
Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"

author:Lawyer of state-owned enterprise reform

►In 2023, on the basis of consolidating the results of the three-year action to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, the mainland will launch the implementation of the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises with a high quality and high starting point, and achieve fruitful results. 2024 is a critical year for the implementation of the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, and it is also a year for tackling tough problems in the past and the next. All central enterprises and regions should implement the major arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, and strive to complete more than 70% of the main tasks by the end of the year.

►In the next three years, what should be done to deepen and upgrade the reform of state-owned enterprises? On the basis of fully studying the action plan for deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises in the new round of state-owned enterprises, combined with years of practical experience in state-owned enterprise reform, the Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on the Reform of State-owned Enterprises: Interpretation of the Deepening and Upgrading of State-owned Enterprise Reform".

Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"


►In 2023, a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform will be launched, focusing on enhancing core functions, improving core competitiveness, and starting in strengthening scientific and technological innovation, building a modern industrial system, playing a role in security support, and deepening the reform of systems and mechanisms, laying a solid foundation for the deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform in 2024.

►2024 is a critical year for the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, a year of tackling tough problems, the reform task is heavy and difficult, and to complete more than 70% of the main tasks, we must not wait for me, seize the day, consolidate responsibilities at all levels, and make every effort to do a good job in various reform work.

►The key to deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises in 2024 is to earnestly grasp the reform of grassroots enterprises, effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of grassroots employees, and strive to solve the problem of "hot in the middle and cold in the bottom".

The wind comes

►In order to help state-owned central enterprises deepen the reform and do a good job in the publicity and implementation of policies and practical guidance for grassroots enterprises, Mr. Ming brings the Mixed Reform Center to present the "2024 Annual Report on the Reform of State-owned Enterprises: Interpretation of the Deepening and Upgrading of State-owned Enterprise Reform", focusing on the interpretation of functional and mission reforms and institutional reforms:

● How to find the right direction of action and strengthen assessment and guidance for functional mission reform tasks?

Focus on the "three concentrations" of state-owned capital, enhance the core functions of state-owned enterprises, strengthen assessment guidance, formulate special assessment plans, continue to promote the assessment of 'one industry, one policy, one enterprise, one policy', tolerate innovation failures, and encourage innovation to be unleashed.

● How to implement the reform tasks of institutional mechanisms in a broader and deeper way?

Efforts will be made to promote clearer boundaries of power and responsibility of Party committees and boards of directors and smoother operation, to promote the rigid fulfillment of the tenure system and contractual management, to improve quality and expand coverage, to promote the final adjustment and incompetent exit system to cover more widely and deeply, and to promote the implementation of medium and long-term incentives on a larger scale;

Promote state-owned enterprises to truly operate according to the market-oriented mechanism, and always maintain a keen response to the market.

● How to coordinate the promotion of functional mission reform and institutional reform and form a reform combination?

The reform tasks of energy and mission and the reform of institutional mechanisms should promote each other and complement each other, and the reform of functional and mission should lead the reform of institutional mechanisms and support the reform of functional and mission with institutional reform.

The annual report on the reform of state-owned enterprises is divided into 9 chapters, which provide a detailed interpretation of the state-owned economic layout, scientific and technological innovation, security support, market-oriented restructuring, corporate governance, market-oriented operation mechanism, and state-owned assets supervision related to the deepening and upgrading of the new round of state-owned enterprise reform for your reference.

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Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"
Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"
Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"
Sunshine Times State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center officially released the "2024 Annual Report on State-owned Enterprise Reform"