
Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

author:Jia Wenqing Dezai

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Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

When the children grow up and ask their parents about this incident, the parents will pretend to be innocent, pretend to have forgotten about it, and even wonder why their children are so stingy?

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

But when a child can remember a parent who hurt him from an early age, it leaves a pimple in the child's heart

Are all parents in China like this?

She can write it, but she can't find the problem, and a netizen posted a message on the Internet asking for help:


After reading this, I summarized a few points

One: Don't ask your children what they want, let them solve their own needs and problems.

2. After asking about the child's request, the parent can choose to agree or not to agree after the child has made the request.

❶ If you agree, you will do as requested. (Parents can also discuss with their children if they have any ideas after agreeing to reach a consensus before doing so)

❷ If you don't agree, your children will get it yourself.

Is it so difficult to solve these two solutions?

Some netizens also said that this is indeed difficult to do:

She only cares about her own opinions, she deserves to be good to her, what you don't do well is infinitely magnified, how you feel about your parents, how you feel about your friends, and how much you feel like your other half Maybe she's kind, but the people around her must be a little tired

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

It feels the same as the people who don't understand the pressure of reading

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

Then you were beaten and scolded by your parents when you were a child, and you were compared to others. When it is arranged in various ways. Happy. If happy. When I didn't say.

If you're not happy. That is, even though you have never been a parent. That should have been a child, too. And most of the friends of the post-80.90s generation have also accepted modern ideas. You say that parents around 60 are difficult, and I can still listen to them. Most of them are still embracing the same old ideas. It's hard to change their ingrained perceptions.

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

The little things reflect her life, her mother will listen to her voice but will not do it, she will only follow her own ideas, and she has the right to make her own decisions in life, not to be stifled this right

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

If she asks for instant noodles, her mother directly refutes me, and I think it's okay, but I don't follow the request even though I agreed, I would feel very uncomfortable

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

However, the process of being suppressed by your elders is very uncomfortable, as long as you can't fight for the initiative, you will always be uncomfortable, and a brave person like you is very enviable

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

Yes. You can do it yourself. I don't understand.

Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

After reading the sharing and comments: I seem to be able to empathize and not empathize, I know very well what she thinks and the reason for her collapse, but I still feel that it is unnecessary

Some people in the comment area eventually became adults and couldn't empathize with themselves when they were children, but some couldn't empathize because they didn't have such an experience when they were children!

What do you think?


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Why did her daughter react so strongly? She could write it, but she pretended not to know, and commented on the fryer

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