
Novel serialization (77) "Open the Iron Door: Lonely Escape" (author Liu Ling)

author:Bed on a dark cloud

Oh, don't go too far aside, you have to be careful. Oh, those sharp teeth on the hema, you must not have been tricked, right? Teeth can bite! Liao Wang's mother-in-law kept smiling, and suddenly said to the two of us, Honghema is tender and sharp, and she can use it to cook hot pot. "It's delicious," she said. ”

Afterwards, we turned around and walked along the main road towards the cadre's boy's room. Qu Hua raised his arm from time to time, stretched out his short, sturdy index finger in the direction, he said that there were many people, asked Liao Wang's wife to take a closer look, and looked at the road, and told them that their mother and son would buy food in that canteen for a while. Qu Hua even tried his best to curry favor, and rushed to carry the two bags for her. And I just want to hold Liao Wang's son's hand. Strange to say, the boy did not hesitate, obediently, and boldly allowed me to lead him. They quickly became familiar with each other. I didn't have anything to say, the farm was too far away, more than I could have imagined when I left home. "Big sister, if you take a child, it's definitely not very convenient to take the shuttle bus along the way," Qu Hua limped as he walked, and without waiting for his mother-in-law to answer, he grabbed the front again and said:

"Your mother and son are not the most unlucky! Fortunately, this is not the rainy season, if it rains heavily, like some time ago, when the snow was covered, the mountain is closed, you will not be able to come at all. ”

"I went out to see the weather forecast. She replied.

I said, "Recently, the weather has been better. ”

Qu Hua said: "The sun has been out for about 20 days. ”

"Indeed!" said the bearded mother-in-law before complaining to the two of us, "and the road you have sent to this hellish place is too far to go to prison. We were delayed for three days on the road alone and stayed at the hostel for two nights. She turned her face as if she really said to her son, "Little Lilac, do you remember, we changed trains three times." I carry two big bags of things alone, and it is not easy to go out with children. ”

How his son's name is Lilac, maybe a nickname.

"It's a nickname! I'll change it sooner or later. The boy said.

I didn't seem to understand what he meant by his answer.

"He's too small. The kid explained.

The woman said: "The child is small and trembling, he wants to drink water for a while along the way, keeps shouting hungry, and in the blink of an eye he screams and pees, including the drivers of the three cars, which of them annoys us, and the driver of the second car pretends to be deaf, and the little lilac pee wets his pants, and he can't take out the bag behind him." ”

"Uncle Driver is bad. Little Lilac said.

"He's not good, but you kid can't worry about it!" said his mother, "and one of them gave me a bad idea, telling me to buy more plastic bags and wait for the little cloves to put in the bag." I can throw it out of the window. He prefers to be weird, even if he can't do anything, he slowly gets used to it. also blames others, and loses generosity. ”

"You're the one who makes the difference. The boy said, pouting. He didn't look up, maybe he was really shy, he didn't expect to kick a rock with his toes, and shouted, "It's not fun!"

"None of you mother and son got motion sickness, so it's a little better. I said, "When I was first escorted here, I got sick and turned over the river and sea, and even vomited yellow bile water." Our hands were also handcuffed to the chairs, and we were dizzy, and we couldn't tell the difference between east and west. I was sent to the farm and fell asleep directly, I couldn't get up for half a month, I had a high fever, I talked hard every day, and I almost died. Luckily, I had a big life. ”

The woman said, "That's it, I never get motion sickness." ”

Qu Hua said: "Me too, I won't get dizzy no matter how far I sit." ”

"It's just that it's especially troublesome to carry him. She said.

Lilac raised her chin: "stinks in the bag." ”

"It's not fun, really. Qu Hua said with a smile.

The woman said: "There is no other way in this situation, and it is not a game intentionally. The child can barely deal with it, but the adults don't know what to do, but I'm also in the bag, the boys are easy to handle, and we girls don't have a handle. ”

Qu Hua and I were flushed, breathing rapidly, and our necks were red. Liao Wang's wife didn't hide her mouth, maybe the two of us complicated things. My little heart, which had endured all kinds of beatings, was pounding on the spot. There is something wrong with the ears, and it seems that I can still hear the sound of rushing water, maybe it is the wind of the cold winter wax moon on the plateau. I recalled the yellow jokes that those brothers in the courtyard liked to make, and Qu Hua quickened her pace, for fear that she would talk nonsense. After locking people up, they may be too idle and panicked, often thinking crankily, and running trains in their heads. I hope she just runs the train with her mouth full, otherwise, maybe she would have given Liao Wang a green hat a long time ago. That would be miserable for the beard, perhaps he had noticed it from previous letters, otherwise there would be no reasonable explanation for his escape some time ago. I'm thinking about whether or not to report it to the top? If there is no evidence, it is best not to and not stink.

We are actually in the agitation of adolescence, and we are not lightly ill, and naturally, we will be normally pulled by a certain sound in our body, which is originally a ghost, and will even do whatever it takes.

"It takes perseverance. Shi Xueping said.

