
The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

author:Lao Li Health said

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"How can you give these things to your child?" the doctor's words smashed into Grandma Li's face like a fist.

Her grandson, Xiaoyu, was only 8 years old, but unfortunately he was diagnosed with bowel cancer. In the dead of night, Grandma Li's guilt and self-blame came like a tidal wave, making her toss and turn and unable to sleep.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

Xiao Yu is an innocent and lively child, and the whole family is shocked and puzzled by his sudden illness. Grandma Li has always been in charge of Xiaoyu's daily life, and she is especially careful in her food choices, always trying her best to prepare healthy and nutritious meals for her children. However, the word bowel cancer was like a bolt from the blue, breaking her otherwise peaceful life.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

After several diagnoses and examinations, doctors found that Xiaoyu's bowel cancer was closely related to his eating habits. This surprised Grandma Li immensely, because she always tried to avoid exposing Xiaoyu to junk food and paid attention to a balanced diet.

Doctors explain that not only junk food, but certain seemingly healthy foods can also be a health hazard if not handled properly or consumed in excess.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

For example, Grandma Li likes to prepare cooked and pickled food for Xiaoyu, thinking that it is convenient and delicious. But doctors point out that these foods are high in salt and not fresh, and long-term intake may increase the risk of cancer.

In addition, Xiaoyu likes to eat red meat very much, and Grandma Li often cooks red meat food for him in order to satisfy her grandson's taste. However, excessive intake of red meat may be associated with the development of bowel cancer.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

At this time, the doctor made an unexpected point: the use of plastic products in daily life may also be a potential factor affecting Xiaoyu's health.

Grandma Li has always thought that plastic products are convenient and practical, but she does not realize that some plastics may release harmful substances at high temperatures, such as bisphenol A, which may interfere with the body's endocrine system and increase the risk of cancer.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

The doctor explained the dangers of BPA in detail and noted that many children's products on the market contain BPA, including some plastic cutlery and water bottles.

Long-term use of these products containing BPA, especially in high-temperature environments, such as when heating food or beverages, BPA is more likely to be released from the plastic and then absorbed by the body.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

Grandma Li was very surprised by this, she recalled that when she was taking care of Xiaoyu, she often used plastic bowls to heat food, and also bought Xiaoyu a lot of cute plastic toys and supplies. She began to reflect on whether the lifestyle and habits she had developed over the years were really suitable for Xiaoyu's healthy growth.

Doctors went on to point out that there are also seemingly harmless chemicals in life, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in household cleaners and air fresheners, and long-term exposure may also increase the risk of cancer.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

Next, the doctor recounted a study on the relationship between bowel cancer and the living environment, which showed that people who live in areas with high air pollution, or who are regularly exposed to chemical pollution, have a relatively higher incidence of bowel cancer.

Doctors emphasize that although we cannot completely avoid these environmental factors, we can reduce the risk of disease to a certain extent by improving the living environment and reducing exposure to harmful substances.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

As she listened to the doctor's explanation, Grandma Li felt both guilty and fearful, and she worried that her negligence might have had an irreversible impact on her grandson's health. He also stressed that changing lifestyles and optimizing the living environment are equally important for preventing diseases and improving health.

At this time, Grandma Li suddenly thought of a question, she asked the doctor: "Is Xiaoyu's condition related to the plastic containers we often use at home, and how should we choose daily necessities to reduce health risks?"

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

"It is true that long-term use of certain plastic products, especially in high temperature conditions, may increase health risks," the doctor replied. At the same time, when purchasing any product, you should check whether it is marked with the 'BPA-free' logo. Also, try to avoid using plastic containers to heat food in the microwave to reduce the potential risk of chemicals. ”

The doctor's answer made Grandma Li understand that some small details and habits in daily life can have a profound impact on the health of her family.

The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.

From that day on, Grandma Li began to change her lifestyle, paying more attention to the health of her family and the quality of her living environment, and she was determined to create a safer and healthier environment for Xiaoyu to grow up.

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The 8-year-old grandson suffered from bowel cancer, and the grandmother blamed herself every day.