
The new iPad is coming soon!

The new iPad is coming soon!

The new iPad is coming soon!

The new iPad will be released soon

It has been said before that Apple will release a new iPad product in March, but unfortunately, Apple only released the MacBook Air M3 version this month, and the iPad was not launched at the same time.

According to foreign media sources, Apple will prepare to launch a new iPad product on March 26 (US time), and there are basically two that can be confirmed:

· New iPad Air (including 12.9 large screen version)

· iPad Pro M3 chip version

The new iPad is coming soon!

The source is not supply chain or anything like that, but from Amazon, because Amazon will simultaneously open third-party cases for the new iPad series on sale on this day, which means that Apple will release this new product on this day.

However, as before, this product may not be available for purchase until April, and there is no press conference, and it will be directly on the official website, because there is really nothing to say.

There will be no difference in the overall appearance of these two new products, judging from the current news, it is some adjustments and configuration changes.

The new iPad is coming soon!

First of all, the iPad Air's camera will be moved to the top of the landscape screen, the chip will be upgraded to M2 + 8GB of RAM, and the biggest change may be the addition of a 12.9-inch screen version.

The iPad Pro has news that it will be equipped with an OLED screen for the first time, and the color and brightness will be better, but the disadvantage is that with such a large OLED screen, it may directly flash the eyes in low-light environments.

In addition, the iPad Pro is replaced with the latest M3 chip, but it is actually meaningless, because iPadOS even the M1 chip is overperformed, and Apple will not be able to run macOS for the iPad.

The new iPad mini that many people are thinking about, there is no news yet~