
On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

The ninth day of the Lunar New Year is an important day in traditional Chinese culture. On this day, there is an old tradition called "Seven do not come out, eight do not return, and nine do things". This tradition originated in ancient times, and although many people may not remember it now, in some places, the tradition is still preserved.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

First, let's explain what this tradition means. Seven does not come out, which refers to the fact that on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, people do not go out to run errands, because this day is considered an unlucky day. Eight non-return refers to the fact that on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, people do not go home because this day is considered an unlucky day. Shangjiu errand refers to the fact that on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, people going out to run errands will bring good luck and smoothness.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

The origins of this tradition can be traced back to ancient folk beliefs and divination cultures. In ancient times, people had a limited understanding of nature and the universe, so they used divination and belief to predict future good fortune and evil. They consider certain numbers and dates to be auspicious, while certain numbers and dates are unlucky. As a result, they perform important activities on auspicious days such as getting married, starting a business, etc., while on unlucky days, they avoid doing these activities to avoid bad luck.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

Although modern people may no longer believe in these divination and beliefs, this tradition is still preserved in some places. This is because this tradition has become a cultural symbol, representing people's pursuit of a better life and their expectations for the future. At the same time, this tradition also reminds people to respect traditional cultures and customs, and not to forget their roots and history.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

Of course, for modern people, this tradition can also be seen as a reminder and a cautionary tale. In daily life, we often encounter some unsatisfactory things and difficulties. If we can maintain a positive mindset and optimistic mood, it will be easier for us to overcome these difficulties and challenges. Therefore, on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, we can remind ourselves to maintain a positive attitude and optimism, and at the same time, we can also remind ourselves to respect traditional culture and customs.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

In addition, this tradition also reminds people to be mindful of their actions and words. In our dealings with others, we should respect their culture and customs, and do not offend or hurt their feelings easily. At the same time, we should also pay attention to our words and deeds, and do not say inappropriate words or behave inappropriately. This will not only avoid unnecessary troubles and conflicts, but also allow us to become a more civilized and cultivated person.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, keep in mind: seven do not come out, eight do not return, do things on the nineth, don't forget the old tradition

To sum up, although the tradition of "seven does not come out, eight does not return, and nine things are done", although it originates from the ancient divination and belief culture, it is still inherited and respected by modern people. This tradition not only represents people's pursuit of a better life and expectations for the future, but also serves as a reminder and warning to maintain a positive attitude, be optimistic, respect traditional culture and customs, and pay attention to our actions and words. Therefore, we should keep this tradition in mind and let it play a positive role in our lives.