
Does gallbladder polyps necessarily require surgery? Can Chinese medicine be treated conservatively?

author:The MD focuses on the gastrointestinal tract

In our daily life, the term "gallbladder polyp" may not be unfamiliar, especially when it occasionally appears in the medical examination report, which makes people worry. Many people's first reaction after being diagnosed with gallbladder polyps is often panic, followed by a question-filled question: "Do I need surgery?" and often followed by inquiries and hopes for conservative treatment in TCM.

Does gallbladder polyps necessarily require surgery? Can Chinese medicine be treated conservatively?

Gallbladder polyps: When to consider surgery?

Accurate diagnosis: the importance of the first step

The diagnosis of gallbladder polyps relies on ultrasonography, which is a non-invasive, simple, and effective method. During the test, your doctor will evaluate the size and number of polyps and how fast they will grow. It is important to note that not all gallbladder polyps require treatment. Polyps smaller than 1 cm, if there are no accompanying symptoms, usually do not require special treatment, but their changes need to be monitored regularly.

Surgery: not the only option

Surgery is considered when gallbladder polyps reach a certain size (eg, more than 1 cm) or are accompanied by unusual growth rates, symptoms (eg, abdominal pain), or a risk of malignancy (eg, family history). The main form of surgery is cholecystectomy, which is a routine procedure that can effectively avoid the risk of polyps getting worse.

Surgical risks: must be considered

Although cholecystectomy is relatively safe, there are certain risks associated with any surgery. This includes, but is not limited to, infection, bleeding, and anaesthesia-related risks. In addition, symptoms of indigestion may occur after the surgery. Therefore, before deciding whether to proceed with surgery, the doctor will consider the patient's overall condition, the characteristics of the polyp, and the patient's personal preferences.

Personalized decision-making

In summary, the treatment of gallbladder polyps is not a "one-size-fits-all". The need for surgery depends on a variety of factors, including the characteristics of the polyp, the patient's overall health, and the patient's expectations for the outcome of the treatment. Therefore, patients should work closely with their doctor to make informed treatment decisions based on their individual circumstances.

Does gallbladder polyps necessarily require surgery? Can Chinese medicine be treated conservatively?

Traditional Chinese Medicine: A New Perspective on the Conservative Treatment of Gallbladder Polyps

The discovery of gallbladder polyps is often worrying, but not all cases require a move to the operating room. Traditional Chinese medicine, as a long-standing treatment, offers another possibility. This section will explore the application and potential of traditional Chinese medicine in the conservative treatment of gallbladder polyps.

Mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that gallbladder polyps are closely related to factors such as dampness and heat in the body, blood stasis, etc. Therefore, TCM treatment aims to reconcile the liver and gallbladder and dredge qi stagnation, clear away heat and detoxify. Drugs such as Yin Chen, Bupleurum chinensis, and desmodium are often used to reconcile the liver and gallbladder, promote bile secretion, and reduce gallbladder inflammation.

Applications and cases in practice

In clinical practice, some patients have significantly controlled the size of gallbladder polyps by taking personalized Chinese herbal formulas, and even partially regressed. These cases offer hope for conservative treatment with TCM, but it is also important to note that the effect of treatment varies from person to person.

Does gallbladder polyps necessarily require surgery? Can Chinese medicine be treated conservatively?

Backed by scientific research

In recent years, scientific research has begun to focus on the effects of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients on gallbladder polyps. Studies have shown that certain herbal extracts can inhibit the abnormal proliferation of gallbladder epithelial cells and reduce inflammation, providing a scientific basis for TCM treatment.

The importance of individualized care

TCM treatment focuses on syndrome differentiation, that is, a personalized treatment plan is formulated according to the specific situation of the patient. This principle is particularly important in the TCM treatment of gallbladder polyps. Patients should seek the diagnosis and advice of a senior TCM physician when choosing conservative treatment with TCM.

Precautions and Recommendations

While TCM provides a non-surgical treatment option for patients with gallbladder polyps, patients should be cautious when choosing TCM treatment. It is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of a professional physician and to have regular gallbladder examinations to monitor the changes in polyps.