
Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

author:Porcelain identification of the ancient history of the True Wisdom Hall

Wei Bi Tao Tang, rate the other day, in this direction. - "Confucius's Family Sayings"

Research on the ancient history of Zhenzhitang: In the era of the Five Emperors, Di Yao was the first king to step out of the legends of ancient history. The ruins of Linfen Tao Temple in Shanxi Province are recognized by most scholars as the capital city of Emperor Yao. Di Yao is also known as "Tao Tang", no matter how you explain it, it is difficult to avoid this question, why add a Tao word before Tang. Some people look at Wen Shengyi and say that Di Yao is famous for making pottery. The question is, 4,200 years ago, was pottery really so important that it was worthy of the emperor's name? After seven years of studying ancient history, Zhenzhitang came up with a different answer: Tao Tang clan is not the original name of Di Yao, and Tao Yang clan may be the correct solution!
Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

Origin of the name of the Emperor Tang Dynasty

The study of history and culture, archaeological excavations and historical documents are very important. It is a well-established principle that the later a document appears, the less credible it is.

From the current point of view, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the name of Tao Tang appeared. Sima Qian wrote a historical record and said that "Emperor Yao Tao Tang clan", which later became a conclusive conclusion.

The earliest record can be found in the Twenty-fourth Year of Xianggong of Zuo Chuan.

Fan Xuanzi said, "The ancestor of the former Kuo, Ziyu is the Tao Tang clan", in Xia it is the Yulong clan, and in Shang it is the Wei clan.

Fan Xuanzi was a famous minister of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period, and he said his own lineage in this sentence.

The two ancient emperors before Di Yao, one was the Gao Yang clan and the other was the Emperor Gao Xin clan.

Judging from this high character, Gao Yang and Gao Xin should be the honorific titles given to the two emperors by later generations, that is, the so-called temple name. Han Gaozu Liu Bang, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan. This high is given by their descendants.

Emperor Shun after Di Yao has the Yu clan. It's a derogatory number.

In other words, after Di Shun's death, no one gave him the honorific title of Gao Yu.

Maybe there were, but because Dayu's son Qi established the Xia Dynasty, the Dishun Dynasty did not continue. The temple number of Di Shun is the same as that of other certain clans.

The title of Diyao Tao Tang is very peculiar.

Why is Di Yao called Tao Tang?

In addition to the saying that Di Yao is good at making pottery, there is also the saying that Di Yao was originally divided into pottery land, and later divided into Tang land, and Di Yao was named after the place name.

Qing Zhu Heling wrote "The Biography of Shang Shupi" Volume 7 Note "Wei Bi Tao Tang" Yun: "Zhao Zhu said: "Zuo Chuan" Note 'Tao Tang, Yao Zhi. 'Jinyang County, Taiyuan today. According to the "Historical Records", "Di Yao is the Tao Tang clan", Wei Zhaoyun: "Tao Tang is the name of the country, and Yutang is called Yin Shang." ’

"History of the Road" cloud: 'Yao was sealed in Tao, and the country was changed to Tang. Pottery, now set pottery also. ’

"This Bamboo Book Chronicle": "(Yao) eighty-nine years as a palace in Tao, ninety years of the emperor in Tao... A hundred years of emperor in Tao. ”

"History of the Road" was written by the Song people, and "This Bamboo Book" was written by Shen Yue, a native of the Southern Dynasties during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Zhao Zhu was a native of the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

It seems that the conclusive Di Yao was named after the pottery land, but in fact, it is really unbelievable when you dig deeper. It's all posterity.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

The Emperor Yao Tao Tang clan should be the defense of the Yang clan

Research on the Ancient History of Zhenzhitang: Who gave the honorific title of Emperor Gaoxin? This is a mystery for the ages. Zhenzhitang research believes that this should be done by Da Shun.

After Da Shun became regent, he had a famous move, that is, he appointed Bayuan and Bakai in the court.

"In the past, there were eight talented people in the Gaoyang clan, and the world benefited from it, which was called "Eight Kai". There are eight talented people in the Gaoxin family, and they are known as "eight yuan" in the world. These sixteen tribes are beautiful and do not lose their name. As for Yao, Yao failed to lift it. Shun lifts the eight Kai, so that the Lord is behind the land, and in order to make a hundred things, all out of order. Raise eight yuan, so that the cloth five teachings in the four directions. "Historical Records"

Di Yao is the son of Emperor Gao Xin, and Da Shun is the descendant of Gao Yang. Da Shun appointed sixteen tribal leaders of these two tribes, and the purpose was obvious, that is, unity.

