
See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

author:Tooth stone fusion media
See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

"There are a lot of old friends today, many of whom we met in San Francisco last November, and some new faces, but the names are still familiar. On March 27, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, President Xi Jinping cordially said that their visit to China at the time of the spring is in full bloom to carry out exchanges, enhance understanding, and promote cooperation, which has injected positive energy into China-US relations.

This is the first time that President Xi Jinping has had face-to-face exchanges with the US side in Beijing since the China-US summit in San Francisco.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

On March 27, President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the U.S. business community and strategic academia at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

For a long time, the US business community has been the backbone of supporting Sino-US cooperation, and many people of insight in the strategic academic circles have actively offered suggestions and suggestions for the development of Sino-US relations. President Xi Jinping's cordial meeting with them is of great significance for promoting the sustained, stable and healthy development of China-US relations. "Micro Observation of Current Affairs" will be interpreted for you.

-- China's economy is healthy and sustainable

"China's development has gone through various difficulties and challenges to get to where it is today, and it has not collapsed in the past because of the 'China collapse theory', and it will not peak now because of the 'China Collapse Theory'. President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out during the meeting.

It is true that there have been various discussions in the international public opinion arena regarding China's development. In the face of different voices, China insists on speaking with facts and achievements, continues to promote high-quality development, and continues to promote Chinese-style modernization, which not only enables the Chinese people to continue to live a better life, but also makes greater contributions to the sustainable development of the world.

Nearly 20 US heavyweights attended the meeting. Among them, the representatives of the business community are involved in many aspects of China-US economic and trade cooperation, ranging from information technology and food processing to transportation and logistics, and cultural tourism.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

On March 27, President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the U.S. business community and strategic academia at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

A group of U.S. business executives, including Apple and Blackstone, arrived in China for a visit, hoping to expand investment and production in China, and pledged to strictly abide by Chinese laws and regulations. This is enough to show that American companies attach great importance to the Chinese market.

Against the backdrop of various forms of "decoupling and chain breaking" and "small courtyards and high walls" by US politicians, these US executives have a common purpose in visiting China, which is to share and seize China's development opportunities.

Take, for example, Qualcomm in the United States. Over the past 30 years, Qualcomm has built strong, trusting, and mutually beneficial relationships with its Chinese partners. Today, Qualcomm doesn't simply see China as a market, but as an opportunity. The combination of Qualcomm and China's innovation ecosystem is creating opportunities for win-win cooperation.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

△Qualcomm booth at the 6th CIIE

The day before the meeting, China's relevant departments released a number of economic data for the first two months of this year: the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 8.1 trillion yuan, up 5.5 percent year-on-year, and the import and export of goods reached 6.6 trillion yuan, up 8.7 percent, a record high for the same period in history...... A series of dazzling data has released a positive signal that China's economy continues to pick up and improve.

"China's economy is healthy and sustainable. "China's development prospects are bright, and we have the confidence and confidence to do so. "President Xi Jinping's important assertion is not only supported by solid data, but also derived from the profound enlightenment of history.

-- China and the United States have more common interests

"Whether it is traditional fields such as economy and trade, agriculture, or emerging fields such as climate change and artificial intelligence, China and the United States should be a boost to each other's development, not a hindrance. During the meeting, President Xi Jinping pointed out that under the current situation, the common interests of China and the United States are not reduced, but more.

Recently, with the 2024 Annual Conference of the China Development Forum and the first landmark event of "Invest in China", business people from all over the world, including the American business community, have gathered in China to experience first-hand the vigorous vitality of China's high-quality development and the broad opportunities of high-level opening-up.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

△More than 110 overseas delegates attended the 2024 Annual Meeting of the China Development Forum.

Owens, president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, said that the number of CEOs of U.S. multinationals attending the China Development Forum this year has increased significantly compared to last year, which has created "a much better atmosphere." "The main reason behind this significant increase is that more American entrepreneurs want to know where China's economic policy is headed. ”

Recently, China has introduced a series of major measures to expand high-level opening-up, including the release of the national version and the pilot free trade zone version of the negative list for cross-border trade in services, the complete lifting of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, and the implementation of pilot access in the fields of medical care and value-added telecommunications, and the encouragement and support of foreign-funded enterprises to invest in China's green economy, digital economy and health industry.

During the meeting, President Xi Jinping stressed that we are planning and implementing a series of major measures to comprehensively deepen reforms, continue to build a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment, and provide broader development space for enterprises from all over the world, including US companies.

"We welcome more U.S. companies to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, participate in large-scale economic and trade activities such as the China International Import Expo, and continue to invest in China, deepen China's cultivation and win in China. "President Xi Jinping issued a new invitation during the meeting.

-- The future of China-US relations depends on the people's creation

"The history of China-US relations is a history of friendly exchanges between the two peoples, which was written by the people in the past and created by the people in the future. During the meeting, President Xi Jinping quoted the phrase "from good to good, from evil to collapse", and hoped that people from all walks of life in the two countries would have more contacts and exchanges, continue to accumulate consensus and enhance trust.

The fact that Sino-US relations should be stable and improve is the greatest consensus reached at the San Francisco summit between the Chinese and US presidents, and is also the common aspiration of people from all walks of life in the two countries.

In November last year, at a joint welcome banquet for American friendship groups in San Francisco, President Xi Jinping said that in order to expand exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples, especially the younger generation, China is willing to invite 50,000 American teenagers to China for exchange and study in the next five years.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

△ In the Sino-US youth exchange activity of "Friends from Far Away", Chinese guzheng masters instructed young people to experience guzheng performance on the spot.

On March 18, as part of the exchange and study of 50,000 American teenagers in China, the "Friends Come from Far Away" Sino-US Youth Exchange Activity, jointly organized by China Central Radio and Television and the US-China Youth Student Exchange Association, was held in Beijing. The youth sang songs in Chinese and English, such as "Jasmine", "Walk with Me" and "On the Field of Hope", and used singing and laughter to better understand different cultures.

Fuzhou, Fujian Province, has recently welcomed a group of young American guests.

How tall is this thousand-year-old cedar tree? Is the 100-year-old swimming pool still usable? How did the name of Haicai come about? On 25 March, just in the spring of Guling, teenagers and Chinese students from Oregon in the United States walked together in the Guling Centennial Story Corridor, and asked questions to the docents while visiting carefully. The young people of the two countries experienced the historical features of China-China diplomatic integration in Guling over the past century, learned about the frequent affairs of China-US diplomatic relations, talked freely about their expectations and hopes, and continued the "Guling Story" of friendly people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States.

See the future in China! Mutual success is an opportunity for each other

△On March 25, students from the School of Foreign Chinese of Fuzhou University (front right) and students from Pacific University (front left) walked and exchanged ideas in Guling Old Street, Fuzhou.

Starting March 31, Chinese and American airlines will be able to operate a total of 100 scheduled passenger flights per week...... The vitality of people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States is constantly increasing.

In March, Beijing is full of spring. During the meeting, President Xi Jinping also took a group photo with representatives of the U.S. business community and strategic academic circles in front of the painting "Wuyi Spring" at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

As President Xi Jinping said, "China-US relations cannot go back to the past, but they can have a better future." "The success of China and the United States is an opportunity for each other. As long as both sides regard each other as partners, respect each other, coexist peacefully, and cooperate for win-win results, China-US relations will improve.

Source: CCTV news client

Editor: Sha Zhiyuan

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru

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