
The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

author:Handan image

From an unknown photography enthusiast to a national first-class photographer (with a high professional title), a member of the Chinese Photographers Association, a contracted photographer of Xinhua News Agency and Visual China, it has only been a few years.

Some people in the circle said that he was "suddenly bursting out".

Some people say that his success stems from talent + hard work.

Song Xianbin smiled and said: "I don't have any talent, it's just a stupid bird that flies first and works hard." ”

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

Photo by Qiu Yonghui


Song Xianbin is talkative, modest, and low-key, and his past experiences are accompanied by a faint smile, reminiscence, and reminiscence.

He grew up in Handan, attended high school and later went to technical school. In 1998, he was assigned to work in Huaye, and after a year of foreign aid, his eyes were opened, and he was no longer satisfied with the life of an office worker after coming back, so he resigned in 2000. Song Xianbin said that he has successively done communications, online games, e-sports, cultural games, "Handan Image" self-media, etc., and almost every career flashes with the halo of "Handan's first", "Handan's earliest" and "Handan's most influential". Even if he is playing outdoors, the group he formed is also the "first batch of Handan".

In 2012, Song Xianbin and his fellow travelers traveled to Nepal's Annapurna Grand Loop, and in 15 days, they saw 8 of the world's 10 highest snow peaks. His eyes were full of shock and suffocation of "beautiful ruined", and the SLR camera in his hand also matched his excitement, flashing and ringing without stopping. I thought I was quite satisfied, but when I turned my face and saw a photo taken by a professional photographer, Song Xianbin realized that he couldn't get any of them. It was from this moment that he decided to study photography.

But because of his busy work, he really began to study systematically in 2017 - he joined the Handan Photographers Association and consulted with photography masters such as Wang Ziguo, the chairman of the Photographers Association. Subsequently, the Chinese Photographers Association held a free photography training in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, and the students who taught were all winners of the China Photography Award. A total of five issues, Song Xianbin participated in each issue, "After studying, I learned that a good photographic work should first have a good theme and idea, and secondly, pay attention to aesthetics, such as color, composition, and hierarchy ······" These trainings opened the door for Song Xianbin to explore the world of photography. From 2019 to 2020, he encountered a bottleneck in photography, and enrolled in an online course to learn from scratch: what is the essence of photography, how it was born, how it affects and shapes our world, etc. The more he learned, the more interesting he became, and the more he learned, the more he gained new knowledge.

Photography Road

While studying, he has walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, tasted thousands of hardships, conceived, focused, and frozen thousands of times, which is the process of his deeper and deeper fate with photography, and also gives birth to his more and more love and dedication to photography.

In order to record the new life of the Tibetans in the new era, he went to Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture and other places, and each time he took five or six thousand shots.

At the beginning of one year, he went to the street to photograph the female traffic policeman, and he was busy for a long time, and when it suddenly snowed after finishing work, he turned back and stayed in the heavy snow, shooting from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. when people got off work.

Last summer, Zhuozhou was hit by floods, leaving 3.6 million books in the warehouses of hundreds of book companies in water. Song Xianbin rushed over to shoot the scene as soon as he found out.

Landscape works are one of the genres he specializes in. After almost all the mountains and rivers of the motherland, he still has a soft spot for Handan. "It is our responsibility to promote Handan," he said, adding that he is especially willing to photograph the natural scenery during and after the rain and snow, because he wants everyone to see more of Handan. He photographed Wang Jinzhuang after the snow, Jingniang Lake in the rain, and the sunrise, sea of clouds, and sunrise after the rain in Guwudang Mountain. In order to shoot a scene, he often lives in the mountains with a tent, sleeping bag, water and food, or squats in the rain with an umbrella, or drives from his home at 3 a.m. and returns at 7 a.m······

"Do you feel bitter?" the reporter asked.

"I didn't feel it, I just had fun. He said.

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"Sonorous Roses under the Wind and Snow" People's Photography Newspaper 2022 Monthly Contest Second Prize

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

Shooting in the snow female traffic policeman on duty

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"Taihang Fengyun" Bronze Award of the 26th Hebei Provincial Art Photography Competition


Song Xianbin's self-made handmade book is called "Crossing Handan", which won the excellent album of the 26th Hebei Photography Art Exhibition and has been collected by the Hebei Provincial Archives. The reporter saw the second edition he made. The 24 photos in it are all taken in the past three years at the old site related to the history and culture of Handan, which cleverly and naturally integrates the elements of people's current life. For example, at the entrance of the carriage lane, there are several shared bicycles and volleyed electric wires, in the city street, a roller shutter door has a big word "demolition" written in red pen, and on the edge of the field of the ruins of Zhao Wangcheng, there is an abandoned sofa······ Each piece of work makes people's thoughts wander and travel through thousands of years, not only feeling the changes of the world, but also giving birth to a sense of belonging to time and space.

Song Xianbin introduced that each work in this book "Crossing Handan" highlights the concepts of "new", "humanistic works" and "modern photography". "New" lies in new ideas, new perspectives, and new elements. "It's a great opportunity for me to be innovative and innovative, so that photographers are on the same starting line again, and I am also trying to develop my own style. Song Xianbin is now keen to photograph humanistic works of people's new life and new state in the new era - "There is depth, taste, meaning, and thought." ”

The reporter admired several of his "new" works: an old Tibetan grandmother who was talking on the phone while shaking the prayer wheel; more than 20 unmanned cameras were circling in the sky above the scene of the Wu'an opera; and in the audience of a traditional Tibetan festival, one of the many girls wearing coral ornaments was holding up a mobile phone to take pictures······ All of these reflect the wonder of the scene in the mirror and the intention outside the image.

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"Girl" was shortlisted for the 2nd Global Huashe International Photography Competition

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"New Life of Tibetans" was filmed at the June meeting of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province and won the first prize of "New Era, New Atmosphere, 5G New Life".

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"Childlike Fun" Xinhua News Agency National Second Prize

The scene is in the mirror, the intention is outside the image - the impression of the photographer Song Xianbin

"Gaze" was filmed in Handan Meile City


Over the years, Song Xianbin has repeatedly won awards in national, provincial and municipal photography competitions, and has continued to have the blessing of his hardcore identity (taking the "national first-class photographer" as an example, he is the first person in Handan City, a new literary and artistic group, to win this title), and people in the circle say that he suddenly burst into dazzling light in a short period of time.

Song Xianbin has repeatedly emphasized that he started late, so he is more focused on doing things, of course, this is also due to his enthusiasm, persistence, enthusiasm, confidence, and the quality he is most proud of - good at accepting new things and daring to innovate.

In fact, in any era, there are blockbuster teenagers with ambitions, and there are also late bloomers. Success in life has both socially accepted standards and its own definitions. From both perspectives, Song Xianbin should be called a "successful person". From him, it is also more confirmed that no matter in which field, the truly outstanding people are often those who are different and unique, and they are unbeatable by virtue of "innovation".

Today, Song Xianbin has just obtained a graduation certificate from Communication University of China majoring in photography, was awarded a bachelor's degree in art, and was successfully selected for the second phase of the "Yan Zhao Xiulin Plan" for the cultivation of young and middle-aged literary talents of the Hebei Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In the next step, he plans to shoot a series of Handan idioms with a new concept, and he will continue to do some public welfare undertakings with the camera in his hand······

Perhaps, in his past and new journey, there is a shadow of you and me, and there is also a power that will eventually be absorbed by you and me.

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