After the regency of Dashun, he patrolled the Quartet, visited the four herds, and was firewood in Mount Tai. This firewood is sacrificed to the heavens.

Zhenzhitang Ancient History Research: To raise the status of the ancestors of the Emperor Yao clan and his own clan to the height of the Emperor of Heaven, it is natural to give them a honorific title.

颛顼, so it was revered as the Gaoyang (陽) clan by the Dashun and Bakai clans. As a result, Emperor Yu was revered as the Gaoxin (Sun) clan by the Eight Yuan Clan. Both are sun gods!

You must know that before this, Di Yao ordered Dayi to shoot up for ten days and cut down the snake. That is, the destruction of ten tribal leaders who called themselves the sun (sun gods). There is no more sun god king in the world!

Da Shun picked up the name of the day again and put it on the heads of his ancestor Zhuan Xuan and Di Yao's father. This sycophant is really clever, so it is supported by people of all ethnic groups.

After Di Yao's death, Di Shun kept filial piety for three years, avoided Di Yao's son Dan Zhu, and was finally elected as the emperor by everyone, and the relationship with the appointment of eight yuan and eight Kai, respecting the second ancestor as the sun god, is inseparable.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

Zhenzhitang Ancient History Research: So, why did Di Shun give Di Yao such an unknown honorific title?

Regardless of whether Di Shun accepted the Zen concession or seized the throne, no matter what kind of throne method, he should not be given such an honorific title to Di Yao, right? Tao Tang Clan, where can you see the taste of respect? Is there a Tang clan who is good at making pottery? Or Tao Tang clan who owns pottery and Tang land?

This is too different from Gao Yang's and Gao Xin's way of getting its name, right?

After searching through the historical books, Zhenzhitang came up with an astonishing answer: Di Shun gave Di Yao the honorific title! This honorific title is not the Tao Tang clan, but the Yuyang clan!

First, Tang is a mistake of Yang.

After the simplification of Chinese characters, a lot of historical information disappeared. In ancient times, the famous Tang name, in addition to Tao Tang, there was also Shang Tang. Soup, traditional Chinese for soup.

Research on the ancient history of Zhenzhitang: Shang Tang, also known as Da Yi Tang. Big B is his daily name. Soup is his private name.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

In the oracle bone inscription, Shang Tang's soup is written Tang!

"Collection" 1241 records: Zhenshang Jia, Tang, Da Ding, Da (A).

The successive Shang ancestors after Shangjia were respectively Yi Yi Yi Ding and Shi Ren Shi Gui. The son of Tang is Taiding.

Therefore, the Tang in this oracle bone inscription is undoubtedly what later generations called "soup".

Shang Tang, also known as "Cheng Tang." ”

The oracle bone inscription unearthed in Zhouyuan, Baoji, Shaanxi Province records: 癸巳, Yiwenwu Emperor Yizong, Zhen: Wang Qidao sacrificed into the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with the two examples, there is no doubt that SenseTime's original name is "Tang".


"Shuowen Jiezi" "soup (soup), hot water also". "昜" means sunshine, that is, the sun of the sun. ’

If we compare Tang and Yang, we can conclude that in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when various countries wrote the same character differently, it was the same character. By extension, the so-called Tao Tang clan should be Tao Yang's mistake.

Mr. Tao Tang = Mr. Tao Yu = Mr. Taoyang

Zhuan Zun is the Gaoyang clan, and Di Yao is the Taoyang clan, both of which are sun gods, in line with the system of ancient temple numbers.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

Second, Tao is a mistake for gluttony.

Research on the ancient history of Zhenzhitang: gluttony, this word is read as "Tao Ti". "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period: Foresight": "Zhou Ding is gluttonous, and he has no body. "Gluttonous pattern refers to a fierce animal face pattern on Shang and Zhou bronzes.

gluttony, and one of the four murderers exiled by Emperor Shun. refers to the fact that the person is insatiable.

What gluttony is has never been understood. But there's a similar old saying. It's called 梼杌.

The Han Dynasty's "Divine Strange Scripture" recorded: "There are beasts in the western wilderness, its shape is like a tiger and dog hair, two feet long, human face and tiger feet, pig teeth, tail length one zhang eight feet, disturbing the wilderness, the name of the 梼杼." ”

Some people interpret 梼杌 and say that its pronunciation comes from the Mongolian word "Tang Wu", which means tiger man.

梼杌 is also the name of the history book of the Chu State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

"Mencius: Lilouxia": "Jin Zhicheng, Chu Zhi 梼杌 (tao wu), Lu Zhi Spring and Autumn, one also." ”

The history books of the Jin State are called "Cheng", the history books of the Lu State are called "Spring and Autumn", and the history books of the Chu State are called "梼杌".

