
Fight the spring "stomach protection war"! The spring gastrointestinal maintenance guide is here! It is recommended that everyone have one

author:Hunan medical chat

#株洲头条 ##湖南省直中医医院#

In spring, when the temperature fluctuates, various bacteria and microorganisms are active, such as improper diet and daily life, which is more likely to lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Fight the spring "stomach protection war"! The spring gastrointestinal maintenance guide is here! It is recommended that everyone have one

1. Common gastrointestinal diseases in spring

The Department of Gastrointestinal Burns of Hunan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine reminds the general public that these gastrointestinal diseases in spring must be careful!

1. Gastrointestinal cold

Gastrointestinal colds are most common in spring.

In general, fever, headache, cough, and malaise are well-known symptoms of a cold, while vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are symptoms that are not reminiscent of a cold, but they are the main symptoms of a "gastrointestinal cold".

The onset of gastrointestinal cold is mainly caused by external factors, and it occurs more often when the weather changes cold and warm. It is mainly caused by cold air irritating the stomach and intestines, coupled with abnormal living habits.

2. Indigestion

Most people eat greasy food in spring, fatty foods are not easy to digest, and it is easy to cause indigestion, which can be seen with abdominal pain, bloating, burping, diarrhea and other symptoms.

3. Sudden gastritis

Gastric acid secretion increases abnormally in spring, leading to the onset or recurrence of gastritis. If you feel stomach pain, bloating, or acid reflux, it is usually a symptom of gastritis attack.

Diarrhea can occur in both acute gastritis and dyspepsia, but the symptoms are different: acute gastritis is generally watery diarrhea, loose stools and frequent stools, which can lead to dehydration in severe cases, and dyspepsia is rotten, mucus-ting, and can smell an indigestible sour odor.

Fight the spring "stomach protection war"! The spring gastrointestinal maintenance guide is here! It is recommended that everyone have one

2. How to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in spring?

1. Adjust the intestinal flora

In spring, in addition to paying attention to warming the stomach, add some active substances to the diet to maintain the gastric mucosa. Such as whole grains, kelp, black fungus, apples, peanuts, yams, beans, and so on.

Proper use of probiotics can regulate intestinal flora, promote intestinal peristalsis, increase intestinal motility, and reduce constipation and other uncomfortable symptoms.

2. Close the "entrance".

The so-called disease from the mouth is nothing more than eating improperly, unhealthy, and unhygienic, so taking care of the mouth is equivalent to managing one's own body and reducing the pain caused by gastritis.

Warm food should be the mainstay, less cold, spicy, greasy diet, in order to reduce the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, three meals are regular and quantitative, not excessive supplementation, reduce the burden of the gastrointestinal tract, to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. Pay attention to keeping warm

The stomach and intestines are very delicate organs, and they need to be kept warm at temperature. As the saying goes, "spring covers autumn frost" is this truth. People who are usually prone to gastrointestinal illness should especially keep their abdomen warm in spring. Sleep at night and cover yourself with a futon to prevent you from getting cold.

4. Exercise regularly

If gastroenteritis patients are accompanied by chills, cold hands and feet, it is especially necessary to take appropriate exercises to promote the flow of qi and blood, improve symptoms such as slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, indigestion, etc., and delay the degeneration of gastric mucosa.

Spring exercise is the right time to warm the stomach, improve qi and blood without getting sick. For example, taking a walk after meals promotes gastric emptying, which is very effective for the maintenance of gastric mucosa.

5. Pay attention to hygiene

Open windows for ventilation to keep indoor air circulation. At the same time, pay attention to maintaining the appropriate indoor temperature and humidity, and avoid going to crowded closed places. Wash your hands frequently, cut your nails frequently, drink water frequently, and practice good personal hygiene.

Fight the spring "stomach protection war"! The spring gastrointestinal maintenance guide is here! It is recommended that everyone have one

6. Emotional management

Anxiety, depression and other adverse emotions are an important factor causing gastrointestinal disorders and adverse effects on the liver and gallbladder organs, so it is very important to pay attention to controlling emotions, maintaining peace of mind, and doing a good job in emotional management.

3. Pay attention to diet in spring to maintain the stomach and intestines

1. Drink more porridge

Drinking more porridge is good for the stomach. The porridge used for heatstroke prevention includes mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, fresh lotus root porridge, raw reed root porridge and so on.

You can also use 15 grams of traditional Chinese medicine cassia seeds, 15 grams of white chrysanthemum, 60 grams of japonica rice, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar to cook porridge.

2. Drink plenty of soup

Mung beans are cool and have the effect of clearing heat. Mung beans can also be used with mint to make mung bean mint soup, mung beans and pumpkin to make mung bean pumpkin soup, mung beans and barley rice to make mung bean barley soup, mung beans and honeysuckle together to make mung bean honeysuckle soup.

3. Eat sour food appropriately

In addition to quenching thirst and strengthening the stomach, sour food can also kill bacteria and prevent diseases, and can prevent intestinal infectious diseases.

Another great benefit of sour foods is to promote the absorption of nutrients, such as tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, black plums, grapes, pineapples, mangoes, etc., which can be used to squeeze juice, make fruit salads, and also be used in dishes.

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Wang Yuan, Department of Gastrointestinal Burn Surgery, Hunan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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