6 can easily find their own unique competitiveness, Tesla and they compete with each other in the new energy circle at the same time, with the help of Sun Shaojun's often said Shanghai Tesla effect, irreversibly eat a lot of C-class and X3 and other new wave and younger demand in the fuel vehicle market next door.

As mentioned yesterday, the Xiaomi brand mobile phone, bracelet, sweeping robot, air conditioner and other product combinations spell out the youngest customer group in the market, much younger than Cadillac (as can be seen from the criticism of Cadillac's coconut tree style advertisement).

Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

This timeSU7The opponents of the actual comparison are indeed young sports sedan segments, even the ET5 and Extreme Krypton 001 of cross-border travel are all competing products, and there are not many mature and stable models represented by Han EV, Extreme Fox αS, and Lantu Chasing Light, and Zhijie S7 and AVATR 12 are not ranked in the top six, let alone ask the world.

Therefore, the confrontation between Xiaomi and Huawei's electronic circle is reflected in the car circle,The former aims at young people out of the general sports car,Impress many circle of friends to install x demand,Reflecting that it occupies the young ecological niche of opponents such as extreme krypton,The latter is aimed at middle-aged peopleThe main volume is M7 and other comfortable playing SUVs,Impressed by the middle-aged ecological niche。

Xiaomi and Huawei do not conflict with each other for the time being, but in the long run, there is not much to add together the sales of sports models in the whole market such as model3 Civic Shadow Leopard UNIV, and the potential market that Xiaomi can grab is small, and the ideal plus BBA plus Volkswagen Toyota and other household market models are more and have large sales, and Huawei can grab a large potential market.

Xiaomi SU7 unsubscribe rate of 40% is high or low?

I hope Xiaomi will soon spread the mass production of SUVs that will be released in the second half of this year, after the sedan market is ignited by SU7, modelY leads with several range extenders, and the SUV circle such as G6 and ES6 and LS6 that lack pure electric stamina needs some new vitality.

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