
It's on the hot search again!Fat Donglai added 10 days of "unhappy leave", the management must approve, and if you don't approve, you will violate the rules!

It's on the hot search again!Fat Donglai added 10 days of "unhappy leave", the management must approve, and if you don't approve, you will violate the rules!

Fat Donglai is on the hot search again!

On March 26, "Fat Donglai's new 10-day unhappy vacation" appeared on the hot search list of Weibo, Baidu and other platforms, causing heated discussions among netizens.

Netizens said: "I'm so envious", "No wonder more than 30,000 people from more than 200 positions came to vote", "Jealousy is so distorted" that their faces are distorted......

It's on the hot search again!Fat Donglai added 10 days of "unhappy leave", the management must approve, and if you don't approve, you will violate the rules!

Fat Donglai added 10 days of "unhappy leave"

Yu Donglai: It's very hot, and it's so hot that I'm worried

According to Jiemian News on March 26, at the 2024 China Supermarket Week Forum, Yu Donglai, chairman of Fat Donglai, said that Fat Donglai added 10 days of "unhappy vacation" this year, no matter what you do, you must let yourself walk on the road you like. If you are unhappy and don't want to go to work, you can ask for leave. The management can't help but approve it, and if it doesn't approve, it will be in violation.

Yu Donglai said that the company hopes that employees can freely decide their own rest time, so that everyone can be fully relaxed and adjusted after work.

Yu Donglai further explained: "Everyone will have unhappy times, this is human nature. But the interesting thing is that when we really have this kind of 'unhappy leave', many people will feel happy. Because it means that they are understood and supported by the company and feel a work-life balance. ”

According to Taishan Finance, Shell Finance, etc., recently, in the 2024 Lianshang Donglai President Class course, Yu Donglai, the founder of Fat Donglai, said that Fat Donglai began to implement job level certification this year, and even if the basic employees are cleaners, as long as their professional ability reaches a certain level, they can also get an annual salary of 300,000 or even 500,000 yuan. Every position can have a better upward channel, which is not unachievable. He said that if the products of Fat Donglai Supermarket can keep up with this year, the technology can keep up, and it will be stable, the monthly income of ordinary employees of Fat Donglai Supermarket of more than 10,000 yuan should not be a problem.

Yu Donglai said that Fat Donglai's influence is getting bigger and bigger, and this year is particularly hot, and he is worried. Because the store is no longer retail, it has become wholesale, which seriously affects normal life. Now, after more than a month, it has slowly stabilized and reduced the working hours. Some departments even work six-hour shifts, compared to twelve hours before. There used to be one tea store, and now there are two tea stores, and the sales of 30,000 or 40,000 yuan a day are now up to 1 million a day.

In addition, Yu Donglai also talked about the recent hot recruitment situation of Fat Donglai Supermarket. He said that 30,000 people signed up for more than 200 places in the supermarket department, including 3,600 graduate students. (See the previous report for details: The hot search exploded! The highest annual salary is 150,000, recruiting 209 people and receiving more than 30,000 resumes!985 girls didn't even enter the interview, and Fat Donglai responded)

Yu Donglai believes that as long as there is a good idea, any problem is very simple, and there is no need to recruit a very good person, as long as you are firm in truth, goodness, and beauty, the result will be good.

Yu Donglai: Employees take 30 to 40 days of annual leave

Lei Jun and Ma Yun once highly praised

Previously, Yu Donglai, the founder of Fat Donglai, mentioned in an event forum when sharing his business philosophy that the working time is now 7 hours, and it is imagined that it will be 6 hours in the future, and the wholesale price of the audio for each store manager is 250,000 yuan, and the retail price is 450,000 yuan, which is to let each store manager enjoy. Employees don't want to go to work, if they want to take leave, they are not allowed to take leave, and they are not allowed to make up reasons for taking leave, so as to guide people to live a real life.

In addition, according to the WeChat public account of Fat Donglai Business Group, Yu Donglai, the founder of Fat Donglai, previously said at the sharing meeting: "Now Fat Donglai's working time is 7 hours, and it is calculated according to the 8-hour work system every week, in fact, our working hours are to achieve double rest, double rest is 104 days, we have annual leave of 30 days to 40 days, plus 5 days of closed stores during the Spring Festival, our vacation is basically 140 days." In addition, Fat Donglai's management has achieved 190 days of vacation, and the income is not low, just like the middle management is equipped with Mercedes-Benz, and the executives are equipped with more than 3 million yuan of cars. ”

Yu Donglai also said that in 2023, it is estimated that the revenue will exceed 10 billion yuan, the annual tax revenue will be three or four billion yuan, and the profit will be three or four billion yuan, as of October 2023, the income of employees is basically more than 7,000 yuan, and the average minimum may be 6,500 yuan, just like Angel City's salary last month was 8,400 yuan, and this is not the best department, the best department is higher than this. Previously, Blue Whale Finance reported that the average salary of Fat Donglai employees has exceeded 6,000 yuan.

However, there are also employees who have left Fat Donglai who said that the salary and welfare level of Fat Donglai is really good, but there is a lot of labor paid accordingly. Especially after Fat Donglai has become popular on Douyin recently, the supermarket traffic has become very large. In addition, there are also a lot of punishment systems for Fat Donglai, and if you do something wrong, you will be fined accordingly. Many of the rules are actually to make customers have a better experience, such as employees are not allowed to chat with each other, at least not in front of customers, they can take their mobile phones at work, but they are not allowed to play with their mobile phones, and they are not allowed to avoid customers when answering the phone......

Founded in 1997, Fat Donglai Trading Group Co., Ltd. is an enterprise mainly engaged in the retail industry. In recent years, Fat Donglai has become popular on the Internet because of its warm corporate culture and meticulous service, and some people say that Fat Donglai's success "cannot be replicated".

Xiaomi's Lei Jun once made a special trip to Xuchang Fat Donglai to visit and study, and called Fat Donglai "the god-like existence of China's retail industry". Ma Yun said that Fat Donglai is a mirror that can reflect the shortcomings of other companies.

Editor|Duan Lian Du Hengfeng

Proofreading|Lu Xiangyong

The daily economic news is synthesized from every economic network, interface news, Taishan Finance, Shell Finance, Fat Donglai Business Group, public information, etc

National Business Daily

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