
The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes auspiciousness, wealth, and prosperity. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, people also have special customs and sayings. So, what is the saying on the eighth day of the first month of the Year of the Dragon? Let's take a look at what the agricultural proverb says.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

1. The Year of the Dragon is not issued, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the new year

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first month of the Year of the Dragon, if the weather is sunny and sunny, then the year will be a good year, and if the weather is gloomy and rainy, then the year may encounter some difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the weather conditions on the eighth day of the first lunar month are regarded as an important basis for predicting the fortune of the whole year.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

Second, the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month, and the whole year is developed

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first lunar month, if everything goes well and everything is safe, then the year will be a good year. On the other hand, if something goes wrong on this day, then there may be some troubles and troubles during the year. Therefore, the eighth day of the first lunar month is also regarded as an important day, and you need to pay special attention to your words, deeds, and safety.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

3. On the eighth day of the first month, the ploughing cattle rested for a day

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first lunar month, if the weather is clear and sunny, then the farmers can let the ploughing cattle rest for a day and no longer have to work hard to plough the fields. This is because clear weather can cause the water in the field to evaporate more quickly, and the cattle will be more efficient in plowing the field. Therefore, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, farmers usually give their cattle a day off in order to better protect their health and physical strength.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

Fourth, on the eighth day of the first rainy day, the rice was piled up in the warehouse

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first lunar month, if it rains, then the year will be a good year. This is because rain moistens the fields and promotes the growth and development of crops. Therefore, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, farmers usually pray for rain in order to better protect their crops and grain.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

Fifth, eat cakes on the eighth day of the first month, and rise step by step

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first lunar month, if you eat pastries or drink porridge, then the year will be rising step by step and your career will be successful. This is because pastries and porridge are both traditional Chinese foods that symbolize reunion and auspiciousness. Therefore, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, people usually choose to eat some pastries or drink some porridge to pray for their rise and success.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

Sixth, the eighth day of the first month does not go out, and when you go out, you will be exposed to wind and rain

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the first lunar month, it is best not to travel far or travel far away. If you go out on this day, you are likely to encounter bad weather such as wind and rain. Therefore, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, people usually choose to rest at home or stay indoors to do other things.

The Year of the Dragon does not issue, and the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! On the eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb

To sum up, the sentence "The Year of the Dragon does not issue, the first month looks at the eighth day of the first month! The eighth day of the first month, what is the saying depends on the agricultural proverb?" This sentence covers many aspects. From the perspective of weather, "the eighth day of the first month" is an important basis for predicting the fortune of the whole year; from the perspective of safety, "the eighth day of the first month" is also a day that needs to pay attention to safety; from the perspective of agriculture, "the eighth day of the first month" and "the eighth day of rain" are important signs that indicate a good harvest; from the perspective of food culture, "eating cakes on the eighth day of the first month" is a traditional food to pray for a successful career; and finally, from the perspective of travel, "not going out on the eighth day of the first month" is a suggestion to avoid bad weather. These agricultural proverbs are all part of traditional Chinese culture, and they reflect people's awe for nature and life, as well as their desire to pursue a better life.