
3 academicians reminded: 99% of blood clots have no symptoms! Remember 1 word, so that you can be clot-free for life!

author:Health Road Plue

A blood clot is like a ghost swimming in a blood vessel, and once it blocks a blood vessel, it can lead to paralysis of the blood transport system, which will have fatal consequences.

3 academicians reminded: 99% of blood clots have no symptoms! Remember 1 word, so that you can be clot-free for life!

Wang Longde, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress

Ruan Changgeng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Key Laboratory of Thrombosis and Haemostasis of the National Health and Family Planning Commission

Wang Chen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of China-Japan Hospital

The three academicians jointly appealed: "Thrombosis is a hidden killer, and everyone should have the awareness of thrombophobia." ”

Why are good blood vessels blocked?

No matter where the blood vessels are blocked, there is a common "murderer" - blood clots. Thrombosis-related diseases, such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, lower limb vascular disease, etc., are serious injuries caused by blood clots.

The most shocking thing is that 99% of blood clots have no symptoms and sensations, and even go to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular department of the hospital for routine examination, all indicators are normal, but they suddenly occur unconsciously or think that the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems are fine.

99% of blood clots have no symptoms!

Thrombotic disorders include arterial thrombosis and venous thrombosis, with arterial thrombosis being relatively more common, but venous thrombosis was once considered a rare disease and has not received enough attention.

1. Arterial thrombosis: the root cause of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction

The root cause of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction is arterial thrombosis. At present, hemorrhagic stroke has decreased among the national cardiovascular diseases, but the incidence and mortality of coronary heart disease are still rising rapidly, among which the most obvious is myocardial infarction!


Although venous thromboembolism is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death, public awareness is unfortunately low. ”

Venous thrombosis is known as the "invisible killer", and the most terrifying thing is that the vast majority of venous thrombosis have no symptoms. There are three main factors for venous thrombosis, slow blood flow, damage to the venous wall, and hypercoagulability.

3 academicians reminded: 99% of blood clots have no symptoms! Remember 1 word, so that you can be clot-free for life!

Patients with varicose veins, patients with hyperglycemia, hypertensive dyslipidemia, infected patients, people who sit for a long time, and pregnant women are all high-risk groups for venous thrombosis.

After the occurrence of venous thrombosis, the veins of mild cases show symptoms such as redness, swelling, hardness, nodules, and cramping pain.

In severe cases, it develops deep phlebitis with brown erythema on the skin of the affected limb, followed by purple and dark redness, swelling, ulceration, muscle atrophy and necrosis, fever all over the body, severe pain in the affected limb, and finally amputation.

In addition, if a blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks the pulmonary arteries, it can become a pulmonary embolism, which can be life-threatening.

Watch for 4 signs of blood clots

In order to effectively prevent blood clots, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signals transmitted by the body:

Signal 1: Jin

When you suddenly feel dizzy, lose balance and coordination, and even faint when you are usually resting, be aware that this may be a common precursor to cerebral thrombosis. If this happens frequently, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Signal 2: Hemp

When a blood clot occurs in the body, there may be numbness and pain in the limbs due to insufficient blood supply. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant if you suddenly experience symptoms such as leg pain, pressure, or numbness in the lower limbs in your daily life.

Signal 3: Lameness

Intermittent claudication may occur when the blockage of blood vessels worsens. After walking a few hundred meters, your legs will feel sore and you will need to rest for a while. Blood clots can cause a lack of blood supply, which can cause muscle soreness.

Neglect of the condition may worsen further, leading to severe ischemia in the lower extremities, a decrease in skin temperature, weakened or absent pulses in the dorsum of the foot and posterior tibial arteries, and pain in the lower extremities even at rest. Further development can lead to limb ulcers, wounds that are difficult to heal, and even tissue necrosis.

Signal 4: Swollen

When a blood clot forms in a vein, preventing blood from returning to the heart, the pressure can cause the fluid to spread to the leg tissues. The most noticeable symptom is the sudden onset of unilateral leg swelling, which is common in the area below the knee. If you feel swelling in your calf but can't be sure, you can use a tape measure to measure it.

Remember one word, blood clots don't get up!

In fact, venous thrombosis is completely preventable and controllable. To stay away from venous thrombosis, "movement" is the most effective prevention and control measure.

1. Long-term sedentary lifestyle: it is most likely to induce blood clots

Sitting for more than 90 minutes can reduce blood flow to the knees by 50%, increasing the probability of blood clots. It is recommended that after using the computer for 1 hour, you should take a break, get up and move around, and move your muscles and bones. Breaking the habit of "sedentary" is a must-have way to prevent blood clots!

2. Walking: Move, prevent blood clots from head to toe

In terms of preventing blood clots, walking can maintain aerobic metabolism, enhance cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation throughout the body from head to toe, prevent the accumulation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, and prevent thrombosis.

3 academicians reminded: 99% of blood clots have no symptoms! Remember 1 word, so that you can be clot-free for life!

To prevent thrombosis when walking, we should pay attention to the "three-five-seven" principle:

"Three" means to walk more than 3,000 meters every day, and ensure 30 minutes, and insist on being constant and moderate, and excessive intense exercise is not good for the body.

"Five" means to exercise more than five times a week.

"Seven" refers to post-exercise heart rate + age = 170. For example, a 50-year-old person has a heart rate of 120 beats after exercise. (190 times for those who are in excellent health; no more than 150 times for those who are not in good health, depending on their physical condition)

In addition to moving, the prevention of thrombosis should also do the following 4 points:

1. Eat "natural aspirin" often to prevent blood clots. Black fungus, garlic, onions, green tea, etc., these foods are "natural aspirin", which has the effect of cleansing blood vessels.

2. Stabilize your blood pressure. Patients with hypertension are at high risk of thrombosis. The sooner your blood pressure is controlled, the sooner you can protect your blood vessels and prevent heart, brain, and kidney damage.

3. Quitting tobacco. Patients who smoke for a long time must be "ruthless" to themselves, a small cigarette will inadvertently destroy the whole body where the blood flows, and the consequences are unimaginable.

4. Relieves stress. Working overtime, staying up late, and the pressure increases dramatically, which will cause emergency blockage of arteries, and even lead to occlusion and cause myocardial infarction.

I hope that everyone can correctly understand blood clots, seek medical treatment in time when symptoms appear, and maintain a healthy life.

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