
Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

Xiaomi SU7 has been on the market for several days, and Sun Shaojun, an insider, released a 72-hour express report on the SU7 on the market, giving you a brief summary.

Incoming volume: 700-1000 batches, and the unsubscription rate has also ushered in a peak

Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

On the first weekend after the SU7 was launched, the customer flow of the stores was comparable to that of a 5A-level scenic spot, and many sales said that they had never seen so many people come to see the car. Because the number of stores is small, the number of visits to the store completely exceeds the reception capacity, so many people are unable to experience the test drive, so the cancellation rate is also relatively high.

Cumulative number of stores: 1800-2000 units

Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

The lock rate is 35-40%, considering that many people are passionate about placing orders, combined with the overall order volume, this lock rate is still good. The cumulative number of stores is 1800-2000 units, Xiaomi's circle-breaking effect is really powerful, and many people who don't pay attention to new energy vehicles come to the store to see the car.

Configuration selection: The top configuration is the most selected

Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

Although the price of the entry version is more acceptable, judging from the data, the top configuration of 299,900 yuan is chosen by more people, and everyone thinks that the top configuration is the most cost-effective.

Competitor mentions: ZEEKR 007 has the highest win rate

Xiaomi SU7 72-hour express report: 40% unsubscribe rate, 1800+ average store, top configuration is the best seller

Regarding competing products, customers mentioned more, such as Tesla Model 3, NIO ET5, ZEEKR 001, ZEEKR 007, and Xpeng P7i.

GO Chejun Comments: A few days to sell out a year's production capacity, it is difficult for the car circle to have such a grand occasion, Xiaomi as a national brand, the attention brought by the first car is unprecedented. Xiaomi will also launch SUV models in the future, and we will see if it will set off a new trend.

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