
The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!

author:Digital Association of Workers
The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!

Last year, the only object of verbal criticism was the fight for Xixi, and this year, with the adjustment of the rules of the major platforms, Tao Xixi, Sha Xixi, and Red Xi have been launched.

The new rules are outrageously harsh on merchants.

If you buy a diaper on the platform and complain that the product is not washable, the platform can arrange a refund for you.

Buyers are used to death, and sellers are used to death. This is the power of capital, there is no reason to talk about it at all, then don't do business.

However, it is difficult to understand the logic of this behavior, the food and clothing parents of the platform are actually merchants, taking the service fees of merchants, doing the work of favoring buyers, ignoring fairness, focusing on one, eating inside and out, DOG is not as good.

Therefore, the state has repeatedly reinstated and ordered to curb monopoly, but the flow is not visible, and there is no entity, so it is really difficult to say how to stop it.

If you want it to perish, you must first make it mad. The drawbacks of this model of e-commerce have already emerged.

1. The number of employees is huge, volume!

The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!

According to the data of e-commerce practitioners, there are 6.8 million e-commerce employees, 58.5 million indirect employees, and the official statistics will reach 70 million in 2023.

This data has completed the plan for 2025 ahead of schedule. I don't think this includes part-time, agency operation, and social e-commerce data.

Intuitively, for example, each e-commerce practitioner serves more than a dozen users, which is basically saturated.

We know that in the three years from 20 to 22, due to the impact of masks, residents have been confined for more time, and online shopping has become one of the few industries that continues to grow.

According to the 2022 data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the national online retail sales in 2022 will be 13.79 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4%. There were more than 120 million live broadcasts, with a total of more than 1.1 trillion views, more than 95 million live broadcast products, and nearly 1.1 million active anchors.

However, in the second half of 23 years, just as e-commerce people were preparing to meet the hot market, the reality was like a basin of cold water poured from beginning to end.

The crown store for more than ten years has gone from selling thousands of orders a day to only a few pieces of sunrise now. In order to seize the market, some merchants do not hesitate to sell their goods at cost price, and even discount freight and service fees, resulting in a bamboo basket for nothing.

The former e-commerce bigwigs in 23 years are even more crazy than in 22 years. Overwhelming all kinds of teaching, from the introduction of e-commerce, to tax avoidance operations, from pattern cognition, to cross-border rebirth.

I can't wait to put the word selling class on my head!

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, this group of keen veterans, predicted the future of the industry in advance.

Douyin even appeared in reverse delivery, creating a character by revealing the inside story of the industry. From dried tea to expiring food, the sole purpose is drainage.

However, the decline in consumption is already an indisputable fact. Not to mention, ordinary e-commerce, even self-media e-commerce is terrified. The marketing power of top influencers continues to decline.

For today's e-commerce, if there is no price war, there will be no sales at all. There was a price war, and there was no profit at all, one word, except for the volume or the volume!

2. The platform has become a landlord, and the meager profits are fatal!

The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!

Tens of billions of subsidies, various shopping festivals, any business behavior, the ultimate goal is to make money, the platform is not a philanthropist.

As the number of buyers declines, the number of sellers increases. This account, the platform has to calculate it anyway.

The earliest was to sell traffic, and the Tao Department was the initiator. If you don't open a 3500 one a day, let alone a hit, you won't be able to get up at all.

But as the old saying goes, the free ones are the most expensive.

The hard work is directly hit on the seven inches of the Tao department, I don't want money for traffic, I spend money to buy traffic for you. Good friend, slash for me!

Many businesses have turned to the war and made a lot of money. Instead of letting your platform make money, it's better for me to lower the price myself and give the profit to the buyer.

It's a pity that there are more monks and less porridge, and there are so many natural users. The platform burns money, and the cost of user drainage is getting higher and higher.

What should I do? Subsidize the goods, the merchants are not willing to make profits, and they are desperate to let it.

Looking back now, tens of billions of subsidies are a double-edged sword for businesses.

On the one hand, it gathers popularity and helps merchants acquire customers quickly. On the other hand, it makes merchants overly dependent on platform policies to reduce their own customer acquisition costs. In the long run, the price of the entire platform has been hit to the fullest.

Looking back now, people have far underestimated the impact of tens of billions of subsidies on the e-commerce ecosystem.

The cost of a machine is close to 1600, and under the subsidy of 10 billion, its price is maintained at 1600. This is terrible, meaning that the market price can only be sold below cost.

When will the goods with tens of billions of subsidies be shipped, and when will it be the turn of other businesses to ship. The loophole of tens of billions of subsidies and a large number of unscrupulous businesses exploit loopholes to earn subsidies, further amplifying unreasonable competition.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the leaves fall and the autumn is known, the low price is still the low price, and the continuous operation needs real profits.

In 2023, many traditional e-commerce will transform into video e-commerce and social e-commerce, such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu, but the market that has been overturned by the price war is already difficult to repair.

The high return rate is largely due to consumers' price sensitivity.

Thin margins are a terrible thing!

As I said in my previous article, once the platform dominates the service, the price war is inevitable. Because simple trade cannot talk about service development, it is nothing more than delivery, payment, and after-sales.

It can be said that our e-commerce has officially pinched these three barriers to lead the world.

Logistics, does logistics make money?Payment, funds on the platform!After-sales, unscrupulous return rules dominated by hard work!

You know, Luckin has been fighting a price war with Cudi for a whole year through 9.9 yuan. In 2024, Cudi will be banished to the corners of the city, will consumers still be able to buy most of Luckin's coffee at will for 9.9?

The same goes for e-commerce. #热点引擎计划#当所有的成本都转嫁到商家头上, so is national e-commerce far from death?

3. Self-built platforms and price guilds may be the only way out

The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!

The author uses the public platform to buy coupons, and when I encounter a smaller store, I will always be asked to return it and pay directly.

One of the reasons for this is the platform fee.

I believe that if the cost of a single entry is one or two, there is no need for the store to do more. Similarly, the platform service fee of e-commerce has become an expensive expense.

For example, the digital category charges 6/1000 of the price of the product. Please note that this technical service fee is for payment, not for closing.

As long as a consumer places an order to pay, this fee will be deducted by default. Even if the consumer returns the order.

With such overlord clauses, the state is obviously too lazy to care. The strong dragon doesn't suppress the head snake.

In addition to this, there are various penalty clauses.

False tracks, delayed shipments, service attitudes, and so on.

False track, it's not that there is no delivery, but that the logistics has not been updated for 24 hours.

Service attitude, it is not that you have a bad attitude, but for the service processing is not timely enough, or there are illegal words.

Of course, there are also the notorious refund-only.

A big country has been handled by a small platform. Whether it is property law or folk common sense, which law allows you to transfer the unpaid property rights to the user without the consent of the owner of the goods, without the trial of the court?

For the same behavior,'s way of handling it is to give priority to refunds, and then the platform launches a series of follow-up actions against merchants. Taking both into account, this is the reason for the existence of the platform!

The value of the existence of the platform is a two-way street, which requires consumers to build trust in the platform and merchants to provide a steady stream of goods to enrich the market.

If there are such high platform fees and hidden costs, why don't merchants build their own platforms?

Sometimes, the logic is not that where the consumer is, the merchant is. It's that where the goods are, everyone will be there.

The era of national e-commerce is likely to come to an end, and new business models will inevitably emerge. Only a platform that caters to the interests of all has the value of continuity.

The era of national e-commerce is coming to an end!