
Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it

Beijing, March 22 (Xinhua) -- As the temperature rises in spring, the concentration of pollen in the air increases, and indoor mold and dust mites increase, which is easy to induce urticaria in people with allergies, and patients suffer from itching when they become ill. According to dermatology experts, TCM treatment of urticaria has certain advantages, which can effectively alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence.

Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it

She Yuanyao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Xiyuan Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduced that urticaria is a localized edema reaction due to the expansion and permeability of small blood vessels in the skin and mucous membranes. Symptoms of hives usually resolve within 2 to 24 hours, but new rashes occur repeatedly and the disease lasts for days to years.

"The etiology of urticaria, especially chronic urticaria, is very complex, and the cause is not found in about 70% of patients. She Yuanyao said that the common causes of urticaria are: food and food additives, inhalations, infections, drugs, physical factors, mental factors, endocrine changes, genetic factors, etc., and Chinese medicine calls urticaria "addiction rash", and its pathogenesis can be varied, for example, it can be caused by the accumulation of wind and cold on the skin, resulting in disharmony between the camp and the guard, or by the evil guests of wind and heat on the skin surface, causing the imbalance of the camp and the guard, or by the uncontrolled diet caused by the dampness and heat of the stomach and intestines, and the depression between the skin and intestines.

Zhang Tianbo, attending physician of the Department of Dermatology of Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduced that the treatment of urticaria, especially chronic urticaria, has certain characteristics and advantages, and the purpose of fundamental treatment can be achieved through comprehensive conditioning of the patient's body, not only focusing on symptom relief, but also focusing on preventing recurrence.

Zhang Tianbo said that traditional Chinese medicine treats patients with urticaria according to the syndrome differentiation of their condition, and common treatment methods include oral Chinese medicine decoction or Chinese patent medicine, external washing of traditional Chinese medicine, milli-acupuncture, moxibustion, auricular acupoint pressure, acupoint bloodletting, etc. It should be noted that patients should be prescribed by a professional TCM physician after syndrome differentiation, and should not use medication at will.

Experts suggest that in addition to treatment, patients should avoid exposure to known allergens that may trigger urticaria, and maintain healthy lifestyle habits such as good sleep, appropriate exercise, and a healthy diet to enhance immunity and reduce the occurrence of urticaria.

Source: Xinhuanet

Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it
Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it
Urticaria is prone to occur in spring, and there are ways for Chinese medicine to deal with it

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