Zhenzhitang Ancient History Research: The Chu State is a descendant of Zhuan, which is indisputable. The historical books take the name of Hanqi as the name, indicating that the people of Chu worship the tiger. Linked to the Yu of the Emperor Shun Yu clan, the original meaning is the white tiger, the Emperor Shun clan is the family that advocates the white tiger, the Chu people and the Emperor Shun are both descendants of the Zhuan Xuan, and it is extremely natural to worship the tiger.

Let's talk about gluttony. 梼杌's 梼 and gluttony have the same sound, gluttony, and later generations interpret it as greed!

Gluttony, greed also. - "Sayings"

Greed for money is gluttony, gluttony is gluttony. - "Zuo Chuan: The Eighteenth Year of Duke Wen" Note

But judging from the fact that the tiger character of this word is a component, its original meaning must be related to the tiger. It's just that this person is too famous because of the gluttony who was exiled by Di Shun. Later generations are embarrassed to take the name of gluttony.


Does it mean that the Tao Yang clan was originally a Taoyang clan, that is, the Tiger Yang clan? This possibility is extremely high.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

Ancient peoples Shanghu and Emperor Yao Yu Dynasty

Research on the ancient history of Zhenzhitang: The ancients were in awe of the fierce beasts of nature. And to be God.

The upper Cuban people worship tigers, there are tigers, snakes, and snakes. Both of these beasts are fierce beasts that people cannot resist. Therefore, this is a totem.

Among the ancient four spirits, the green dragon and the white tiger Xuanwu. Only the white tiger is an animal that does exist in nature. There is no doubt that there was a custom of worshipping tigers in ancient times.

In the Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions, there is a tiger fang, that is, the country of Fang named after the tiger. A large number of tiger cannibal ornaments in the cultural relics have been interpreted by later scholars as "tiger blessings", and have gathered lawsuits so far.

Research on the ancient history of Zhenzhitang: Emperor Shun was called Youyu by later generations, and Yu was the big white tiger.

Di Yao Tao Tang Clan Honorific Title Mistaken? Scholar: For the mistake of the Yang Clan, it means the Tiger Sun God

Emperor Shun's surname is Yao, not called Youyao, but Youyu, and Yu is most likely the country name of Emperor Yao.

Today's interpretation of the Xia Dynasty was before the Yu Dynasty,

The first article of "Shangshu Yushu" is "Yao Dian", which undoubtedly shows that the first emperor of the Yu Dynasty is Di Yao!

After Emperor Shun succeeded to the throne, it was certain to give Emperor Yao the title of honor! The country of Emperor Yao was called Yu, and Yu was the Wu of "Tai Bo Ben Wu", the uncle of King Wen of Zhou in later generations (in present-day Shanxi).

The capital of the Emperor Yao and the Yang clan, the site of the Tao Temple is in Linfen, Shanxi, which is also the conclusive evidence that the name of the Emperor Yao is Yu!


Research on the Ancient History of Zhenzhitang: This is the end of the article. Zhenzhitang will gather a chain of evidence for everyone.

1. The country of Emperor Yao is called Yu, and he is the founder of the Yu Dynasty. The Yu Dynasty is the Tiger Dynasty.

2. The tiger is gluttonous, that is, the gluttony. Gluttony, 梼, pottery homonym. Therefore, the Tao Tang clan that Fan Xuanzi said is very likely to be the Tao Tang clan. It's just that people at this time were ashamed of gluttony, so Fan Xuanzi replaced the word gluttony with pottery.

3. The ancient character Tang is soup. The soup book is written as a soup, which is the same shape as the sun of the sun, and it is a word in the Warring States period. Mutual fakes.

4. Emperor Shun gave the honorific title of Gaoyang, that is, the sun god of Gaozu. Di Yao was the king of the Yu Dynasty, known as Yu Yang, also known as the Yang Clan, that is, the tiger sun god. This honorific title lives up to its name. It's just that later the word Yu was given to the descendants of Emperor Shun to establish the Yu country, and the name of Yu Yang was lost, and only the name of Yu Yang was handed down.

After Emperor Yao Tao Tang clan, he was always a minister in the Fan Xuanzi period. The descendants of Di Yao, who lived under the princes, did not dare to claim to be the descendants of the sun god, and changed the Taoyang clan to the Tao Tang clan, which may be the historical truth of the Emperor Yao Zun!

The conclusion of this study is exclusive to the ancient history of Zhenzhitang, and was first published on the Toutiao platform on March 29, 2024. Retweets are welcome, do not plagiarize. Thank you for your likes and support. What do you think about this?

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