
Choose the type of travel that suits you

author:The post-90s guy is in Xinxiang

I consider myself a rational and pragmatic person. When faced with the choice of travel mode, I prefer to take the sleeper of a regular train rather than a high-speed high-speed train. Many people may find it strange and even think that this is "poor man's thinking", but for me, it is a deliberate decision.

First of all, I want to emphasize that I did not choose a regular train sleeper because I couldn't afford the cost of high-speed rail. In fact, I can afford to pay the high-speed rail fare. My choice is based on consideration of personal preferences and values for the travel experience. I prefer to enjoy a slower-paced life during the trip, enjoy the scenery along the way, and feel the human touch during the trip.

Choose the type of travel that suits you

The sleeper cars of regular trains give me such space and time. On the train, I could lie on the sleeper, listen to the rhythm of the tracks, and watch the ever-changing scenery outside the window. I can talk to different people in the corridor of the carriage or get off the bus at the stop and get a feel for the local customs. This way of traveling makes me feel closer to the real world, closer to the essence of life.

On the other hand, high-speed rail, while fast and modern, is more of a means of transportation than a travel experience. Although the environment inside the high-speed rail carriage is comfortable, it often lacks human touch. Everyone sat in their seats, busy with their own business, and rarely communicated with each other. Moreover, the speed of the high-speed train made me feel like I was traveling through time and space, missing the scenery and customs along the way.

In addition, from an economic point of view, sleeper fares on regular trains are more affordable than for high-speed rail. Although I can afford to pay higher, I prefer to use the money for other things, such as buying gifts for my family or investing in my own interests and hobbies. I think money should be spent on more valuable things, not just for the sake of speed and modernization.

Of course, I also understand those who like to take high-speed rail. They may be more focused on efficiency and time, or prefer modern means of transportation. It's normal for everyone to have their own preferences and values. I just hope that people will understand and respect my choice and not simply reduce it to "poor people's thinking".

Choose the type of travel that suits you

In closing, I would like to say that no matter what mode of travel we choose, it is important to find a way that works for us and makes us feel comfortable and happy. Traveling is not just a move from one location to another, it is an experience and growth of the mind. I found my way of traveling in the sleeper of a regular train, finding a way to connect with the world. That's the most important thing for me.

Choose the type of travel that suits you

So, I will continue to choose the sleeper of the regular train, enjoy my trip and feel my life. I don't change my choice because of other people's evaluations or opinions. I believe that as long as we stick to our values and choose the way that suits us, we can find our own happiness and fulfillment.

Whether it is an ordinary train or a high-speed rail, they are a type of transportation. The key is that we choose according to our own needs and preferences and not blindly follow other people's opinions. Everyone has their own unique journey, and each journey has its own unique meaning. Let's cherish every trip, whether it's fast or slow, and find our own joy and fulfillment.

In this world, there is no absolute right or wrong, only suitable and unsuitable. I chose the sleeper of a regular train because it suits me and it makes me feel comfortable and happy. That's enough.