
To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything

author:An Dongyue

On the long road of life, where to find true love?

Some people say that true love is an adventure that requires us to let go of all our defenses and bravely approach each other.

And I want to say that to truly love one person is to be willing to give everything. This kind of dedication does not need to be embellished with flowery rhetoric, but only needs to be interpreted with sincere emotions.

To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything

1. Let go of pride for you

Before I met you, I was a proud person, confident and independent.

I believe that I can handle everything in life and don't need anyone's help.

However, your presence made me start to re-examine myself.

Your gentleness and thoughtfulness made me feel warmer than I had ever been. I began to understand that I could also let go of that pride, rely on someone, and accept love.

In front of true love, pride melts like ice and snow, and I just want to turn into a pool of spring water for you, and the waves are not shocked.

I've come to realize that letting go of your pride is not a compromise, it's a growth.

I've learned to listen to you, take your advice, and even at some point, I'll reach out to you for help.

This change has made me more mature and humble, and it has also made me cherish our relationship even more.

To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything

Second, take off the disguise for you

Society is complex and unpredictable. For this reason, we always habitually put a layer of camouflage on ourselves.

We are afraid of being hurt and seen through, so we are always careful to hide our true thoughts and feelings.

However, your presence has made me begin to remove this layer of disguise.

Your eyes seem to be able to see through my inner world and make me feel a sense of security that I have never felt before.

In front of you, I am willing to remove all pretenses, expose my true heart, and let you taste it, and I only want to share this honesty and purity with you.

I began to open my heart to you and share my joys and sorrows.

I'm no longer afraid that you'll laugh at me, or that you'll leave me.

Because I know that you are the one who is willing to face the storm with me. In front of you, I can let go of all my defenses and show my truest self.

To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything

3. Change your habits

Everyone has their own living habits and preferences, and when two people get along, there may be disagreements and contradictions due to some habits.

However, to truly love someone is to be willing to change those unnecessary habits for the sake of the other person.

Your preferences have gradually become my preferences, and your habits have gradually become my life.

Habits change because of you, life is new because of you, and every change is a testimony of love and a willing dedication.

I started trying to adapt to your lifestyle and get to know your interests.

I learned how to make your favorite dishes and also started to focus on your areas of interest.

These changes may be small, but they have deepened our relationship.

I know that these changes are not a sacrifice, but an expression of love. Because I love you, I am willing to change for you and pay for you.

To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything

To truly love one person is to be willing to give everything.

This does not mean losing oneself, but learning to grow and change in the process of love.

When you are willing to let go of pride, disguise, and change habits for each other, you have found that true love that belongs to you.