
What to do with polycystic ovary syndrome?

author:Gynaecologist Dr. Ha Hong

Do you have this situation, drink boiled water and get fat, go to bed early and get up early but have acne, aunt is irregular, body hair is vigorous, if you are all recruited in the above situations, please note that you may have joined the "polycystic" army.

It is a common gynecological disease, called [polycystic ovary syndrome], as the name suggests, it refers to the ovaries have many small cysts, resulting in normal follicles can not grow, women are difficult to ovulate, thus affecting pregnancy.

What to do with polycystic ovary syndrome?

How is "polycystic" formed? Western medicine believes that it is a hormonal problem. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is a problem of the internal organs, which is nothing more than "kidney deficiency, phlegm coagulation, blood stasis, liver depression, and yin deficiency".

First of all, we must go to the hospital for an examination and confirm the condition. Second, as with any chronic disease, stick to treatment, have regular check-ups, and adjust your medications and lifestyle according to your doctor's recommendations.

I have a patient, is a 22-year-old college student, menstruation comes in three months, into a season of menstruation, this patient has received a lot of treatment, but also took a lot of hormone drugs, hormone drugs will affect weight, two years of illness, she gained 30 pounds, but dare not stop the drug, because once the drug is stopped, menstruation will not come.

Later, with the mentality of giving it a try, I found me, and I told her to keep taking it after prescribing for her, and when I returned to the clinic a month later, her condition was much better and her acne had improved. Later, I insisted on conditioning for three months, and my menstruation was already very accurate, and the girl thanked me very much, and I was happy for her.

What to do with polycystic ovary syndrome?

I also have a little patient, who is only 18 years old, it is the critical period of the third year of high school, the little girl has irregular menstruation for three years, and sometimes can even stop menstruation for three months, with long menstruation and heavy menstruation. After her parents took her for examination, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which was originally a very common disease, but the little girl was frightened.

Because she didn't understand, she was very resistant, and when her parents brought her to me, I spent a long time counseling her, explaining the illness clearly and thoroughly, telling her that it didn't matter, and that I would definitely be cured with me.

At the beginning, I prescribed Chinese medicine, and found that because I was afraid of the strange eyes of my classmates, the little girl would not take it on time. So we grinded the Chinese medicine into granules, and she was able to stick to it.

In the end, it took me two months to get the little girl's menstruation back to normal, and I went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and found that the polycystic was almost gone. Young patients can also calm down and prepare for the college entrance examination seriously.

What to do with polycystic ovary syndrome?

These are all cases of consistent treatment, regular check-ups, and eventual recovery based on the doctor's advice. To share these stories with you, just to let everyone know that polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common gynecological disease, and you should not shy away from medical treatment, as long as you can recover as soon as possible with timely conditioning.

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