
Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

And the gradual distancing from a person, in fact, you know

I just won't admit it

Every moment after that is to help you convince yourself

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

All goodbyes were rushed

There's no way to prepare properly

Because the one who left understands

Be ruthless and sudden

in order to achieve the goal and never see each other again

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

Why is there always a time difference

Because they are no longer in the same world

And what you don't forget is the bargaining chip for him to leave

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

Once a crack is created

Forever across there

The broken mirror is reunited from the end

Reunion means:

Carefully guarding the debris all over the ground

Show your chest and be willing to take the risk of being broken again

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

No one was watching the sunrise

Everyone is looking at their tattered regrets

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

He seems to be able to do it

Stop loss in time and get out of the way

It's like I've never shown up

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

I can't put my thoughts into words

I had no choice but to talk to the west wind

I hope the west wind will whisper in your ear

If you don't like it, then I won't say it

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina


I thought it was a natural relationship

But early one morning

I didn't say good morning

The chat page stayed on that day

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

I'll take a ride and look back

Expecting a ride and failing to get afloat

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina

If only I see you someday

I didn't hide from you, and I didn't panic

Instead, he walks past you generously

You should know that I won't have you in my heart anymore

Heart-piercing niche copywriting with great stamina