He is completely standing and talking without backache, he is too good at pretending, and it is clear that he is fake. I'm thinking, what should they do if they are locked up for 30 or 40 years?

"What about those unmarried cadres?" he added.

At that time, I looked at Qu Hua and my cheeks were hot.

The woman then asked us if we knew her husband.

"Of course I know the beard, the same brigade. ”

I exaggerated: "Liao Wang and I are good friends." ”

"Hasn't he messed around around here?" she asked.

"How is it possible, rats are all male. I replied.

"That's good. The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

Actually, I inexplicably thought more about the relationship with Shi Xueping in the courtyard and couldn't explain that kind of relationship clearly. We're really okay with beards, but we're nowhere near really friends like that. The impression of Liao Wang is neither good nor bad. He usually doesn't talk much.

"Liao Wangtong and Shi Xueping are not the same kind of people. I pondered.

His wife probably thought I was older than Qu Hua, so she walked two steps next to me and asked cautiously, "What happened when they said that my husband Liao Wang ran away?"

"He just ran out to play for a few days and came back by himself, and it wasn't a big deal. I said, "I don't know the specifics." ”

She asked, "Will he increase the sentence?"

I said, "The squadron hasn't dealt with it yet, I don't know." ”

When this kind of thing happens, there is no reason for us to talk nonsense.

Secretary Lu asked someone to carry a large table out. He separated the pieces of meat and placed them on the table as if they were in line. Whoever it is, he wrote his name and put a note on the meat. The notes were all written by him in advance, and the people who took the meat took a piece of it, including the notes. They walked along, pulling notes and throwing them around. The Secretary General is busy. I was afraid that my bearded wife would be entangled, so I continued to ask questions, and I wanted to hand her over to the secretary and leave immediately. Who knew that Secretary Lu took out a bunch of keys to the guest house from his bag and asked us to send her mother and son first. Qu Hua said that the captain asked Director Zhou to write a couplet. "Then Mao Huan goes, it won't be delayed, take up a few minutes of you, do a small favor. "I still hope that Qu Hua will accompany me.

He said the third room counted from the left, freshly cleaned, quilts, pillows, sheets and boiling water in the first warehouse on the right. The key is marked with the house number. I reached out and took the heavy key, and inadvertently felt my face and neck burn again.

Secretary Lu said: "I'm really too busy now, what is the family name, you can stay first, and then register tomorrow." I'll come to you, two dollars a bed a night, no charge for children. The bed is wide and he can squeeze with you. ”

I opened the little blue wooden door, and there was a nice smell of quicklime in the room. I remembered whether it was the wall that had just been painted for a short time, or the middle-aged masters who sent the infrastructure team to paint it. In fact, it was the first time I entered the room of the brigade guest house, and the two windows were on the back wall, and there were no curtains. But there was a high ridge about three feet outside the wall, and there stood two or three dry black-brown corn stalks broken from their waists. There were three beds in the room, but they were all made with only mats. The bearded family walked straight over, raised their hands, and pushed the glass window open, trying to convection. Qu Hua and I ran to the warehouse next door, opened the door and helped his mother and son bring a cushion and a quilt cover. She made her own bed, and chose the one by the door.

"Cover this bed with a good cover," she said, "but wash it clean." There was no mold either. I stayed in that state-run hostel last night, and the quilt stinked so much that I don't know what man used it. Your quilt smells good, and it smells of soapy water. ”

She really buried her head and sniffed the minute clock carefully. Qu Hua helped Liao Wang's wife find the electric light cable, and then we said goodbye to her. Before leaving, I said one more word, telling her not to forget to eat in the cafeteria, and try to get the time stuck as much as possible, otherwise there will be no good dishes. I said, "It's pretty cheap here. "In addition, if she has anything else, if she needs help, she can go to the gate post to find someone, it is estimated that there is no one on the turret, and the person on duty will work overtime to cut paper in the teaching and research room next to the auditorium.

She said, "Then I'll help you if you're bored at night." ”

"Not really. I replied.

The words that the captain called Qu Hua to convey have not yet been conveyed. I accompanied him to Director Zhou's house with a sad face, and the owl happened to be sitting by the fire of the iron stove. He was reading an old newspaper with reading glasses and a pair of old cotton shoes made of hand. The two of us stood in front of his house and shouted a report. He raised his head, his eyes were completely like Teacher Han Jingting's eyes, staring at the two of us from above the socket of his glasses, and the old ghost asked expressionlessly, "What is the matter with you?" The others sat on the small wooden chair without moving. His posture thought that the two of us were looking for him for private affairs, and his face was full of vigilance.

"The captain sent us to ask for you, saying that you should see how much red paper is left in the brigade, and that we must cut it out tonight and write a couplet tomorrow morning. Let Teacher Han Jingting write. I said instead of Qu Hua, "The captain said that every door must be there, and it is estimated that it will not be finished in one day, which means that the teacher will be notified to do it." I would like to add, "Tell Bai Hua and Zhong Zheng to choose the couplet first." Director Zhou, you should write a few pictures if you write well, but you must check the political ideology. The captain seems to have said only that. ”

"I have a bit of a cold. He muttered.

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