
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

author:Massive arithmetic
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In the past year, Douyin has grown together with 200 million financial users, 40 million creators, and 20,000 institutions. In the past year, Douyin has built a rich, active and healthy financial content ecology through more than 700 million related video content and more than 2 million live broadcasts of financial experts.

Douyin Finance is committed to presenting users with richer and more professional financial information and knowledge content. Create a showcase for creators to make an impact through continuous content creation. It also helps organizations connect with more users on the platform, so as to obtain more business opportunities.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In 2023, Douyin's financial content will generally show a steady growth trend, with rich and diverse content categories, from policy interpretation to knowledge popularization, from macro insights to business stories, users can see the financial content they are interested in.

Whether it is users or creators, the attention to the topic of savings has increased significantly, and savings content has become a "dark horse" for the growth of sub-categories, with the growth rate on both the supply and demand sides above the overall average. More and more users and creators are turning their attention to the topic of saving, and people's preferences for personal financial planning and financial strategies are shifting.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

The professional abundance of financial content has increased, attracting more users' attention and stimulating users' interest in in-depth discussions. Different types of financial content will have similar user interests, and as the total amount of content continues to rise, all kinds of financial content have also received extensive attention from different groups of audiences.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

For financial content oriented to popular science, users have begun to derive deeper learning needs, so they need more in-depth, more professional, and more detailed knowledge explanations to meet them. At present, short video financial content with a duration of less than 1 minute on Douyin still occupies the mainstream, but medium and long video content has begun to gradually penetrate, catering to users' desire for knowledge with more hard-core dry goods.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

As another form of content presentation, live broadcast has achieved multi-angle coverage for users in the financial field with its characteristics of instant feedback and diversified connections. The data related to live broadcast shows a continuous upward trend, which reflects the great enthusiasm of financial experts and audiences for the live broadcast form, and also promotes the initiative of financial experts in live broadcasting. Such a two-way rush not only enriches the form of content presentation in the field of finance and economics, but also provides a richer and more three-dimensional way to obtain information for financial enthusiasts.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

On the whole, the supply and demand performance of various types of content in live broadcast tends to return linearly, and the active broadcast of talent can effectively drive the user's viewing frequency. During the reporting period, the average performance of live broadcasts of stocks and buying houses was relatively better, on the one hand, due to the frequent fluctuations in the stock market and property market in the recent news, users' demand for real-time information and policy interpretation increased, and on the other hand, it also reflected the better professionalism and sensitivity of influencers in these fields.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the volume of Douyin's financial interest users will be basically the same as that of the same period last year, among which: the proportion of fledgling shallow interest users is still the highest, and financial content penetrates into users' daily content consumption, followed by the proportion of deep interest users, becoming the foundation of financial users. The thirst for financial knowledge is no longer the preserve of a few, financial content has become a national topic, and more and more people have begun to transform into deep interests.

Pan-financial content still occupies the main body of user consumption, and the number of interested users in the credit consumption category showed a clear growth trend during the reporting period. In 2023, the number of interested users of credit consumption content surpassed that of insurance content, jumping to fifth place. More and more people are beginning to pay attention to credit consumption and related financial knowledge, and users' consumption concepts are quietly changing.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

Guangdong continues to occupy the first place in terms of the total number of Douyin Finance users, and its TGI index has improved compared to the previous year, and user engagement and preference continue to increase. Henan and Jiangsu ranked second and third respectively. In particular, the regions with the fastest growth in user preference are Shanghai, Hainan and Beijing, where the demand for financial content is on the rise. In 2023, Shanghai will surpass Chongqing in the number of Douyin Finance interested users, becoming the city with the most users in this field. Zhengzhou made the list for the first time, and the activity and influence of financial content in central China have been enhanced.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

Among the typical cities we pay attention to, the southern cities with active business and economy prefer stocks, the calm and rational northern traditional cities like funds, Bashi Chongqing is keen on saving, Confucius and Mengshan are concerned about real estate, and Zhengzhou is on the list in the latest "2024 Spring Festival Consumption Data Report" released by the Douyin platform and is selected as one of the top ten popular consumption cities.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In 2023, the search volume of financial related content on the platform will increase by 64.8% compared with the previous year, and the user's active search demand for content in the financial field will grow rapidly. Cultivate active search habits, and more users will shift from passive understanding to "knowledge".

