
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

author:Charm Wujiagang
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!




"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

If you ask what places young people like to visit nowadays?

The answer is yes:

"Delicious, fun, good-looking"

So where do the young people of the Wu family like to go?

You're asking the right person,

"Three Blocks"

Check it out!

When the youth-friendly neighborhood meets Wujiagang

When the "three major blocks" met the young people of the Wu family

What kind of sparks will be created?

Let's take a look!

消费友好FOR YOUNG“嗨”在伍家

01FISHH Today "You Consume" and "I Help"!

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Relying on the anniversary nodes, the "three major blocks" of Wujiagang Wanda, Zhongnan Road and Fujiuyuan launched friendly discounts in youth consumer business districts, issued a series of coupons for popular merchants, and ignited the consumption enthusiasm of young people.

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!


"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Walking into the neighborhood shopping malls, buildings, and night markets, you can always feel the enthusiasm of the merchants, the friendliness of the environment, the simple and fashionable design style, the youthful color style, and the relaxed and pleasant visual atmosphere.

业态友好FOR YOUNG只为青年的“你”


"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!


"Eat" very young

The "Three Blocks" introduce pastry and tea brands such as "Bawang Tea Lady", "Crane House" and "Mo Yogurt", which are popular among young people, so that young people can enjoy the latest trends and taste a variety of food! 02

"Play" is very young

The block has also introduced leisure and entertainment shops such as "Gegewu Video Game Room", "VR Experience Hall", "Escape Room in the 9th Block", "Rainbow Island Aromatherapy Lipstick Handmade" and "Script Killing", so that young people can "play" if they want to "play" here, and "Hi" if they want to "hi", a variety of entertainment methods are available for you to choose, and only provide colorful leisure and entertainment life for young "you"!03

"Learn" very young

Introduce new formats such as "Xidu self-study room" and "smart cloud tea room", "quiet in the middle of noisy", leave a quiet room for young people in the bustling lamp market, and use "a warm self-study room" to accompany the young "you" to spend every "immersive" moment, and witness the persistence of "you" together!

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Event-friendly FOR YOUNG and "you" have fun

03FISHH碰撞火花 激荡青春热情

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

In the Wanda block, the main position of "Wu Ai Wujia Lechuang Station" was opened, and facilities such as "zero rent" office space, conference rooms and public welfare coffee bars were set up, and at the same time, relying on the "5+ Youth Lecture Hall" and "5+ Youth Publicity Salon" and other forms, young entrepreneurs were organized to collide with sparks of ideas and talk about exchanges and cooperation here.

5+ Youth Lecture Hall

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

In Lechuang Station, young "you" can enjoy the beautiful experience of comfortable office, easy communication, and free creativity, and a variety of interactive scenarios can meet the needs of office services and operations in an all-round way, so that you are not confined to an inch of grid, make interesting new partners anytime and anywhere, and spark cooperation through benign interaction!

Emotionally friendly FOR YOUNG gathers young people to achieve a beautiful marriage

04FISHH吾家有喜 岗好是你

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Continue to launch the youth friendship and friendship brand of "My Family is Happy 'Gang' is You", set up "blind date corners" in business districts with large traffic such as Wanda Plaza and Zhongnan Road, and organize and carry out a series of young talent friendship activities such as "My Family is Happy, Gathering and Xingfa" and "My Family is Happy, Qile Longlong" and other young talents, so as to provide a full chain of heart-warming services for young people to expand their circle and make friends.

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

The "Three Blocks" give full play to the advantages of the flow of people in the business district, organize friendship and friendship activities around the topics that young people love, promote mutual understanding among young people through frisbee sports, movie watching activities and other forms, and build a friendship bridge and marriage and love interaction platform for young people.

文化友好FOR YOUNG文体嘉年华

05 FISHH Youth Culture

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Focusing on the form of cultural activities that young people like to see, various cultural and sports carnival activities are carried out in the "three blocks" square, and trendy activities such as cosplay, lawn music festival, building vertical marathon, and e-commerce live broadcast make the street life more "trendy" and "fun"!

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

The neighborhood merchants also invited the youth band dance team to play the "Song of Youth" in the passionate drumbeat, dance out of the "Youth Style" in the smart dance, and ignite the "Wu Family Night" in the enthusiastic youthful vitality!


Only for the youth of "my family".

06FISHH "My Family" all-round friendly service

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

The city's first intelligent, all-weather, and multi-space love station was built in Fujiuyuan Block, and multiple functional areas such as convenient rest, reading and movie watching, and volunteer service were set up.

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!
"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

Through the implementation of Chinese New Year's Eve School, weekend school, fun sports day, Hope Home, volunteer market and other service projects, effectively solve the problems of youth holiday child care, hobby training, vocational skills improvement and other problems in the jurisdiction, the sense of belonging, gain and happiness of the youth of "My Family" is bursting!

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

fireworks in the world,

The most soothing to the hearts of mortals~

"Tide" plays Wujia, watching the two-way rush between youth and the city!

The street is an attitude

Neighborhoods are a way of life

It is a gathering place for young people to enjoy the trendy play life

Youth are fun because of the block

The neighborhood is wonderful because of youth


Wujiagang District

More emphasis will be placed on youth growth and development

Cohesion is built

More grassroots samples of youth development cities

Realize the two-way rush of youth and the city!

▌Source: Youth Wujiagang

Editor: Deng Xuemei

First instance: Zhao Dan

Second instance: Wu Mingyan; Gong Yanju

Final review: Zhang Youbing