
The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

author:Say Tea ShowCha
The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!
The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!
The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

The year 2024 marks the 32nd anniversary of the implementation of China's manned aviation project. China, which is far ahead in aviation technology, has accumulated extraordinary achievements in the field of space exploration.

The year 2024 is also the third anniversary of the "three teas" overall planning theory. In the past three years, the development of culture, industry, and science and technology has told the extraordinary transformation process of Chinese tea.

At this special juncture, under the intersection of aviation and tea industry, another major industrial move is brewing. On March 23, the "Huaxiangyuan No. 1 Satellite Expedition Ceremony" was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province. Huaxiangyuan Tea Technology practiced and led again, and the first remote sensing satellite jointly developed by tea enterprises for the monitoring of Huaxiangyuan Tea Manor was officially launched.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△ The scene of the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite expedition ceremony (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

Practice the concept of "three teas" and lead the development of the industry

The road of tea industry cultivation of leading tea enterprises in the whole industry chain

Since March 22, 2021, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the growth of spring tea in Yanziyi Ecological Tea Garden, he pointed out that it is necessary to coordinate tea culture, tea industry, and tea technology to become a pillar industry of rural revitalization. "'Three teas' co-ordination" has become a high-frequency hot word with unlimited traffic in the tea industry.

As one of the drivers of the "Great Country Tea Party" craze, Huaxiangyuan has performed the wonderful Chinese tea on the international stage again and again, and creatively opened a number of "Great Country Tea Culture Promotion Centers". With Guobin Tea as the guide, the "Huaxiangyuan Guobin Tea Global Tour Exhibition" was launched, and it has successively entered many world-famous cities to continue to convey the high-end quality and cultural beauty of Chinese tea to the world.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△In 2023, Ambassador Zhang Jun, China's representative to the United Nations, spoke highly of Guobin Tea (Photo courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

Drawing a new blueprint for the future of the tea industry, in the field of tea industry, Huaxiangyuan has laid out eight core categories of tea estates nationwide, taking the lead in the establishment and implementation of tea estate standards in the industry. And relying on the Confucian Pavilion and the Chinese Tea House, it empowers the development of China's tea industry.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△Huaxiangyuan Tea Manor (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

In terms of science and technology, Huaxiangyuan joined hands with Chen Zongmao and Liu Zhonghua, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, to seek the development of "three teas" and help the road of science and technology to rejuvenate tea to a new ladder.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

Present the third anniversary of the "three teas" theory

The Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite officially set off

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the "Three Teas", on the basis of the original empowerment of the tea industry, Huaxiangyuan further developed tea culture, tea industry, and tea technology, and focused on the sea of stars in the tea industry.

Xiao Wenhua, chairman of Huaxiangyuan Tea Industry Co., Ltd., reviewed the exploration and achievements of practicing the concept of "three teas" for a long time, and pointed out that Huaxiangyuan No. 1 will boost the development of new quality productivity in the tea industry, achieve high-tech, high-efficiency and high-quality development, empower the manor and Guobin tea, and witness another upgrade of Guobin tea as a high-quality Chinese tea.

You Qin, the co-developer of Huaxiangyuan No. 1 and chairman of Xiamen Tianwei Technology Co., Ltd., further added to the role of Huaxiangyuan No. 1 in the future that Huaxiangyuan No. 1 will form a linkage with all the satellites of Tianwei Technology in the future to jointly empower the development of the tea industry.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△Xiao Wenhua, chairman of Huaxiangyuan Tea Industry Co., Ltd. (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△ You Qin, the co-developer of Huaxiangyuan No. 1 and chairman of Xiamen Tianwei Technology Co., Ltd. (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

At the event site, the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite was officially unveiled.

Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite is a landmark low-orbit "tea satellite", which is developed by Huaxiangyuan and Tianwei Technology, and will be used for the monitoring of Huaxiangyuan tea estate, relying on new technology and hard technology to empower the construction of tea estates, promote the digital construction of tea estates, and lead the comprehensive upgrade of tea estate construction standards. At the same time, it will continue to promote the tea industry to keep pace with the times, innovate and develop, and promote the digitalization and intelligence of the construction of tea estates, so that the manor standards of Huaxiangyuan have reached a new level and boosted the high-quality development of the economy.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△Huaxiangyuan signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tianwei Technology (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite unveiled (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

At 10:07 a.m. on March 23, the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite officially set out for the Jiuquan launch base. Subsequently, it will be carried into space with a launch vehicle in Jiuquan. In the future, with the launch of the satellite, Huaxiangyuan will further improve the industrial chain for the creation of high-quality tea, and will continue to provide more high-quality Chinese tea for more people, help spread Chinese tea culture, and let the world fall in love with Chinese tea.

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△At 10:07 a.m. on March 23, 2024, the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite was sent to the Jiuquan launch base (Photo courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

For a long time, Huaxiangyuan has been at the forefront of practicing the development of "three teas", and has used practical actions to provide cutting-edge solutions for the high-quality development of the tea industry for the majority of tea brands. From consolidating the foundation of the "three teas" and practicing cutting-edge theories, to testing the water in the field of "tea satellites" and going to the vast sea of stars.

This April, the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite will soar into the sky, leading to the upgrading and transformation of the tea industry. Let's wait and see, the new potential energy and big actions it will contribute to the development of the "three teas".

The first tea enterprise to use "tea satellite" to develop new quality productivity!

△ The scene of the Huaxiangyuan No. 1 satellite expedition ceremony (courtesy of Huaxiangyuan)

Editor-in-charge / Shi Tongtong

Editorial Board Member / Wang Miaorong

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