Search for financial content on Douyin, so that every question asked by users can be answered. In the process of searching up and down, we see that users pay attention not only to economic policies, but also to the livelihood of the people around them. The price of gold hit an all-time high in late 2023, with gold-related content being searched more than 4,000 times by Douyin users between November 2023 and January 2024.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

Based on the analysis of this and previous years' survey data, we found that the behaviors and concepts of users' financial management, investment, and consumption in 2023 have the following characteristics:

● Wealth management awareness: The public's awareness of wealth management is becoming more mature, and investment behavior is more cautious;

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

● Wealth management concept: Most people are still conservative in their expectations of wealth management and have begun to establish a sense of long-term investment;

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

● Credit consumption concept: Housing loans are still the most important loan purpose, and the penetration rate of consumer loans continues to increase, among which the preference of young people is obvious.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

With the trend of financial content becoming more and more popular, more people are beginning to express their opinions and join the ranks of Douyin financial creators. Different identities, different ages, and different fields can become treasure bloggers that users pay attention to. In 2023, the number of financial creators on Douyin will continue to rise, with a year-on-year increase of 24%.

With the overall growth of the total number of creators, the number of top creators is also rising, especially the top creators with more than one million followers. In 2023, more than 1,700 creators will be newly promoted to one million creators, and the number of creators at this fan level will increase by 13% year-on-year, outperforming the overall average performance (8%).

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

Compared with ordinary authors, creators who have been deeply involved in the financial field for a long time have shown higher professionalism and stability, and the content published by the creators is more than 10 times magnified in terms of playback and interaction compared with the overall content. More people are driven by their interests, gradually accumulate their own creative advantages, and begin to form their own style, showing the power of knowledge through high-quality content management.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In 2023, the team of Douyin certified financial experts will continue to grow, with the number of influencers increasing by 37% year-on-year. They shine in their own areas of expertise, and constantly explore newer and deeper content value. They have been relentlessly innovating in content creation, bringing a succession of surprises and new experiences to Douyin users, whether it is in terms of content form, personal style, or topic structure. They are all professional creators who have been deeply engaged in the field of Douyin finance, and have continued to create value for users with ultra-high-quality content for many years.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

Due to the particularity of financial institutions, it is easier for them to gain the trust of users with their official background. Most of the respondents believe that the enterprise account has official certification and plays the role of trust endorsement, and more than forty percent of the respondents admit that they will refer to the content of the enterprise account and will have an impact on their consumption decisions. It is also based on such trust feedback that financial institutions continue to increase their online operations and actively deploy online business positions, and the number of financial enterprise accounts will increase by 22% year-on-year in 2023.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

These financial institutions have also achieved remarkable results in the exploration of live broadcast models, and various sub-sectors are also exploring live broadcast strategies suitable for different fields. In 2023, the number of live broadcast hours and followers of financial institution accounts will both increase by more than 50%, and the number of viewers and shares will increase by more than 30%.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

After a long period of content accumulation, financial institutions have gradually explored online business paths, and the business of lead management has begun to grow rapidly. In 2023, the number of anchors and live broadcast rooms that open clue collection will increase by 37% and 50% respectively, and the live broadcast duration and viewing performance of clue collection will also increase to varying degrees. Through effective lead management, it will lay a solid foundation for deeper interaction and transaction between enterprises and users in the future.

The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released
The "2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report" was officially released

In 2023, China's economy showed resilience and resilience in an environment of both challenges and opportunities. In this context, Douyin Finance will continue to strengthen the governance of the platform, fulfill its social communication responsibilities, and attract wider public attention. We are committed to bringing financial content into people's daily lives, allowing professional information to be more widely disseminated and searched, attracting more professional institutions to enter the market to achieve a healthy cycle, enhancing public awareness of wealth management, helping to activate the capital market, and contributing to the sustainable and stable development of China's capital market.

Welcome to click the link: 2024 Douyin Financial Content Ecology Report - Arithmetic Report - Giant Arithmetic to download the full report.

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